News, Recipes & Workouts — fat-burner


7 Pounds Slimmer In 7 Days

Have you ever asked yourself: "Why is America getting heavier every year, but there is a gym on every street corner and a diet for every day of the week?" It's all about the speed of our metabolism, and most of us lack that speed. We're stuck in the slow lane.

Most of what we've been taught about weight loss is all wrong. We're watching TV shows that tell us to eat like cavemen, put butter into our coffee, and to eat avocados to slim our thighs. Not to mention, we actually believe we can eat too little and that slows weight loss. Really? We're living in a way that is damaging our metabolisms, and many of the so-called "healthy" things we do are to blame for our weight gain because they damage our metabolism, slowing it down and making it way too easy to gain weight.

Have you ever had a single bad day of eating and seemed to have gained 2 pounds overnight? The 5 simple slimming solutions below will help you to harness the power of your metabolism, making weight loss faster and easier no matter how slow your metabolism is or how old you are. Safely flip the switch on your metabolism into high gear so you lose weight just as quickly as you gained it. Do these 5 proven strategies and you'll lose 1 pound per day and melt belly fat fast.


Thermogenic eating is not only the best way to lose 1 pound per day but also bust through your weight loss plateaus. Thermogenic eating heats up your metabolism and recalibrates your appetite, switching your cravings to "off". This can be as simple as swapping your usual carb-filled or caveman breakfast for a clean, whey protein shake made with ice and coffee for a Slimming Lean Latte. Remember to wait 12 hours after your last meal to enjoy your smoothie. This one simple step can help you break through your weight loss plateau no matter what plan you're on.

Lean Latte Recipe

Mix the following items together in a shaker cup or blender. Be sure to look for whey that is low-calorie (150 calories or less), less than 5 grams of sugar, dairy free, soy free, and high-grade micro-filtered for the best results.

(2) scoops of whey - Vanilla or Chocolate
(5) ice cubes
(1) teaspoon granulated coffee
½ cup of water
*Do not add fruit or milk of any kind; including coconut or almond milk.


Studies show that vigorous exercise isn't necessary. In fact, it may be your problem. Metabolic workouts are best at fat burning and fast weight loss; not to mention they reshape the body without bulking. You only have to do 3 metabolic workouts weekly to see results in that same week. Want to turbo charge that metabolic workout? Add 10,000 steps daily to blast that fat away.

EXPOSED: When it comes to boosting metabolism, metabolic workouts blow away other workouts such as Pilates, Yoga, and even extreme workouts such as boot camps and cross fit.


The same way we use power tools to make tasks easier, specific nutrients can make losing weight easier by crushing cravings and boosting mood. Sometimes diet and exercise just aren't enough. Most of us already have these natural nutrients in our medicine cabinets. Smart use of these nutrients can stop cravings before they even begin. A few of my favorites are Vitamin D, Omega-3, and B-Complex. For really tough times I depend on Cocoa Bean Powder mixed with green tea for a quick pick-me-up.

The magic is in the timing of these specific nutrients. I suggest taking them 1-2 hours before cravings kick in, as a prevention. My motto has always been; take Omega-3 at 3pm.

SUPPLEMENT ALERT: If you don't see or feel results in 2 weeks using non-LynFit supplements - STOP. You most likely are not going to see results with that regimen. It's important that you only take high quality supplements. You might spend a little more but you'll use less with LynFit supplements, saving you money in the long run and you'll get faster results.


Don't wait. If you're waiting for the perfect time to start losing weight you'll always be waiting. Start now and you can be 1 pound lighter by tomorrow. How much more motivation do you need? Set your default to "yes" and do it today.


Drink warm water with lemon, or hot tea (minus the milk and sugar) in between meals and grab a small green apple mid-afternoon to kill cravings and keep things regular. Most of us just "think" we're hungry. Often it's just thirst. When it comes to water, drink ½ your body weight in ounces daily to keep your metabolism running smoothly. Being dehydrated can slow your metabolism by 3%. Melt fat by drinking more water.

For more metabolism boosting tips and tricks make sure to read my book, "The Metabolism Solution".

