Get Your Mojo Back With Natural Energy Boosters

Get Your Mojo Back

Do you wake up in the morning not feeling refreshed — even after a full night's sleep? You're not alone. Fatigue and lack of energy are the #1 health complaint of all ages. Lack of energy is the very reason most diets fail.

Fatigue is largely responsible for our national obesity epidemic and our growing waistlines. Fatigue causes us to crave sugar and carbs and all the wrong foods. Fatigue has also been known to escalate mood swings and irritability. Fatigue may also be one of the reasons that depression is on the rise. 

If you feel tired all the time, your body is trying to tell you something. If you listen to it (your body), you just might learn the reason "why" you're tired all the time. Energy—it controls every system in your body, including your metabolism and health.

So if you're ready to get your mojo back, you just might be surprised at how simple the solution may be. Here are the Top 4 reasons you're always tired and the simple solutions to boost your energy.....

PROBLEM #1: Too little sleep and lack of quality (restorative) sleep.

SOLUTION: Swap out the liver-clogging sleep aid drugs you may now be using for melatonin, which is a natural approach that won't clog your liver or harm your health. This is what's making you tired. With melatonin, you'll not only have the best night's sleep of your life, but you'll also be helping to burn off belly fat. 

Melatonin is a hormone that your pineal gland secretes if working properly. Too much artificial light from cell phones and tablets, too late at night, as well as working the night shift or staying busy until too late in the night, can throw this delicate balance off, making it difficult to sleep. This is bad news because melatonin maintains the circadian rhythms of your body, causing stress levels to rise, making it easier to gain weight around your midsection.

Adults need 7–9 hours of sleep each night so you should aim for at least that amount. Take 1–2 melatonin at 9 p.m. every night to sleep leaner and wake up feeling refreshed. 

The Journal of Pineal Research published a study* that confirms that melatonin is an important regulator of brown fat, a good-for-you fat that burns calories instead of storing them, thereby ramping up the body's metabolism. 

NOTE: Not all melatonin is created equal. You need a high-quality melatonin like LynFit Lean Sleep that's made from pharmaceutical-grade ingredients. LynFit Lean Sleep is not combined with any liver clogging or other ingredients that might interfere with your sleep and stop fat loss.

PROBLEM #2: We don't eat enough energy-boosting protein. This makes you feel exhausted from the moment you wake up, as well as causing cravings for all the wrong kinds of food that are full of caffeine and sugar. Even worse, this lack of energy-boosting protein causes weight gain. Protein is often the most ignored nutrient (especially in women). In addition to affecting energy levels, it can adversely affect muscle tone. That's why you get "jiggly arms."

Most of us are living on either gourmet coffees or juices, and we think they're good for us. An hour later our energy is crashing again due to the abundance of sugar they contain. They lack the nutrients needed to protect our health and boost energy. This sets up a vicious cycle of depending on these expensive drinks that zap our energy and rob our health.

SOLUTION: Swap out your sugar-loaded coffee or juice with whey instead. It's easy—swap out your daily coffee drink or juice (even if you're juicing at home) for a cleaner, healthier, metabolic boosting whey Protein Shake instead. You'll save time, money, and your weight gain for a sustainable energy boost that will rev up your metabolism by 25 percent while blocking cortisol (the fat-storing stress hormone).

Whey contains amino acids, specifically tyrosine, that can also be found in eggs and other foods. Tyrosine helps you feel more alert and helps promote physical and mental energy while boosting your mood. 

NOTE: Not all protein shakes are created equal. LynFit Whey is the best protein shake money can buy. It's made from the highest quality pure whey that's been purified (a process that removes all the lactose), so your body absorbs the nutrients faster. LynFit never mixes it with inferior sources of protein like vegan proteins, soy, or dairy products. That's why LynFit Whey can be called the metabolic boosting protein that leads to a more energized you.

PROBLEM #3: The afternoon "dead zone" when it seems your energy bottom falls out. After lunch, when you're exhausted and can't focus on work let alone get your workout in, most of us grab the wrong foods when we need a pick-me-up. This sets us off into a negative feedback food loop.

What you might not know can zap your energy and cause weight gain. You see, most commercially purchased protein and cereal bars are loaded with sugars, fats, and unidentifiable carbs that cause weight gain. To put it bluntly, most contain the wrong nutrients for your body, despite what their label might claim. In fact, most of the protein bars we all eat don't even have enough protein in them to be classified as a "protein" bar. But they do pack a punch, due to one thing — sugar! Some of these so-called protein bars have more sugar in them than a handful of your favorite candy.

SOLUTION: Replace your current snack with a LynFit Lean Bar, or anytime you feel like you're getting into energy trouble. Make the LynFit Lean Bar your go-to food. You'll save calories and boost your health and weight loss. I always have at least three LynFit Lean Bars with me at all times, especially when I travel. That way I'm never stuck at the mercy of these stores that sell nothing but expensive
carbohydrates that zap energy and stop fat loss. Actually, in the long run, they will make you hungrier. Ultimately, it's all about making better choices.

LynFit Lean Bars are unique because they are custom blended with 20 grams of the highest quality protein you can buy. Each bar contains 10 grams of prebiotic fiber, which is excellent for your digestive health.

Prebiotic fiber is a special health producing fiber that slows the digestion of your food, allowing your body to better utilize the nutrients over the course of several hours vs. the body being flooded with nutrients all at once that can't be absorbed, and ultimately stored as fat.

That's why LynFit Lean Bar is the only protein bar that can say it boosts metabolism and kills cravings. This slow release of protein, combined with the 10 grams of fiber, make your snack more satisfying. You'll feel fuller faster and longer, meaning you'll eat less while maintaining higher energy levels throughout the day. The side effect? You'll burn more calories; you'll be leaner, and you'll feel better.

