News, Recipes & Workouts

Make Your Holidays More Metabolic

Having a Merry Christmas doesn't mean you have to gain weight or allow stress to remove all the fun. Here are a few of my favorite things (aka tools) that I use to...

Make Your Holidays More Metabolic

Having a Merry Christmas doesn't mean you have to gain weight or allow stress to remove all the fun. Here are a few of my favorite things (aka tools) that I use to...

Healthier, Firmer, More Radiant Skin Starts At ...

LynFit Nutrition now offers its own pure skincare products under the LynFit brand. That's right, the same brand of Martha Stewart and Dr. Oz-approved nutritional supplements and incredibly delicious, metabolic boosting...

Healthier, Firmer, More Radiant Skin Starts At ...

LynFit Nutrition now offers its own pure skincare products under the LynFit brand. That's right, the same brand of Martha Stewart and Dr. Oz-approved nutritional supplements and incredibly delicious, metabolic boosting...

Healthier Ways To Detox Without Hurting Your Me...

Let's be honest, overindulging happens. The holidays have just begun, and they don’t end with the New Year. Our body doesn't know that it's Thanksgiving or Christmas, so it doesn’t...

Healthier Ways To Detox Without Hurting Your Me...

Let's be honest, overindulging happens. The holidays have just begun, and they don’t end with the New Year. Our body doesn't know that it's Thanksgiving or Christmas, so it doesn’t...

A More Metabolic Boosting Thanksgiving

Wanna make your Thanksgiving more metabolic and avoid the dreaded holidayweight gain? What could make you more grateful than eating delicious food with the people you love and not gaining an...

A More Metabolic Boosting Thanksgiving

Wanna make your Thanksgiving more metabolic and avoid the dreaded holidayweight gain? What could make you more grateful than eating delicious food with the people you love and not gaining an...

The Supplements You Need To Survive The Holiday...

If you're like me, the stress of the holiday season, combined with travel and being exposed to sick family members, can really take its toll on health and negatively affect our...

The Supplements You Need To Survive The Holiday...

If you're like me, the stress of the holiday season, combined with travel and being exposed to sick family members, can really take its toll on health and negatively affect our...

Diets Don't Work, But Living A Leaner Lifestyle...

If you're like me, and I’m guessing you are since you're reading this, you already know how addicting sugar and carbs can be. For me, they were (past tense) the...

Diets Don't Work, But Living A Leaner Lifestyle...

If you're like me, and I’m guessing you are since you're reading this, you already know how addicting sugar and carbs can be. For me, they were (past tense) the...