Stay Strong! - Lisa

Shop 'Til You Drop The Pounds

'Tis the season, and if you're like me and I'm guessing you are, that means countless things to do; which includes lots and lots of shopping intervals. All that shopping means that sometimes the exercise goes by the wayside. Not to worry - we're going to "fun out" your workouts so you'll want to do them, not "have" to do them so you can shop 'til you drop those pounds.

What if I told you that shopping can help you lose just as much weight as going to a boring gym? Yep, it's true. Remember, food is 90% of your weight loss success so as long as you're busy and eating clean you'll still lose weight. In fact, shopping may help distract you from eating as long as you don't make deals with yourself as to why you should and could eat more, and stay away from the food court at the mall. If you do that you'll overpay with poor choices and anything you get at the mall isn't going to be good for your weight loss.

There are a few simple tricks that anyone can do that will help them get in shape fast and lose 1 pound per day. Better yet, these simple tricks don't require you to join a gym. Your body is always burning calories, even at rest. Even sleeping burns calories. So what if I told you that you can drop 1 pound per day while doing your favorite thing - shopping? Here is the "Shop 'Til You Drop The Pounds" plan you've been waiting for your whole life, and it's the only one of its kind.

*NOTE: Please refer to the video above for examples of the moves described below

ACTION STEP #1: Reshape, Tighten and Tone Your Upper Body (1:07 in the video above)

Push yourself out the door doing door jamb pushups. Door jamb pushups help to strengthen your upper body and keep your arms tight and toned for the holiday sleeveless dresses. Door jamb pushups also help correct a slumped-over posture. Perform (1) giant set of as many reps as you can, using good form.

ACTION STEP #2: Core Walk in the Mall Holding Your Bags in the ½-way Position (1:55 in the video above)

Core walking builds endurance and strengthens your cardiovascular system. If you hold your shopping bags at the ½-way mark you'll also be tightening and toning your arms. Core walking/Mall walking at a brisk pace of 3.5mph can burn as many calories as a light jog. Wear sneakers shopping, park far away and walk around the mall before it opens for 30-45 minutes and you'll burn calories while beating the crowds. 

Fit Tip: Wear a pedometer to log steps taken. Aim for 10 thousand steps every day and if needed, get on the treadmill to guarantee it.

ACTION STEP #3: Standing Rear and Side Kicks to Tighten Your Butt and Strengthen Your Core While Boosting Your Calorie Burn (3:25 in the video above)

Standing rear and side kicks tighten your butt and build core strength while helping to develop balance. These moves are great for people with bad knees or hips and can also be done standing at the stove. Boost calorie burn when you're standing in line. Long lines equal more time so do a few extra. Aim to do a set of 25 at each store.

ACTION STEP #4: The Pay at the Register Toe Raise (4:15 in the video above)

These moves tighten and tone legs and if you keep your core tight you'll get great ab benefits as well which protects your back. Toe raises are a great stretch too. Aim to do a set of 25 at each store.

ACTION STEP #5: Eat Thermogenically to Force Fat Loss (4:40 in the video above)

Losing weight is 90% diet and only 10% of your weight loss results come from exercise. Eating on the run doesn't have to be a diet disaster, although if you don't plan ahead it almost always is. If you're serious about losing weight, or at least not gaining weight, you need a solid "go low" plan before you step foot outside of your house. Have a thermogenic Protein Shake before you leave and set your phone alarm for 3 hours so you don't skip meals. Bring a "lean and low" protein bar with you in your purse and a bottle of water so you're not tempted to go near the food court where the smells of the food can take you over.

What's "low and lean"? Low carb, low fat, but high in clean protein. Most protein bars are nothing more than expensive cookies and most aren't even that healthy. Look for at least 15 grams of protein and carbs should be less than 20 grams, while containing little to no sugar. Check the label on your protein bar before leaving or grab a LynFit Lean Bar if you're serious about losing weight.

LynFit Butt Bonus: Lunge your way to a tighter tush. Do walking lunges on your way out the door of when no one is looking. Better yet, lunge down the long mall hallways before it opens.

Have a Merry Fitness and a Healthy New Year!