PROBLEM #4: Your body lacks the critical essential nutrients that it needs to stay energized and healthy. Stress, weight loss, workouts, and drinking can deplete your body quickly, which increases your nutritional needs. Most of us are going the quick fix route instead of identifying the root of the problem that's causing the fatigue. Products like Red Bull and 5-Hour Energy supplements might provide a quick fix but may leave your body worse off and nutrient-depleted. This is why you crash and feel your energy has been zapped.

SOLUTION: Grab a shot of LynFit Daily Power Shot every day to nourish your body and boost energy fast — without crashes. Most of us have bodies that are depleted and deficient in vitamins and minerals from the normal stress of life. 

The best time to take a LynFit Daily Power Shot is.....anytime. Take a shot of health when you need it the most (first thing in the morning works wonders) instead of reaching for that donut or coffee, filled with cream and sugar. Take a shot before your workout, before a big test, or before going out for a long evening.

Take it straight up, shot style. Or, add it into your LynFit Complete Protein Shake every morning for a tropical blast of natural energy. You can also add it to your water for a delicious hydrating, energizing water. Try making ice cubes with LynFit Daily Power Shot and use them to cool your water and energize you.

LynFit Daily Power Shot is in a class all by itself because it's the only supplement of its kind that naturally energizes you. The secret lies in the ingredients. LynFit Daily Power Shot contains over 90 essential nutrients and 60 trace minerals. Your body doesn't make minerals, and that's why it's essential that you take your LynFit Daily Power Shot daily to replenish them. 

What really makes this product unique is that it's a delicious liquid in what's called a colloidal form. Colloidal means "small," and this allows it to easily slip into your cells to be used. This also means that it gets absorbed faster, so you feel better right away — no waiting or vitamin burps.

Better digestibility is especially important for anyone with digestive issues such as hypothyroidism, IBS, Chron's disease, or any health ailment for that matter. It's all about what you absorb. 

Boost your energy naturally today. A nourished body is a healthy body, and a healthy body loses weight easier!

*University of Granada. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 September 2013.

Fat Burners To Make Weight Loss Faster & Easier

LynFit Fat Burners

So, you didn't lose the weight you wanted to or lean out enough to put those shorts on this summer. It may be time to use fat burning tools to help rid you of that stubborn weight. Fat burners can help you more than you may realize, especially if you're already drinking LynFit Protein Shakes or eating LynFit Lean Bars for breakfast to boost your metabolism. This article will teach you how to give fat loss a 1-2-3 punch, so even the most stubborn body fat can be burned off.

Maybe you're already doing all these things:

So how can fat burners help you? Simple—these supplements can help you lose twice as much weight in ½ the time while aiding in melting off stubborn belly fat by creating the fat burning environment needed to see results.

I've found from my many years of working with celebrities, pro fitness models, and bodybuilders, that in addition to cleaning up their diets and getting them on a workout plan they can do consistently, they always get better results when they stack the right combination of fat loss supplements. This is known as lipotropics. Lipotropics are natural supplements that help your body use stored energy while sparing lean muscle tissue.  

Adding the right fat burners to your program gives you an extra edge that may be needed to jumpstart your weight loss. Here are my recommendations when it comes to the supplements you should be adding to your plan—your fat loss stack.


LynFit Cutting Edge does exactly what the name indicates—gives you the cutting edge when it comes to fat loss. This blended supplement contains the most effective ingredients in the exact amounts your body needs for effective, advanced fat burning, without stimulants or harmful ingredients.

LynFit Cutting Edge contains over a dozen of the most effective fat loss nutrients, but in this article, I will cover only a few (more on the remaining ingredients later). 

Nutrients found in LynFit Cutting Edge are also involved in the metabolism of fats and the conversion of protein and fat into usable energy, so you use more (burn it off) and store less. Without these fat loss nutrients, your body cannot adequately metabolize fat, unless you're one of those lucky ones who lives naturally lean without trying (not me!).

B vitamins (also known as B Lean nutrients) activate the fat loss process while helping your body break down and utilize the food you eat. 

    • Choline: The B vitamin is the first fat burning soldier among the lipotropic ingredients. Its main function is to regulate the amount of fat that accumulates in the liver. The liver is one of the body's storage sites for excess fat. Choline also helps to emulsify cholesterol, preventing it from up artery walls or the gall bladder. Furthermore, Choline helps rid the body of toxins, poisons, and any drug residues. This especially important as these toxins can prevent or slow fat loss.

      Everyone, especially any family members that aren't eating right, should be on this health-protecting supplement. While LynFit Cutting Edge is a great fat burner, it's also a great health builder.

    • Inositol: Inositol is Choline's partner-in-crime and is closely related. This nutrient stimulates the body's production of lecithin—a lipid-based component in the body that transports fat from the liver to the cells to be used as energy. Inositol is an important player because it regulates the fat metabolism, allowing you to get lean more quickly while your body stays healthier. Inositol also helps to reduce cholesterol by preventing build-up in the arteries that lead to narrowing.

    • L-Carnitine: L-Carnitine is one of the very best fat burners. It is made by the body but can also be found in foods; namely, the ones you shouldn't be eating if you're trying to get lean—such as red meat. That's why supplementing is critical when it comes to fat loss. L-Carnitine's main function is to transport fat that's floating around and carry it into the cells to be burned off as energy. That how it got its name, "The Transporter." 

      This is even more important if you work out because it snags fat while it's circulating around after you've worked out and makes sure it gets transported into the cells and burned off instead of being re-stored. When we work out, there's no guarantee that the fat that's released is burned off. That's why even the leanest fitness models and bodybuilders take (2) LynFit Cutting Edge before they work out, and again afterward, despite their diets being as lean as possible. (Did you know that even the leanest foods can be converted to fat if you overeat?)

      L-Carnitine is a superstar because it also stimulates the adrenal glands, aiding in reducing inflammation, further helping the body use its stored fat as fuel. 

      L-Carnitine also helps repair muscles, joints, and the liver—good news if you're trying to get lean or have heart disease.

    • Chromium: Adding this mineral to LynFit Cutting Edge is a no-brainer because it's been shown to help reduce blood sugar levels/glucose tolerance. Why is that important? Helping your body deal with glucose means that glucose gets transported to be burned off and used for energy instead of being stored as body fat. This keeps energy levels balanced, avoiding low blood sugar levels. 

