The 5 "Myth"Conceptions Of Weight Loss
Not losing weight no matter how hard you try? It could be that it's not even your fault. Why? Because most of what we are taught about weight loss is all wrong - nothing but lies and myths that stop us from losing weight and lead us to nothing but discouragement - "Myth"Conceptions. Learning the truth about weight loss may be just what you need to start losing weight today.
When you hear something enough, you actually start to believe it. Even if there is a voice inside your head that says otherwise. The biggest tip-off is that you're not losing weight despite the countless hours you're spending killing yourself in the gym. I lost weight immediately (40 pounds) and you can too once these secrets to boost your metabolism are learned. I had to forget everything I had learned previously and begin to do things differently. Guess what happened? I lost one pound every day until I hit my target weight for my body. And you can too!
With the holidays here it's even more important that we understand what these myths are and why we shouldn't believe them.
#1: Rapid Weight Loss Is Bad - WRONG!
Rapid weight loss (rapid results) is always the best way to get people to stick to the program. That doesn't mean you should starve yourself or go on a crash diet however. Those cause nutritional deficiencies that make us cranky. "The Metabolism Solution" teaches which proteins are best for weight loss as well as the exact amount your body needs to stay healthy, and lose weight. It also shows you the specific vegetables that are thermogenic, causing the body to go into metabolic boosting mode, burning more calories - even while sleeping.
You'll not only lose weight fast, you'll be healthier. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels will decrease quickly and if you suffer from aches and pains you'll feel better fast. This "New Way to Lose Weight" isn't just good for weight loss; it's also the healthiest way to live.
#2: Government Serving Sizes Are Accurate - WRONG!
Anyone can figure out that a 6ft male needs more calories that a 5ft female, so why are we told to eat the same amount? Turns out that serving sizes are universal and that is causing us to gain weight - fast. If you're not losing weight you're eating too much. It's that simple. Try eating ½ of what you usually eat and you'll see the scale drop fast. This is proof that fast weight loss is actually a good thing. It's sold evidence that you're doing things right. Bottom line - when we eat the right amount we lose quickly. When we are off-track or eating the wrong things we don't lose weight.
#3: More Exercise Means More Weight Loss - WRONG!
Just like you can overdo it by eating too much, you can also go overboard with exercise. In fact, too much of the wrong kind of exercise can stop weight loss dead in its tracks. The physical stress it inflicts on our bodies cause our cortisol (aka, fat storing hormone) levels to rise, making that stubborn muffin top even harder to lose.
90% of weight loss is based on diet and exercise makes up the last 10%. That being said, you cannot exercise away a bad diet. No bargaining. Just because you exercised doesn't mean you get to eat more (unless you're a male under 2 years old). When your diet is dialed in you don't have to live in the gym.
#4: High Fat, Low Carb Is Good For Weight Loss - WRONG!
You're not walking around with hairy palms so stop following those "Cave Man" diets. If you are, I'd bet you're gaining weight instead of losing it. To make matters worse, your cholesterol level is probably rising higher that the national deficit!
While you do need fat in your diet, the kind you consume can make or break your weight loss. Some fats burn easier as fuel compared to others. Bad fats, like trans fats, raise cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease. Not to mention, they make your pants too tight! The saturated fats found in red meat, butter, cheese and peanut butter won't help you lose that muffin top. But a good fat, like Omega 3 found in salmon, will.
The best way to take Omega 3 is through supplementation. I always suggest supplements when you're trying to boost your metabolism because you get a metered dose versus a guesstimation. You need to ensure your body gets exactly the amount it needs - no more, no less - in order to burn off body fat. Omega 3's are also great for pain, inflammation and even easing depression.
#5: All Supplements Are Created Equal - WRONG!
This is the perfect example of "you get what you pay for". You can't supplement away a bad diet but supplements can help you lose weight faster and easier when you combine them with a thermogenic diet and metabolic exercise. I always tell my clients, "if you don't see results in the first 2 weeks - stop! You most likely won't ever". When you take a quality supplement that's blended and contains the exact amounts your body needs you'll see and feel the results right away. Especially if you're eating correctly and performing metabolic workouts.
Most inexpensive supplements are inexpensive because they don't have the amounts needed of the active ingredients to provide maximum results. Always buy from a reputable source and know what you're looking for. Or, buy from someone who has already done that for you. I blend all of my supplements so you don't have to pay a supplement scientist. When you buy cheap it's always "buyer beware". Quality is, and will always be, paramount!