Naturally Boost Your Metabolism To Jump Start Your Weight Loss

Many of you emailed me after watching Janine's before and after story on Better TV asking me how you can naturally boost your metabolism to jump start your weight loss. So, for those who have not yet seen it, I wanted to show you that segment that inspired thousands of people to make the life changing decision to lose weight for good. Congratulations to all of you who have already lost 20 or more pounds since seeing the segment and if you need this type help please contact me to get your weight loss jump started.

If you've ever felt like trying to lose weight is just more difficult for you than for other people, or you've been gaining and losing weight your whole life and haven't successfully kept if off, then this if for you. I'm going to teach you how to naturally boost your metabolism to jump start your weight loss so you can safely lose those pounds.

How do you know if you need to be aggressive when it comes to boosting your metabolism?

      • Have you been 15-20 pounds or more overweight for more than 5 years?
      • Are you more than 40 years old?
      • Do you struggle with hypothyroid or thyroid conditions that affect your weight?
      • Are you diabetic or pre-diabetic?
      • Do you eat healthy and exercise regularly yet still can't lose weight?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions it may take an aggressive approach to get your body to lose weight. Here is the plan that helped Janine lose weight. She was 85 pounds overweight and we needed to boost her metabolism aggressively to jump start her weight loss. Doing so allowed her to lose 1 pound a day. Seeing those immediate results made it easier for her to stick to her plan.


Follow the Metabolic Boosting Cleanse to quickly recalibrate your appetite, which will also switch your cravings to "off". This "heat up" of your metabolism will also block cortisol levels which helps melt belly fat. This is called thermogenic eating and is described in detail in "The Metabolism Solution".

Further boost your metabolism by having a Whey Complete Protein Shake EXACTLY 12 hours after your last meal. This will not only boost your metabolism 25% by feeding muscle which burns more calories but also starve the fat so it leaves.

For 30% faster results, empty the contents of the LynFit Accelerator capsule into your Protein Shake. It contains an ingredient that blunts the hunger signal because it makes you feel full.

NOTE: When it comes to supplements it's not only the ingredients that matters, it's also the quality of the ingredients. The higher the ingredient quality the more effective if will work and you'll see results faster. The right supplement with the highest quality ingredients will make losing weight easier. In order to guarantee these results you must use LynFit products. While I'm not saying that LynFit supplements are the only ones that will work, I can only speak to the quality of my products and their ingredients. I know many people who have tried inferior products with inferior quality and they did not see results.


Just because we've heated up your metabolism and you're now eating thermogenically doesn't mean your body is automatically going to burn fat. To start the fat burning, replace your mid-morning snack with tea and (1) LynFit Cutting Edge. Quite honestly, most of us aren't even hungry at that time; we're just programmed to eat. The Cutting Edge has an ingredient, L-Carnitine that lures fat into the cell and persuades your body to burn it as fuel. So as your metabolism is beginning to take a nose dive 3 hours from Step #1, we've now spurted it back up again.


Just because you lose weight doesn't mean you're going to look fit. I'm sure you've seen people who have lost a lot of weight and they have really just become a smaller version of their original self. That's why we need to also reshape your body.

Curb your munch hour cravings by munching on a green apple and taking (1) LynFit Carb Edge every afternoon. Why a green apple? It's lower in sugar while at the same time shutting off your sweet craving by satisfying it without wanting more. The Carb Edge helps lower and balance blood sugar levels, which cause us to crave, while enhancing thyroid function. It also contains Forskolin which helps your body burn more fat as fuel.

You'll notice that I haven't said anything about exercise. For Janine, I only had her walk and stretch because she was in so much pain and I wanted her to know that when her food was on track or clean enough she could still lose weight without exercise. That being said, you can and should, be doing the metabolic boosting exercises only while trying to lose weight, as other forms of exercise can interfere with your weight loss.

Are you ready to Lose 1 Pound Per Day?

The 5 "Myth"Conceptions Of Weight Loss

Not losing weight no matter how hard you try? It could be that it's not even your fault. Why? Because most of what we are taught about weight loss is all wrong - nothing but lies and myths that stop us from losing weight and lead us to nothing but discouragement - "Myth"Conceptions. Learning the truth about weight loss may be just what you need to start losing weight today.