      To make a long story short—fat loss is almost impossible unless you manage your blood sugar levels. The more weight you have to lose, and the more fat you store around your stomach, hips, and thighs, the more you need help when it comes to jumpstarting your weight loss and melting fat from your matter how much you exercise. 

      This is one of the most overlooked steps when it comes to weight loss. It's actually what makes LynFit programs different from all the rest. It's why they work so much faster. LynFit programs attack the source of the problem—it's all about blood sugar. If you can lower your blood sugar levels, you will lose weight. However, we live in the real world, and we don't always eat like we're supposed to. That's where a little support from the smart use of safe supplements comes in. 

Here are sample metabolic boosting usage schedules. Take note to always take your supplements with a full glass of water, and drink it all. Better yet, open the capsules and pour the contents in your LynFit Complete Protein Shake for maximum absorption. (NOTE: This may change the flavor of your shake a little so practice first and make sure you can handle it.)

    • Metabolic Boosting Usage
      (1) LynFit Cutting Edge 3x daily: Breakfast, Lunch, 3 p.m.
      (1) LynFit Carb Edge 3x daily along with LynFit Cutting Edge

    • Advanced Fat Loss
      Add (1) LynFit Cutting Edge before you work and again at 3 p.m.
      Take (1) LynFit Carb Ege 2–3 times daily — lunch time and 3 p.m.

    • Bodybuilding/Muscle Up to Melt Fat
      Take (1) LynFit Cutting Edge before and after you work out
      Take (1) LynFit Carb Edge with breakfast and again at lunch

    • Cheat Day: Everyone should take as follows
      (1) LynFit Cutting Edge with breakfast, (1) again at lunch, and another (1) right before you cheat
      (1) LynFit Carb Edge at lunch and (2) before your cheat meal to block the unwanted carbs from being absorbed without causing any dietary distress

      This also helps to keep your blood sugar levels in check, so it's like eating more and storing less. Can you say prevention?

      Cheat days are the most important days to make sure and take your supplements. It's best to take them 30 minutes before you indulge. What's more important is that you take them even if it's after or during your upzig (planned cheat) to offset any damage you may be doing.

For even more optimal results, add (1) capsule of LynFit Accelerator at breakfast and again at lunch to accelerate the fat burning process while helping to keep hunger and cravings at a manageable level. 


Adding LynFit Carb Edge to this fat blasting army is your first line of defense to help kill cravings and lower blood sugar levels. This is the secret to effectively burning stubborn belly fat. It is the carb blocking fat burner. 

Taking (1) LynFit Carb Edge capsule is like taking over 22 different metabolic boosting, carb blocking, craving-killing, blood sugar managers and fat burning agents all in one. LynFit Carb Edge is the best way to naturally trigger your weight loss without any nervous jitters. It will help you decrease calories without causing you to feel hungry or tired all day. You will not only lose weight using LynFit Carb Edge, but you will also keep it off. It is not only good for weight loss, but it's imperative for a good maintenance program. It is the best way to restrict your appetite, saving you thousands on your grocery bill.

This level of blood sugar management flips the hunger and cravings switch off, making it easier to stick to your weight loss plan. You'll also spend less time in the gym while losing weight faster and easier than ever before. With LynFit Carb Edge, you're getting everything your body needs to make losing weight faster and easier; all in a high quality concentrated dose to jumpstart your weight loss naturally. And all this in one supplement.


Add LynFit Pure Omega 3 to the mix and you're really going to see and feel the difference. Even your doctor will notice the difference the next time you have blood drawn. You'll be healthfully nourished, and here's why: The omegas found in fatty fish and LynFit Pure Omega 3 are a very special dietary fat that has a long list of health benefits—too many to list here in this article.

One of the many benefits is that it's helpful when it comes to melting fat in stubborn areas. The DHA and EPA that this high-level Omega 3 contains help speed up the loss of body fat while preserving lean muscle tissue when trying to lose weight, keeping the metabolism from slowing down. 

Unlike eating fats, Omega 3 is almost never stored as body fat. Even if you're eating fatty fish such as salmon twice weekly it's still a good idea to add LynFit Pure Omega 3 to your stacking strategy. LynFit Pure Omega 3 is unique in that it contains the exact amounts of DHA and EPA your body needs. It is purified (that's how it got its name) to remove any contaminants so all you get is an Omega 3 that's so pure you'll see and feel the difference the very first time you take it.

Store-bought brands don't deliver these results, and that's the very reason you'll never find a LynFit product in any store. We refuse to lower the quality, and we keep our standards too high for any store to make a profit. My whole family takes LynFit Pure Omega 3, even our five dogs, two ferrets, and a hedgehog—all rescues. Only LynFit Pure Omega 3 contains the ultra-concentrated natural marine lipids, which is where Omega 3 fatty acids are found in pharmaceutical dosed recommendations. Not all commercially available Omega 3s have the fats you need, and some may even contain the fats you don't need. 

Take the test and see for yourself. In two weeks of taking LynFit Pure Omega 3, you'll be able to see the dramatic results of cholesterol and triglyceride lowering effect on your blood tests. The doctor will wonder what you've been doing to get those results. 

I suggest you take 1–2 LynFit Pure Omega 3 daily. I take mine at 3 p.m. with my afternoon Complete Protein Shake to help balance blood sugar levels, boost mood, and keep me feeling full, so I don't end up snacking. I take another at bedtime along with my LynFit Lean Sleep to help me sleep deeper and stay asleep longer without waking up. Taking it at night also helps my body repair while I'm sleeping, so I wake up less achy.

I hope you have a great summer and keep it lean!

P.S. Hopefully you're drinking LynFit Complete Protein Shakes for breakfast to boost your metabolism by 25 percent and block cortisol levels (stress hormones that stop fat loss). Make sure you're not adding almond milk or fruit to them. You want your body to stay in constant fat loss mode, helping you stay lean while you're enjoying life in the real world.

