Shop 'Til You Drop The Pounds
'Tis the season, and if you're like me and I'm guessing you are, that means countless things to do; which includes lots and lots of shopping intervals. All that shopping means that sometimes the exercise goes by the wayside. Not to worry - we're going to "fun out" your workouts so you'll want to do them, not "have" to do them so you can shop 'til you drop those pounds.
What if I told you that shopping can help you lose just as much weight as going to a boring gym? Yep, it's true. Remember, food is 90% of your weight loss success so as long as you're busy and eating clean you'll still lose weight. In fact, shopping may help distract you from eating as long as you don't make deals with yourself as to why you should and could eat more, and stay away from the food court at the mall. If you do that you'll overpay with poor choices and anything you get at the mall isn't going to be good for your weight loss.
There are a few simple tricks that anyone can do that will help them get in shape fast and lose 1 pound per day. Better yet, these simple tricks don't require you to join a gym. Your body is always burning calories, even at rest. Even sleeping burns calories. So what if I told you that you can drop 1 pound per day while doing your favorite thing - shopping? Here is the "Shop 'Til You Drop The Pounds" plan you've been waiting for your whole life, and it's the only one of its kind.
*NOTE: Please refer to the video above for examples of the moves described below
ACTION STEP #1: Reshape, Tighten and Tone Your Upper Body (1:07 in the video above)
Push yourself out the door doing door jamb pushups. Door jamb pushups help to strengthen your upper body and keep your arms tight and toned for the holiday sleeveless dresses. Door jamb pushups also help correct a slumped-over posture. Perform (1) giant set of as many reps as you can, using good form.
ACTION STEP #2: Core Walk in the Mall Holding Your Bags in the ½-way Position (1:55 in the video above)
Core walking builds endurance and strengthens your cardiovascular system. If you hold your shopping bags at the ½-way mark you'll also be tightening and toning your arms. Core walking/Mall walking at a brisk pace of 3.5mph can burn as many calories as a light jog. Wear sneakers shopping, park far away and walk around the mall before it opens for 30-45 minutes and you'll burn calories while beating the crowds.
Fit Tip: Wear a pedometer to log steps taken. Aim for 10 thousand steps every day and if needed, get on the treadmill to guarantee it.
ACTION STEP #3: Standing Rear and Side Kicks to Tighten Your Butt and Strengthen Your Core While Boosting Your Calorie Burn (3:25 in the video above)
Standing rear and side kicks tighten your butt and build core strength while helping to develop balance. These moves are great for people with bad knees or hips and can also be done standing at the stove. Boost calorie burn when you're standing in line. Long lines equal more time so do a few extra. Aim to do a set of 25 at each store.
ACTION STEP #4: The Pay at the Register Toe Raise (4:15 in the video above)
These moves tighten and tone legs and if you keep your core tight you'll get great ab benefits as well which protects your back. Toe raises are a great stretch too. Aim to do a set of 25 at each store.
ACTION STEP #5: Eat Thermogenically to Force Fat Loss (4:40 in the video above)
Losing weight is 90% diet and only 10% of your weight loss results come from exercise. Eating on the run doesn't have to be a diet disaster, although if you don't plan ahead it almost always is. If you're serious about losing weight, or at least not gaining weight, you need a solid "go low" plan before you step foot outside of your house. Have a thermogenic Protein Shake before you leave and set your phone alarm for 3 hours so you don't skip meals. Bring a "lean and low" protein bar with you in your purse and a bottle of water so you're not tempted to go near the food court where the smells of the food can take you over.
What's "low and lean"? Low carb, low fat, but high in clean protein. Most protein bars are nothing more than expensive cookies and most aren't even that healthy. Look for at least 15 grams of protein and carbs should be less than 20 grams, while containing little to no sugar. Check the label on your protein bar before leaving or grab a LynFit Lean Bar if you're serious about losing weight.
LynFit Butt Bonus: Lunge your way to a tighter tush. Do walking lunges on your way out the door of when no one is looking. Better yet, lunge down the long mall hallways before it opens.
Have a Merry Fitness and a Healthy New Year!