When you hear something enough, you actually start to believe it. Even if there is a voice inside your head that says otherwise. The biggest tip-off is that you're not losing weight despite the countless hours you're spending killing yourself in the gym. I lost weight immediately (40 pounds) and you can too once these secrets to boost your metabolism are learned. I had to forget everything I had learned previously and begin to do things differently. Guess what happened? I lost one pound every day until I hit my target weight for my body. And you can too!

With the holidays here it's even more important that we understand what these myths are and why we shouldn't believe them.

#1: Rapid Weight Loss Is Bad - WRONG!

Rapid weight loss (rapid results) is always the best way to get people to stick to the program. That doesn't mean you should starve yourself or go on a crash diet however. Those cause nutritional deficiencies that make us cranky. "The Metabolism Solution" teaches which proteins are best for weight loss as well as the exact amount your body needs to stay healthy, and lose weight. It also shows you the specific vegetables that are thermogenic, causing the body to go into metabolic boosting mode, burning more calories - even while sleeping.

You'll not only lose weight fast, you'll be healthier. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels will decrease quickly and if you suffer from aches and pains you'll feel better fast. This "New Way to Lose Weight" isn't just good for weight loss; it's also the healthiest way to live.

#2: Government Serving Sizes Are Accurate - WRONG!

Anyone can figure out that a 6ft male needs more calories that a 5ft female, so why are we told to eat the same amount? Turns out that serving sizes are universal and that is causing us to gain weight - fast. If you're not losing weight you're eating too much. It's that simple. Try eating ½ of what you usually eat and you'll see the scale drop fast. This is proof that fast weight loss is actually a good thing. It's sold evidence that you're doing things right. Bottom line - when we eat the right amount we lose quickly. When we are off-track or eating the wrong things we don't lose weight.

#3: More Exercise Means More Weight Loss - WRONG!

Just like you can overdo it by eating too much, you can also go overboard with exercise. In fact, too much of the wrong kind of exercise can stop weight loss dead in its tracks. The physical stress it inflicts on our bodies cause our cortisol (aka, fat storing hormone) levels to rise, making that stubborn muffin top even harder to lose.

90% of weight loss is based on diet and exercise makes up the last 10%. That being said, you cannot exercise away a bad diet. No bargaining. Just because you exercised doesn't mean you get to eat more (unless you're a male under 2 years old). When your diet is dialed in you don't have to live in the gym.

#4: High Fat, Low Carb Is Good For Weight Loss - WRONG!

You're not walking around with hairy palms so stop following those "Cave Man" diets. If you are, I'd bet you're gaining weight instead of losing it. To make matters worse, your cholesterol level is probably rising higher that the national deficit!

While you do need fat in your diet, the kind you consume can make or break your weight loss. Some fats burn easier as fuel compared to others. Bad fats, like trans fats, raise cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease. Not to mention, they make your pants too tight! The saturated fats found in red meat, butter, cheese and peanut butter won't help you lose that muffin top. But a good fat, like Omega 3 found in salmon, will.

The best way to take Omega 3 is through supplementation. I always suggest supplements when you're trying to boost your metabolism because you get a metered dose versus a guesstimation. You need to ensure your body gets exactly the amount it needs - no more, no less - in order to burn off body fat. Omega 3's are also great for pain, inflammation and even easing depression.

#5: All Supplements Are Created Equal - WRONG!

This is the perfect example of "you get what you pay for". You can't supplement away a bad diet but supplements can help you lose weight faster and easier when you combine them with a thermogenic diet and metabolic exercise. I always tell my clients, "if you don't see results in the first 2 weeks - stop! You most likely won't ever". When you take a quality supplement that's blended and contains the exact amounts your body needs you'll see and feel the results right away. Especially if you're eating correctly and performing metabolic workouts.

Most inexpensive supplements are inexpensive because they don't have the amounts needed of the active ingredients to provide maximum results. Always buy from a reputable source and know what you're looking for. Or, buy from someone who has already done that for you. I blend all of my supplements so you don't have to pay a supplement scientist. When you buy cheap it's always "buyer beware". Quality is, and will always be, paramount!