Only LynFit Complete Protein is ultra-purified to remove the lactose (the sugar found in most protein shakes, yogurts, and smoothies that cause stomach distress and is better used for weight gain). This quality and purity are what make LynFit Complete Protein the very best protein you can buy. If you're not seeing results, you're not using LynFit. 

LynFit Complete Protein contains the highest amount of leucine, which is critical to losing weight and keeping it off. Leucine is used to help the body manufacture the mini acid, alanine. Alanine is used to produce glucose in the liver which means you have more fuel circulating in your body while you're dieting, helping to spare your muscles from being used as fuel; also known as muscle wasting. 

LynFit is also the only company who uses the same high quality, ultra-filtered, whey protein in their protein bars. Other protein bars use the whey that is thrown away to reduce costs, but it also reduces their effectiveness when it comes to losing weight and shedding body fat.

That's the LynFit Difference!


Studies used for article research:

  • Melvin H Williams. Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance: Introduction and Vitamins. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2004;1(2):1–6. [PMC free article] [PubMed] 
  • National Academy of Sciences. Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Vol. 2. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2000. [PubMed] 
  • Hirsch MJ, Growdon JH, Wurtman RJ. Relations between dietary choline or lecithin intake, serum choline levels, and various metabolic indices. Metabolism. 1978;27(8):953–960. [PubMed] 
  • Kanter MM, Williams MH. Antioxidants, carnitine, and choline as putative ergogenic aids. Int J Sport Nutr. 1995;5(Suppl):120–31. [PubMed] 
  • Chromium - Modern Nutrition In Health and Disease, Eighth Ed., 1994. Shils, Olson and Shike, eds. 
  • Willett WC. The role of dietary n-6 fatty acids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. J Cardiovasc Med. (Hagerstown). 2007; 8 Suppl 1:S42-5. 
  • Mozaffarian D, Ascherio A, Hu FB, et al. Interplay between different polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in men.Circulation. 2005; 111:157-64. 
  • Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, Michaud DS, et al. Dietary intake of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids and the risk of prostate cancer. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004; 80:204-16. 
  • Koralek DO, Peters U, Andriole G, et al. A prospective study of dietary alpha-linolenic acid and the risk of prostate cancer (United States). Cancer Causes Control. 2006; 17:783-91.10.
  • Eilander A, Hundscheid DC, Osendarp SJ, Transler C, Zock PL. Effects of n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on visual and cognitive development throughout childhood: a review of human studies. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2007; 76:189-203.

July Accelerated Fat Loss Challenge

July Accelerated Fat Loss Challenge

It's never too late to lose weight and boost your fat loss. LynFit's "Lose 7 Pounds in 7 Days" is exactly what's needed to jumpstart your weight loss and help you reach your fitness goals, or at least get you started in the right direction.

Are you ready to take the challenge?

You may have already figured out that the change you're dreaming about happens outside your comfort zone. Challenging yourself is the best way to lose weight, boost fat loss, and tighten and tone up your body. All you need is a willingness to change and allow LynFit's metabolic boosting weight loss system to do the work for you......well, almost all the work. The first piece of work you will need to do is DECIDE to finally do it. After that, this metabolic boosting system will make it so much easier and faster for you.

Who should take this challenge?

Anyone with the desire to lose weight, melt fat, become healthier, and more fit should take the challenge. For fast, easier weight loss, you'll need to eat specifically for fat loss. We provide you with that plan. If you choose to work out, we provide you with a 7-day workout plan below. While it's important to work out to tighten and tone, you don't have to in order to lose weight.

What will you need?

You'll need the Advanced Metabolic Boosting Lose 1 Pound Per Day Meal Plan and Food List (this plan also comes with the LynFit Lose 1 Pound Per Day Kit). You should also have the LynFit Protein Shake Recipes readily available.

For metabolic boosting workouts, you should have the Metabolic Boosting Workout for Weight Loss and Fat Blasting DVD (included for a limited time in the LynFit Lose 1 Pound Per Day Kit). You may also download it from This workout will help to tighten and tone your body as you lose weight.

You'll need at least one of the following meal replacements because you'll be replacing two meals daily for faster weight loss. Use of LynFit products specifically will help to keep your metabolism from slowing down while you decrease caloric intake. Vegan and other products are not guaranteed to do this due to their lack of amino acids. They also contain a high sugar concentration that will do nothing to help you in your weight loss. So for the best results, use only LynFit products. Your health and weight loss depends on it.
NOTE: You may use LynFit Lean Bars instead of LynFit Complete Protein Shakes, or a combination of the two, to beat boredom. It's important to note, however, that the two-shake daily plan is the fast road to weight loss. If you prefer to go slower, you can have the shake or lean bar for breakfast and a lean protein from the list with a salad for lunch.

These products naturally and safely boost your metabolism and make it easier to lose weight. They are irresistibly delicious, so you'll start to crave the right things. An added benefit is they also nourish your hair, skin, and nails. 

Do you have to use supplements for this challenge?

No, supplements aren't required, but research shows that the smart use of safe, high-quality supplements can boost your results, helping you lose twice as much weight in ½ the time.

For 28+ years I've been suggesting that my clients use the following supplement stack for the best results. More importantly, it ensures that your body stays healthy, because losing weight can be stressful, and you live in the real, stressful world.

LynFit All-Natural Medicine Cabinet

You can add exercise every day and easily radically transform your body and your life.

These custom blended supplements work best when used together. Stop taking all other supplements while boosting your metabolism so you don't interfere with the process.

Let's take a closer look at these custom blended supplements:

    • LYNFIT CARB EDGE (Take two times daily per the Advanced Metabolic Boosting Meal Plan)
      LynFit Carb Edge lowers blood sugar levels which kill cravings and reduces hunger. It also helps to enhance thyroid output, preventing it from slowing down while dieting for fat loss. LynFit Carb Edge acts as an emergency cheat and eat protection, helping to block up to 65 percent of carbs from being absorbed. It's like eating more but absorbing less, without any side effects.
      It's important to take LynFit Carb Edge on your not-so-good eating days as well as your clean eating days, even if you don't eat processed carbs because it helps lower blood sugar levels.
      Make sure you take LynFit Carb Edge twice daily, especially before a planned cheat day. It's crucial that you take this at least one hour before any upzig meal. So be sure to bring it with you to your next party or social gathering.
    • LYNFIT ACCELERATOR (Can be taken alone or in combination with the LynFit Fat Loss Trio)
      LynFit Accelerator accelerates the process by flipping the weight gain switch from on to off by crushing cravings for sweets and carbs. It enhances mood and focus, so you feel better and stay energized while losing weight.


Sometimes life gets in the way and aches, pains, constipation, sleepless nights and allergies can sidetrack even the best-laid plans. That's where the LynFit All-Natural Medicine Cabinet comes in. Commercially purchased over-the-counter sleep aids and pain relievers can negatively affect your metabolism, making it even harder to lose that stubborn weight. But, you don't need to suffer—the LynFit All-Natural Medicine Cabinet is the answer to your toughest health issues. These supplements are specifically designed to quickly help relieve your symptoms while helping to enhance your weight loss.

These supplements aren't required for weight loss, but every household should be stocked with them just the same. It's always better for your health and weight loss to take a natural approach.

      For anyone who is stressed or trying to lose weight, LynFit’s Vitamin D3 Boost is the perfect way to nourish your body, boost bone strength and immunity.
      Take one caplet in the morning and again at lunch.

      LynFit's Pure Omega-3 is the first purified fish oil supplement geared specifically towards weight loss. It reduces inflammation and relieves pain while helping to balance blood sugar levels and providing a feeling of fullness. 
      Take one gel cap at 3 p.m. and one at bedtime.
      LynFit Lean Sleep is a drug-free sleep aid for the relief of occasional sleeplessness that can contribute to abdominal fat storage. It will help you sleep better while lowering cortisol levels, making it easier to melt off stubborn belly fat. Everyone who lives in the real world with stress should be taking LynFit Lean Sleep.
      Take 1–2 tablets at 9 p.m.
      LynFit Daily Power Shot nourishes your body with over 90 essential nutrients and 60 trace minerals. Weight loss, workouts, and the normal demands of life, increase nutritional needs. For most of us, our body doesn't digest the big hard caplets well, which is why we never feel any different.....until now. Take one shot of LynFit Daily Power Shot daily to give your health and energy a boost, and you'll feel energized and nourished right away. A healthy body loses weight easier.
      Take one shot of LynFit Daily Power Shot when needed or mid-morning. Take another before your workout if you work out later in the day.
      LynFit Recovery Agent to the rescue! Aches, pains, or other health ailments can take you off track and negatively affect your overall health and wellness. LynFit Recovery Agent can help without hurting your weight loss or clogging your liver. Take as directed on the label and within the hour you'll forget you were hurting. Be consistent and you'll see the wonderful benefits LynFit Recovery Agent provides.

    Every home needs a natural medicine cabinet and with the products above you can't find a better way to protect your health. At LynFit, we believe prevention is the best solution, and it's better to address the underlying issues than to simply remove symptoms without dealing with the root cause. 

    What are the metabolic boosting workouts mentioned above?

    You're expecting amazing results, and you'll get just that, especially if you can put in 30 minutes every day for the next seven days. You're guaranteed to be tighter, more toned and flexible. All you need is the willingness to change.

    Don't have 30 minutes? Do 10 or 15 minutes at one time and then go back later to complete the remaining 30 minutes. Do what you can, when you can. Studies prove that even one minute of this specific type of exercise can help you become more fit. All I ask is that you do your best, for yourself.

    Find it too hard? Go at your own pace. Everyone starts the same way. Go slow, do modified or smaller moves, rest as needed, and use lighter weights. If all else fails, choose one exercise that you'll do every day.

    The Accelerated Metabolic Boosting Workout is different in that it uses a technique we professionals use. It pushes you more frequently than you would normally train. That's one reason you need to use supplements the way professionals do. I've been using it for 25+ years to transform the toughest bodies and create sensational before and afters that changes lives for the better.

    Here's the plan (follow along with the LynFit Leaner Lifestyle Metabolic Workout for Weight Loss and Fat Blasting DVD):

      • Day 1: Metabolic boost
      • Day 2: Lean core
      • Day 3: Metabolic boost
      • Day 4: Recovery stretch
      • Day 5: Metabolic boost
      • Day 6: Lean core
      • Day 7: Metabolic boost

    It's always best to walk at least 10,000 steps daily, in addition to your weight work. The more effort you put in, the better your results will be.

    NOTE: Prefer to refer to photos instead? The Accelerated Metabolic Boosting Workout and stretches can be found in "The Metabolism Solution" book. Don't have one? We can send you one—just ask.

    LynFit believes prevention is the best solution, and it's better to address the underlying issues than to simply remove symptoms without dealing with the cause. That's why we use only the highest pharmaceutical quality ingredients, so you see and feel results fast. My whole family uses these products. If they aren't safe enough to give to my mother and kids, I won't sell them!

    Keep in mind that to get extra special results it's going to take an extra special dose of everything you've got. So it's going to require you to make the decision right now to BELIEVE. BEGIN. BECOME. Commit yourself to a 7-day, 7-pound weight loss challenge. After all, all you have to lose is weight! 

    Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Tired?

    Fatigue and lack of energy are the #1 health complaint of all ages. In fact, lack of energy is why most diets end up failing. Most of us go around complaining about being sick and tired of being tired all the time.

    The truth is, if you're tired all the time, your body is trying to tell you something. If you listen to it, you just might learn why you're tired all the time, even after having a good night's sleep. The solutions are easier than you think and can reboot your energy fast.