Diabetes And Belly Fat

National Diabetes Awareness MonthNovember is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and I bet you're wondering what diabetes has to do with belly fat. Believe it or not, if you carry excess weight around your middle (can you pinch an inch?) your body is warning you that you are over-eating carbs and sugars (this includes fruits and juices). The belly fat that you are carrying around is a sign that your "Carb Tank" is full and cannot process anymore food.

The problem is we love our food. What to do? We all know that diabetes can be a lethal disease, so my message is "prevention is the cure". Not only when it comes to preventing diabetes but also to losing belly fat.

Below are 3 proven methods that melt belly fat fast. If you're already active these steps will help you lose it even faster and easier. The more of these steps you combine the faster you'll lose weight too. Are you ready to melt fat and lose 1 pound per day? Then let's get started.....

3 Tricks That Melt Belly Fat and Could Possibly Save Your Life

Metabolic Workouts Melt Belly Fat Fast: The more you move, the better

Exercise trains muscles to respond better to insulin, which simply means your body will burn off the excess carbs you eat by using them for fuel. Metabolic workouts are the fastest, most effective way to lower insulin (blood sugar) levels, which persuades your body to burn/melt that belly fat. When combined with metabolic workouts with 30 minutes of walking every day, it turbo charges your fat melting.

WARNING: Not all workouts are created equal. If your workout doesn't say "metabolic", it isn't. Other forms of workouts beat the couch but won't have the magic effect the combination of 3 metabolic workouts weekly and 30 minutes of walking will. I suggest sticking to metabolic workouts and walking for the best results. For more information about metabolic workouts you can refer to my book, The Metabolism Solution, and my LynFit Metabolic Workout DVDs.

Eat Thermogenically

Melting belly fat is 90% diet and 10% sweat, so it's critical that you focus heavily on your diet if you're serious about melting belly fat and lowering your risk of diabetes. Again, prevention is the cure and what you eat counts. The healthiest foods don't come with nutrition labels so even the so-called healthy foods you spend a fortune on aren't as good for your waistline as you think. The easiest way to lower blood sugar and melt belly fat is to lower your carb intake. This includes fruit. Focus on filling ½ your plate with salad or leafy green veggies and ¼ of the plate with fibrous veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower (a full list may be found in The Metabolism Solution). The remaining quarter is for lean proteins such as fish. The balance of protein and vegetables is crucial, as the protein acts as a buffer, slowing down the release of insulin, which is key for balancing blood sugar levels. It is even important when it comes to burning off that excess fat. 

For more information about Thermogenic eating to melt belly fat, please refer to The Metabolism Solution.

Manage Your Mood: Improve your sleep and you'll manage stress better

Stress has been known to cause excess belly fat, not reduce it. Stress hormones raise blood sugar so it's important to try to reduce stress in your life. Have you ever noticed when you're in a good mood that you can manage stress much better? While stress is a fact of life and we can't control when it occurs, we can change how we react to it by taking better care of ourselves, and it all starts with a good night's sleep. But when we're stressed it affects our sleep and it then becomes a vicious cycle. It can be stopped naturally however. Rather than take over-the-counter sleep aids that make you feel groggy and may also raise blood sugar levels, it's a very good idea when trying to melt belly fat to take (1) LynFit Lean Sleep 1-2 hours before bed to naturally prepare your body for sleep. The melatonin in Lean Sleep won't raise blood sugar levels and will help kill hunger cravings before they begin. Lean Sleep not only helps you sleep, it also turns your body into a thermogenic fat-blasting machine while you sleep. Melatonin also has the reputation of being a regulator of brown adipose tissue, which burns calories instead of storing them, thereby ramping up your metabolism.

Try these 3 simple steps and when all else fails and you fall off the wagon - and you will because we live in the real world - don't forget to take the LynFit Carb Edge before you cheat. It has the added feature of blocking carbs, so if you take it before you cheat you'll block 65% of them from being stored. It's like eating a whole doughnut and only absorbing ¼ of it. Now I'm not suggesting you do that - eat the doughnut - but we all have our moments. Better to be protected than not. It's far easier to prevent the carbs from being stored in the first place than it is to burn them off later, especially with the holiday's right around the corner. Holidays mean stress and delicious food - protect yourself!