    PROBLEM #1: Lack of Quality Sleep
    GAME PLAN: Swap out the liver clogging drugs for a more natural approach that won’t harm your health, which is what makes you tired. You'll not only have the best night’s sleep in your life, but you'll also be helping to burn off belly fat.

    LynFit Lean Sleep is the perfect natural remedy. LynFit Lean Sleep is a drug-free sleep aid for the relief of occasional sleeplessness that can contribute to abdominal fat storage. It promotes restful sleep and better overall health while reducing anxiety that causes fat to be stored. It is specifically designed for weight loss.

    Most sleep aids are made with ingredients that slow our metabolisms and interfere with weight loss. LynFit's Lean Sleep is made from the highest quality melatonin that works fast and will not leave you feeling groggy in the morning or slow down your metabolism the way other sleep aids will.

    PROBLEM #2: Poor Dietary Habits — Not eating enough protein
    GAME PLAN: Eat at least one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass/weight (your goal weight), making sure to choose the best sources of lean protein. You should be choosing from whey such as LynFit Complete Protein (whey has the highest PER—Protein Efficiency Rating), fish, and egg whites.

    You should be starting your day with whey instead of carbs and excess sugars, which are commonly found in fruits.

    Snack during the day on lean, clean protein. Swap out the high-sugar protein bars, shakes, and gourmet coffees for a leaner snack that provides more sustainable energy, so you don't crash later on in the day.

    Have a 4–5 oz. portion of fish for dinner—you get more protein with fewer calories than eating chicken. Fish is easier to digest, and you'll reap the benefits faster vs. a slower, high-fat protein. Have you noticed how tired you feel after eating a steak? Now you know why.
    NOTE: If you are working out or over age 40, your needs may be even higher. Choose your proteins wisely or you're likely to take in too much fat.

    PROBLEM #3: Your Body Lacks the Essential Nutrients It Needs to Stay Healthy —Stress, weight loss, workouts, and alcohol can deplete your body quickly which increases your nutritional needs.
    GAME PLAN: Nourish with LynFit Daily Power Shot daily. LynFit Daily Power Shot contains over 90 nutrients and 60 trace minerals (your body doesn't produce minerals). 

    Nourishing your body with LynFit Daily Power Shot is even more important for anyone who has health issues, is hypothyroid, or works out. Swap out the branded energy drinks you see on television that may provide a "quick fix" but leave your body even more depleted and undernourished. Take a shot of LynFit Daily Power Shot instead and nourish your body while boosting your energy naturally.

    Why should you take LynFit Daily Power Shot every day?

      • Fast and easy to drink
      • Delicious tropical flavor
      • Zero sugar added
      • Ony 4 calories
      • Contains B vitamins, trace minerals, antioxidants, and Omega 3
      • No caffeine
      • Non-carbonated

    LynFit Daily Power Shot is made for busy people like you and me. Finding the energy for work and family is hard enough. When you add stress to the mix, combined with sleepless nights, you wind up with needless suffering during the day. That's where LynFit Daily Power Shot comes in. Instead of running for more coffee or grabbing a soda, take a shot of LynFit Daily Power Shot instead. It nourishes your body with exactly what it needs, so you don't hit that wall and run yourself into the ground.

    What's in LynFit Daily Power Shot? It's the only supplement of its kind that's formulated with over 90 essential nutrients and 60 trace minerals, as well as unique herbal ingredients such as cats claw and Ginkgo Biloba, just to name a couple. 

    The key ingredients in LynFit Daily Power Shot are found in nature every day. Foods like leafy greens, broccoli, kale, apples, oranges, chicken, and fish. The problem is you'd have to practically eat your body weight in these foods to supply your body with what it needs to stay healthy and full of energy all day long. LynFit Daily Power Shot makes nourishing your body fast and easy. LynFit Daily Power Shot contains no artificial ingredients or food coloring. It is simply the best way to take your vitamins!

    It's Time To Take A New Approach To Weight Loss

    If you have tried every diet on the planet, and no matter what you do you just can't seem to lose weight or get rid of that belly fat, it's time to take a new approach. When it comes to losing weight and changing the way your body looks four simple steps could make weight loss practically effortless. No matter how old you are or how sluggish your metabolism is, this plan works every time. 

    I was recently on KTNV TV in Las Vegas where we discussed in depth this fast fat-melting approach. Below is a brief transcript of that interview. 

    HOST: What makes this plan so much more effective than the other plans that are available? 

    LL: This plan addresses the metabolism issues that are at the center of the problem. Being overweight, eating less in order to lose weight, low energy, age, being female as well as being a "diet researcher" (trying all of the diets) all affect our metabolism making it slower. With each issue mentioned, it makes losing weight impossible unless you address the underlying problem—the speed of your metabolism. But that's not all. This system is backed by science and address’s all of the issues we all struggle with when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off.

    HOST: I struggle myself with issues like low energy and cravings. It seems like I have to work twice as hard as my friends to lose weight. I can't seem to get to the gym every day. Does Metabolic Boosting help overcome these issues? Do we have to exercise to lose weight if we use “The Metabolic Boosting” plan?

    LL: I was 40 pounds overweight and had tried every diet including becoming vegetarian and over-exercising. I gained weight until I learned these safe, yet highly effective, all-natural methods that can boost even the most sluggish metabolisms. Including metabolisms that are negatively affected by hypothyroidism and menopausal symptoms. In fact, it's the only way to lose weight if your one of these types. No excuses needed.

    Here are 4 Simple Steps that anyone can do—no exercise needed. In fact, the wrong exercise or over-exercising can slow down the process.

    Step 1: Boost your Metabolism by 25 percent at breakfast with a delicious Complete Protein Metabolic Boosting Smoothie.
    Only LynFit's Complete Protein has the right combination of high-quality protein, low carbs, low sugar and almost no fat. Unlike other store bought
    smoothies, LynFit's Complete Protein encourages weight loss vs. weight gain. That results in the 1 pound a day weight loss.

    WHEN? 12 Hours after your last meal.
    HOW MUCH? 2 scoops in coffee or water equal no excess calories.

    Step 2: Take LynFit Accelerator and jump start your metabolism naturally.
    This step accelerates the weight loss process naturally and is highly effective at recalibrating your appetite, which helps to keep you feeling fuller longer. LynFit Accelerator kills cravings while making it easier to burn fat easier due to the raspberry ketones in it.

    WHEN? First thing in the morning with a Complete Protein Shake. You can take them separately, but for the best results it's better to take them together.
    HOW MUCH? One capsule daily
    . Unlike other store-bought brands, you don't need as much, and you'll see better, faster results.

    Step 3: Convince your body to burn off that stubborn fat with LynFit Cutting Edge.
    This step pulls/lures the fat that's circulating in your system and drags it into the cells to be burned off and used as fuel. It also helps reduce cellulite, controls hunger, lowers cholesterol, and accelerates the fat loss process. Making it easier to lose that stubborn unsightly belly fat.

    WHEN? Take this 3 hours after the breakfast
    HOW MUCH? 1 capsule

    Step 4: Boost, Block, and Burn by taking LynFit Carb Edge 3 hours after Step 3.
    Carb Edge helps further reduce and control cravings while lowering blood sugar levels that are responsible for intense cravings. This step is specifically/strategically placed here mid-day as those are the times we crave the most, blood sugar levels rise and our diets get off course. Carb Edge has an added feature we all need… contains White Kidney Bean Extract. If you take it before you cheat and eat carbs, it blocks 65 percent of them from being absorbed, preventing weight gain. Imagine eating a whole donut and absorbing less.

    WHEN: After Step 3 or when needed before meals.
    HOW MUCH? 1 capsule

    When you combine these four simple steps with a fuss-free, no-calorie-counting, delicious, thermogenic dinner, you're guaranteed to lose 1 pound a day.

    The Metabolism Solution plan is the only plan that allows you to lose weight the very same day you start while you're learning how to eat for lifelong weight loss. Why wait to lose when you can lose weight today?

    The Wedding Day Shape-Up Challenge — Not Just For Brides


    Get in shape fast before any special occasion coming up with this Shape-Up Challenge.

    So, it just hit you that you have very little time left to get in shape before the wedding or special occasion. You're not alone. Don't worry, there are tricks that can help you lose weight and get in shape when the calendar is not on your side.

    In fact, brides are the most motivated when it comes to getting in shape and shedding excess body fat. This shape-up challenge isn't just for brides, however. It's for anyone who wants to blast fat and get into shape fast. Anyone can use these simple tricks to reach their goals. If losing weight and getting in shape fell to the bottom of your priority list, this plan is for you.

    Research shows that a sense of urgency is the best motivator. But first, it’s important to believe that you can lose 1 pound per day and see physical changes in the first week. To accomplish this, you’ll have to be disciplined and follow the suggested regimen at least 80 percent of the time.

    You said you wanted fast results, right? Here's the plan, in three simple steps. The Wedding Day Shape up Challenge: Say "I do" to the following advanced techniques for 7, 14, 21 days, or as long as you need.

    1. Blast fat fast by switching to metabolic workouts first thing in the morning on an empty stomach
      Metabolic workouts get you into tip-top shape three times faster than any other workout. They boost your metabolism, so you burn calories all day long. 

      Do (3) 30-minute metabolic workouts at home every week. Walk or save your Pilates and yoga for active rest in between metabolic workouts.

      THINSPIRATION: 80 percent of your weight loss is based on what you eat. The other 20 percent comes from exercise.

    2. Boost your metabolism 25 percent and replace lost nutrients after your workout by drinking a metabolism boosting Whey Protein Shake
      Not just any protein shake will do when you’re trying to tone up, which means to burn off excess fat while firming and tightening without bulk. Only metabolic boosting shakes will recalibrate your appetite and kill cravings, making it easier to stick to your plan. All this while providing the exact amount of protein your body needs without excess calories, sugar or carbs that can bulk you up and stop fat loss. 

      *Note: High-quality whey also helps boost immunity and block cortisol (stress hormone) levels from rising, which is critical when you’re under stress, making it easier to lose belly fat.

    3. Eat more “thermogenic” foods and fewer grains and fats
      This is the simplest way to lose weight, burn fat fast, and boost immunity so you look radiant on your big day. I’ve seen clients drop a pound per day and lose body fat (their abs even started to show) by eating cleaner foods such as; broccoli, cauliflower, egg whites, complete whey protein, white fish, and of course, drinking plenty of water. These are super foods that fill you up quickly. They provide a lot of nutrients that your body needs now more than ever. 

    I recommend a minimum of three to four 30-minute sessions of cardio per week, and (3) 30-minute metabolic boosting workouts. These can be adjusted according to your goals. Some may need to kick your cardio up to five or six times per week. Cardio can be anything from going for a walk or cycling. In fact, that is much easier on your joints and makes you less prone to injuries.

    If you're serious about being a buffed bride and need help, feel free to contact me. I’m happy to answer your questions.

    Fast, Healthy Weight Loss


    Are you getting ready for the beach, graduation, prom or a wedding but can’t stay on your diet and fitness plan? This can be overwhelming for anyone.

    The good news is that anyone can boost their metabolism by doing these two things:

      • Working out first thing in the morning at home, on an empty stomach to boost metabolism and endorphins.
      • When we feel better we eat better it’s that simple. Not to mention metabolic exercise reshapes your body without bulking and boosts metabolism which helps you lose weight and see results within the first week.

    Intense exercise increases cortisol levels temporarily, but metabolic and lower intensity exercise seems to reduce them. University of California researchers say that metabolic exercise may blunt some of the negative effects of stress. Not to mention the increase in endorphins you feel that decrease appetite and increase a feeling of well-being. It's important to note that not all exercise is created equal. Metabolic exercise is the perfect combination of moves without overdoing it, which creates more stress in the body and higher cortisol levels.

    Your morning meal sets the stage for the rest of your day, so start if off right. This step “offsets” calories you eat so if you're not so perfect you still lose weight—guaranteed.