It Worked For Her, It Can Work For You: A Life Changing Transformation

My life's mission is to help anyone who struggles with weight loss by teaching them how to avoid the pitfalls and diet traps I fell into. I am thrilled to share this makeover with you. Unlike most makeovers you see on television and in ads, this makeover is 100% real and authentic. In fact, "First for Women" magazine just featured this story because it' so special.

You may recognize this special lady from being on the cover of my book, "The Metabolism Solution". I'd like to tell you why I chose her. I get thousands of stories submitted showing dramatic transformations, but this one was very different. You see Janine faced every obstacle possible and any one of them could have stopped her from losing weight and getting fit. Instead, she decided to fight this battle and was willing to do whatever it took: Full surrender, all in 100%. And guess what? She has lost 85 pounds and dropped 8 pants sizes, despite the fact that she suffered with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and debilitating pain from rheumatoid arthritis. She could barely get off the couch, let alone exercise.

Janine hated herself. Can you relate? I can. She saw me on the Dr. Oz Show and decided to email me for help. This is the very reason why I answer all of my emails. Considering the sheer volume that I receive it might take me a couple of days to get through them all, but I do answer every single one of them myself. I know the depression, sadness, and loneliness that can completely surround you, having gone through being overweight and suffering with depression myself. I can't afford to let one cry for help go unheard.

After Janine emailed me I suggested that she begin by replacing her breakfast and lunch with a LynFit Complete Protein Shake (made with water and ice only) to boost her metabolism. For a healthy dinner, focus on 3 ounces of fish and a huge serving of vegetables and a salad. I also suggested that she begin taking LynFit Carb Edge twice a day (at lunch and again at 3pm) to help lower her blood sugar, which is the secret to losing weight faster and easier. Another recommendation was that she take LynFit Recovery Agent twice a day, as recommended on the label, instead of all the over-the-counter medications she was using to ease her pain. Those over-the-counter pain medications also slow metabolism and sap energy. And the most important thing I told her? If you follow the plan you will lose 1 pound a day.

Notice I didn't tell Janine to exercise? There was a good reason for this. Exercise can be helpful when it comes to boosting metabolism but it can also  slow your metabolism if it's not done the right way. I also don't focus too much on exercise at first because lots of people think they will only lose weight if they exercise, and that's just not true. The right diet will allow you to lose weight even without exercise. Also, many people use exercise as an excuse to eat more, justifying it since they worked out. I wanted to prove to Janine that she could quickly lose weight no matter how sluggish her metabolism was - even sitting on the couch.

Janine noticed fast results. Her bloat, fatigue and depression lifted, and her energy returned which made it easy to stick to the plan. She also gained control of her emotional eating. Since she was feeling better and drinking Protein Shakes she wasn't focused on what she was supposed to be eating. She got busy with life instead. Actually, she says that drinking the Protein Shakes was the best thing she had ever done. It made losing weight fast and easy and saved on the grocery bill as well. She used the time saved eating to walk outside and get some moderate exercise. She dropped from a pants size 20 to a size 4 and no longer needs treatment for any of her health problems. Enough of me telling you about her - let's hear from this special lady herself.

"I marvel today at the difference in my life. I used to take 9 prescription drugs a day - now I take none. I became healthy, but most importantly, I became whole. My weight loss has not only changed my life but my whole family is happier and healthier because I learned how to take care of me. My teenage daughter has also lost 65 pounds because I no longer have as much junk food in the house. She is now happier and doesn't get bullied anymore."

A personal glimpse into Janine:

Favorite Supplements and Routine: LynFit Recovery Agent (when waking up), LynFit Accelerator (before cardio or lifting), followed by LynFit Cutting Edge and LynFit Omega-3
Favorite Protein Shake: Definitely green with either Chocolate or Vanilla Protein (both rock!)
Favorite Recipe: Portobello Mushroom Pizza
Most Helpful Lisa Lynn Advice: Too many to name just one: Forgive Yourself, It Is Progress Not Perfection, Dig Deeper, Love Yourself

If you need help, like Janine did, please consider a phone coaching session and these results can be yours too. Janine is now a weight loss coach here at LynFit and she can help you as well.

You can check out Janine's story at "First for Women" magazine's current issue which is available at newsstands and by subscription at the time of this writing.

Are you ready to lose 1 pound per day? I dare you!