    Boost at breakfast by drinking a metabolic boosting whey protein shake. Whey is full of amino acids that nourish the body, improve mood and boost immunity, while providing lasting energy. Drinking a whey protein shake blocks cortisol to flip the hunger switch back to off.  Whey Protein boosts metabolism 25% and provides natural energy so you feel better fast. It provides the right nutrients your body needs to combat stress, which kills cravings for fast weight loss. Repeat this step for lunch as well.

    You can expect to fall off your diet, so plan for it ahead of time. We are all human and that’s exactly why you drank the shake for breakfast. Most plans don’t allow for this and that's why they fail. It's not your fault but the plan that’s faulty.

    What makes the metabolic boosting strategy so successful (by the way, everyone loses weight on this plan) is that you need your metabolism boosted and running at optimal speed, so when you cheat you don’t gain an ounce. This also makes room for the human things we do.

    Here are a few examples of the “cheats” most people do that stop them from losing weight. Most of the time people will say: “I only ate a little”. Sadly that’s all it takes to stop weight loss.

      • Excess fats: nuts, avocados and cheese  
      • Excessive protein of the wrong kind: Chicken, salmon – more than 3 ounces  
      • Excessive carb intake: fruit, wraps, protein bars , drinks and smoothies

    For more information about these tips and other metabolic boosting steps, refer to "The Metabolism Solution".

    Metabolic Mistakes That Stop Weight Loss


     Click on the video above to watch Lisa on "CT Style" discussing How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

    When it comes to losing weight most of us focus on the big things, but it's the little things that usually keep us from losing weight. Those little things we all do that seem so unimportant that we don’t even write them in our journals.

    What you don’t know can hurt your weight loss. In fact, it may even stop you from losing weight; especially if you're female, over 35 years old, diabetic, or have a thyroid condition (all apply). Don't shoot the messenger. I don't make the rules and I certainly still struggle with some of these myself. If you’re not losing weight, listen up, these are for you.

    Here are the Top 5 Metabolic Mistakes I see on food journals every day that stop weight loss dead in its tracks:

    Metabolic Mistake #1: You Think Juicing Is Good For You

    While juicing does supply some nutrients your body doesn't know the difference between sugar that came from juicing or candy. It still elevates blood sugar levels which stop fat loss and slow weight loss.

    Do this instead: Drink a Complete Whey Protein Shake. You’ll boost your metabolism 25%, block cortisol which helps melt belly fat, and you'll be providing your body with nutrients it needs to stay healthy, allowing you to lose 1 pound per day. Drinking a Complete Protein Shake is fast, easy and delicious. All you have to do is drink. Don't add fruit.

    Metabolic Mistake #2: When It Comes To Weight Loss You Think All Snack Bars Are Created Equal

    Not! In fact, snack bars that cost .50 cents are loaded with nothing but sugar. They are expensive cookies in my book. You know the drill when it comes to sugar and weight loss, the less sugar you eat the easier it is to lose weight.

    Do this instead: Replace your current protein or snack bar with a Lean Bar and you'll boost your metabolism 25%. Lean Bars are made with the same high quality protein that the Complete Protein Shake is made with. You'll lose weight faster and melt belly fat. You’ll also be saving calories, carbs, and fat while adding 10 grams of fiber to your diet. That's always good for weight loss. LynFit Lean Bars are the only protein bar on the market that uses high quality protein. That’s what’s best for weight loss.

    Metabolic Mistake #3: You Eat Too Much Chicken And Salmon

    When it comes to weight loss not all proteins are created equal. Chicken and salmon both have more fat than you realize which adds calories and slows weight loss. It stops belly fat from melting off. We tend to forget to weigh and measure our proteins and this slows our weight loss. Always stick to 3 ounce servings.

    Do this instead: Eat more white fish and less chicken and salmon. Remember, the lighter and whiter the fish the better for your metabolism and the faster and easier it will be for you to lose weight and melt belly fat. If your weight is stuck try eating more white fish and less chicken.

    Metabolic Mistake #4: You Think Fruit Is Good For Weight Loss

    Fruit does have some nutritional value but it also spikes blood sugar the same way juice does. Most of us don't know what a serving size of fruit is. If your weight loss is stuck and you have belly fat you want to melt off eat less fruit, or at least stick to a serving size, which is ½ a cup.

    Do this instead: Swap your fruit for green veggies such as celery, or anything green for that matter, and you'll lose weight faster and feel fuller longer. Vegetables don’t cause blood sugar spikes the way fruit does so you'll feel fuller and eat less. Just make sure you're not dipping it into calorie loaded hummus or high calorie dip. Look for zero calorie dips or salad dressings instead if you’re trying to melt belly fat.

    Metabolic Mistake #5: You think All Exercise Is Created Equal When It Comes To Losing Weight

    While all exercise beats the couch, it's not all great for weight loss. Movement burns calories but exercises like zumba counts as cardiovascular exercise. Yoga which is great for stress relief and stretching and last but not least, Cross Fit, which can be too intense and not only stop weight loss but can cause weight gain unless you're under 30 and live stress free. All exercise is stress to your body but none of these are "the best" when it comes to losing weight and burning excess fat; especially around the hips, butt and thighs.

    Do this instead: Metabolic boosting workouts are the very best when it comes to tightening, firming and reshaping your body. Unlike other forms of exercise, they are specifically geared for weight loss. You’ll see results within one week and they take only 30 minutes to complete. Just three metabolic boosting workouts a week and you’ll be boosting your metabolism making it easier for you to lose weight and melt fat. If you’re not seeing results stop what you're currently doing in the gym and try metabolic boosting workouts for 2 weeks. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your body and how fast you lose weight. Less time plus faster weight loss who doesn't want that?

    For more information about these and other metabolic solutions please refer to my book, "The Metabolism Solution".

    If you keep doing what you've always done you'll get what you've always got. Change requires you to change. So start now, YOUR SOMEDAY IS TODAY. DON'T WAIT ONE MORE SECOND!