D-Boost Your Diet And Lose 6 Times More Weight

LynFit Vitamin D3 BoostIf you're not losing the weight you'd like to, low vitamin-D levels may be the reason. A recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine reports that 77% of Americans are vitamin-D deficient. But another study grabbed my attention in an even bigger way.....

A recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition is getting lots of attention, and for good reason. Obese women who were put on a 15-week diet, fortified with vitamin-D, lost 6 times more weight than women who followed just the diet alone. The end result? Not just better weight loss but more fat loss as well.

When you fuel your body with the vitamin-D that it needs, it releases fat storage and causes your body to go into a fat burning state. This one healthy step could also speed up you weight loss by 70%.

You might think that your body receives enough vitamin-D from the sun alone. Did you know that "sun worshipers" actually tend to be low in vitamin-D? Anytime we overdo anything, including the sun, we actually create a need for more; essentially creating a demand for the very nutrient we get too much of - in this case, vitamin-D. 

I found this to be especially true for me personally. I worshiped the sun and even used sun beds to "fix" my craving for it. Who knew that the "fix" would later become a problem, presenting itself in the form of melanoma? Melanoma - the very reason I created my own LynFit brand vitamin-D. 

The first call I made when I found out I had cancer was to an incredible group of physicians that I had met. I needed to lean on them not only for support, but more importantly, for their knowledge on how to fight melanoma. To a person they all agreed on one thing; vitamin-D to boost my immune system.

Running to my nearest health food store to buy some reputable vitamin-D I realized why people get so frustrated when it comes to buying any type of supplement. Not one vitamin-D supplement contained the recommended amount (4mg per thousand milligrams) needed to boost my immunity. Not to mention, they were not made from reliable sources. The solution - I set out to make my own following the LynFit integrity principles:

    • Use the best possible ingredients
    • Use the right amounts to get results
    • Buy from the most reliable sources

The end result: LynFit Vitamin-D3 Boost, specially formulated for weight loss with the added immune boosting ingredient Wellmune WGP. Wellmune is a natural ingredient that supports overall health and wellness by boosting the body's immunity. LynFit Vitamin-D3 Boost may also aid in:

    • Proper digestion and food absorption
    • Improved muscle strength
    • Overall sense of well-being and good health

Why supplement with Vitamin-D3 Boost? Most of us naturally need to after age 35, especially if you're overweight and have excess body fat. Vitamin-D is stored in fat tissue making it less available to be used by our body. We need to have it circulating in our blood and ready to be used. Most of us don't get enough sunlight for proper vitamin-D levels, especially when practicing sun safety using sunscreens as we should. Sunscreens reduce the skin's ability to make vitamin-D by 90-99%. Additionally, medications such as blood pressure medicine and hormone replacements may interfere with natural vitamin-D replenishment.

You can never have enough support when it comes to protecting your health. When you add in the extra benefit of aiding in weight and fat loss vitamin-D is a win-win for everyone.

4 Simple Disciplines To Melt Belly Fat

The word discipline means to delay gratification. Discipline is your friend and shouldn't be avoided. It's a tool to help us get what we want, but in a way that is beneficial rather than harmful. In order to be successful in losing weight - getting us what we want - every area of our life needs discipline and self-control.

All of that sounds fine and easy. But when the rubber meets the road, or rather when the foot hits the scale, there are some decisions that must be made for us to successfully introduce discipline into our lives. Discipline means advance planning in a number areas: Food, sleep, how you spend your time; these are just a few areas that we have to practice advance planning in. You need a rock solid plan to stick to and you need to know when substitutions are necessary and what they are so you won't get caught off guard. I believe this plan of discipline will lead you to lasting weight loss and vibrant health.

Discipline also means planning your pain (workouts) and your pleasure (your cheat days). It's vital that you are honest with yourself when planning. Not being able to be honest with yourself is where most of the problems lie. In 25 years I've never had anyone journal what their "bad eating days" were truly like. They always tend to fudge a little or conveniently forget exactly what their eating day was like. Yet they can't figure out why they can't lose weight. We should be as honest about our cheat days as we are proud of our perfect eating days.

Willpower is a muscle. Just like any other muscle, it must be worked to be made strong. If we don't exercise it it cannot withstand the constant pressure of everyday unplanned living that we put on it; to the point that it eventually tears, breaks or falls apart. The sad part is that when our willpower tears, breaks or falls apart, so too do our dreams in many cases. Remember what we said in the very first paragraph - "discipline is a tool to help us get what we want in a beneficial way that is never harmful"? No discipline + no willpower = faded dreams and lost hope.

But here's the best news - perfection doesn't exist! That's right, I said it - perfection doesn't exist. Because the thing about discipline is that it doesn't recognize failure. That's why you mentally and physically plan ahead so that when imperfection occurs you're ready for it and your discipline kicks in knowing that, hey okay, this is that blip that I knew beforehand was going to happen. Now, on to the next positive milestone!

As much discipline as we do need, it alone is not enough. Just as a car needs an engine for it to even start, it has to have some vital fluids and maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Here are 4 things, that in addition to having the discipline engine engaged, can accelerate your weight loss:

Go to bed at the same time everyday

With school starting back this is the perfect time to visit this area of your life. And, it is one area that can usually be planned pretty regularly. Any disruption in the routine, even small ones, can result in a restless night. Sleep is when our bodies naturally recover from the day's activities and stresses.

And what do we do when we can't sleep - we reach for that over-the-counter sleep aid. But did you know that those over-the-counter sleep aids actually slow weight loss and leave you feeling groggy when you wake up? If you are having a hard time falling asleep or find yourself waking up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, take LynFit Lean Sleep 45-60 minutes before you go to bed. It's a natural "good for you" sleep aid that actually aids in weight loss and melting away belly fat. Read "The Metabolism Solution" to learn more about this natural alternative and its positive effects on weight loss.

Keep your colon clean

Eating clean but your stomach isn't flat? You are most likely constipated. A disciplined routine of regular eating and exercise works wonders here. But sometimes we all need a little extra help when it comes to staying regular.

First, it's always good to make sure you're eating adequate amounts of vegetables every day (10 servings). But sometimes that's impossible to do. Again, that's where that advanced planning comes in - we've got a substitute plan - LynFit Raspberry Ketone Cleanse. Take 2-3 Raspberry Ketone Cleanse every day with your dinner and you're guaranteed to stay regular, in a natural and safe way. Doing just this one thing helped me lose 3-5 pounds and made my stomach flatter.

Another little tip: Drinking hot water with lemon every day also guarantees a smooth morning, if you know what I mean. Sometimes, even though we're awake, not everything seems to be awake  :)

Control the cravings

Can't stop eating? The more you think about it the more you eat? I totally understand this one. To this day I struggle with it. That's why I devoted so much of my book to managing head hunger. And trust me; it is all in our heads. If you're not careful, what's in your head will ultimately find its way into your stomach.

For that extra "umph" to defeat the head games take LynFit Omega-3 at 3pm to stop those cravings before they begin. We should all be taking Omega-3 anyway for optimal health, even if you eat salmon. And don't forget your dogs too. I have 4 of them and they get Omega-3. It helps in so many areas:

Hair, skin and nails
Inflammation (aches and pains)
Immune boosting
Blood sugar control (which helps kill cravings)

As an added bonus, take Omega-3 before you sleep and you'll wake up pain-free and feeling like you've slept like a baby.

Exercise the right way for a flatter stomach by week's end

Yes, LynFit metabolic boosting exercise is the secret to seeing results fast. Remember, we talked about planned pain - workouts. One of the biggest mistakes people make is not doing the right kind of exercise to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. I find that they either over exercise, which causes more stress on their body which contributes to weight gain, or they under exercise, which stops any results dead in their tracks.

Want to see results start to happen? Do LynFit metabolic boosting workouts 3 times weekly, along with a daily "good for your body" core walk (the core walk is explained in detail in "The Metabolism Solution"). You'll not only lose 1 pound a day, you'll also feel and see visible results in 1 week. That's the LynFit Guarantee - if you follow my plan 100% you'll get results faster than surgery! Not to mention - it costs a lot less and you don't need to take all that time off from work.

So, are you ready to lose that weight? I can help you! It's time to get disciplined for weight loss!