What You Really Need To Know About Collagen Protein

Let’s be honest a lot of us live extremely busy lives. And because of this, many of us have become pretty attached to our kitchen blenders to quickly create those super convenient protein-based meal replacement shakes and smoothies that our busy lives demand.

You may recently have been running across recipes for smoothies and shakes that include collagen as the protein source rather than other types of protein. But, is collagen the same as other proteins? With the promises of glowing skin and a youthful appearance, collagen protein seems like a win-win for that meal on the go. But before you blend, read what I have to share with you about collagen protein.

The reason collagen is getting so much attention now is because researchers finally figured out what bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have known for centuries, and as a Certified Sports Nutritionist, I have been suggesting supplementing with collagen for over 20 years. Why? Because it’s the most abundant protein in the body, or should be anyway. Yet most of us, especially women over 35, are deficient in this nutrient (aka protein), which is why it’s a good idea to supplement daily. 

Collagen protein is not the same as using other forms of protein such as whey or a plant-based combination of rice and pea.

The truth is, it isn’t the same as other forms of protein! Not because there is anything fundamentally wrong with collagen protein, but because collagen is an incomplete protein — meaning collagen protein will not give you the complete set of nine essential amino acids your body needs to keep you healthy. Best intentions aside, if you regularly make smoothies or meal replacement shakes out of collagen protein alone, you could quickly become deficient in your essential amino acids — the building blocks of protein.

What is collagen?

Collagen protein is a go-to to support wrinkle-resistant skin, build resilient bones, joints, muscles and tendons, and grow hair, skin, and nails. Collagen production is robust until our mid-twenties when it begins to decline. With increasing age comes more collagen-degrading cumulative exposure to oxygen, toxins, sunlight, and other degrading factors.

You make collagen, the most abundant protein in your body, from amino acids L-lysine, L-proline, and L-glycine with the help of vitamin C, iron, copper, and vitamin A. We eat collagen when we consume bones and joints or broths made from them. For many of us, ingesting collagen is rare in our modern diet, however when our ancestors ingested collagen they likely did so with meat and organs from the whole animal, which are complete proteins. When we ingest collagen, we digest it both partially into collagen peptides and fully into amino acids, which are more easily reassembled into collagen.

Of the three human collagens (I, II, III), human skin is made of types I and III. Marine collagen (fish bones) is common in skin care products because it has free radical scavenging properties and is primarily type I collagen like skin tissue. Hydrolyzed collagen found in collagen protein powder is very easy to digest and helps support the skin lining your digestive tract. It has been shown to reduce inflammation, calm joint pain, improve calcium absorption, stimulate bone-forming cells, and help prevent the loss of bone density.

Benefits of collagen consumption

  • Rich source of L-glycine. Collagen supplies abundant glycine, which can be used to not only make new collagen but also to reduce anxiety, support sleep, boost liver detoxification, and improve fat absorption (bile), and help balance blood sugar.
  • Metabolic Maestro. This additional glycine in your diet is necessary to balance out excess methionine consumption from healthy animal proteins such as eggs, meats, and poultry.
  • Gastrointestinal Healing. As part of the gastrointestinal tract, collagen protein can help repair the critical layer of epithelial (skin) tissue that you absorb nutrients through. These modified skin layers get gunked up like overused cheesecloth and need constant rejuvenation, which requires both complete protein intake for some structure and immune support as well as collagen to provide dynamic structure.
  • Supple Skin, Strong Hair, and No-Break Nails. Concentrated in the tough inner layer of skin, collagen, works with keratin to bolster your skin’s strength, smoothness, elasticity, and resilience.
  • Resilient Joints and Tendons. Collagen protein has been shown to reduce inflammation, calm joint pain, improve calcium absorption, stimulate bone-forming cells, and help prevent the loss of bone density. There is also evidence on the benefits of collagen supplements in reducing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • Mobile Muscles. Collagen is a big component of muscle tissue and supports muscle building, though you will need additional complete protein sources to build high-quality muscle. Reduced collagen synthesis leads to muscle stiffness and soreness.
  • Bone Building. Bone has a flexible component supported by type I collagen and a brittle component supported by minerals. Both are required for bone that is strong yet not brittle. Hydrolyzed collagen protein has been found to improve calcium absorption, stimulate bone-forming cells, and help prevent the loss of bone density

Careful considerations for collagen consumption

Isn’t collagen a good form a protein? It’s a form of protein, but it does not replace the need for protein shakes, which is why you want a collagen supplement like Daily Joint Recovery & Repair versus using broth, powder, or other forms, especially if you're trying to lose weight.

Collagen is an incomplete protein because it is deficient in the essential amino acid L-tryptophan, compromising processes like backup production of energizing vitamin B3 or calming serotonin. Consider collagen a supplemental protein with health benefits, but if you rely on it as a primary protein source, your metabolic needs won’t be met. Don’t neglect to consume sufficient protein in your diet from complete protein sources. You can boost your body's ability to make its own collagen by consuming a diet that's rich in specific amino acids like the kind found in LynFit Complete Protein Powders and Lean Bars.

Most protein foods need to be broken down into individual amino acids and small peptide chains in order to be absorbed, but LynFit Complete Protein Powders are purified and micro-filtered to remove all traces of lactose that can impair and block collagen production.

When Complete Protein is combined with the supportive skin nutrients found in LynFit Daily Joint Recovery & Repair (all of which are essential for collagen production), your body will begin to build collagen and elastin ten times more effectively than simply taking collagen alone because of the protein efficiency ratio (how efficiently it's absorbed and used by your body), as well as the quality and purity of the amino acids and small peptide chains they contain.

This combo is ten times more effective than bone broth, collagen pills, or potions combined, without stopping your weight loss. It's so effective that it tightens your skin all over your body, not just your face, without making you feel bloated the way other collagen supplements do.

What are the benefits of combining the high quality of the Complete Protein Shake with the skin-supportive nutrients found in Daily Joint Recovery & Repair?

  • Tighter, firmer skin on your face, thighs, and arms (whole body)
  • Metabolic boost
  • Improves digestion and the digestive tract
  • Thicker, shinier hair
  • Plump, youthful looking skin
  • Fewer wrinkles and crepey skin
  • Stronger nails
  • Healthier teeth
  • Reverses the signs of aging
  • Stronger bones
  • Cushions joints
  • Healing and regrowth of soft tissues and ligaments
  • Hydrated, more pliable, and more flexible muscles
  • Protects cardiovascular health
  • Strengthens, repairs, and improves whole body health, including heart health

A word on bone broth supplements...

Bone broth has many caveats, but for the sake of this blog, I’m going to list briefly:

  • It’s yucky
  • It slows weight loss and prevents fat-burning
  • It's cumbersome to make yourself 
  • It's high in preservatives, pesticides, and chemicals (Yes, even if your packaging says it isn’t.) 

    Rain, water drainage/runoff cannot be controlled, and, you might not want to know this, but our rain is a direct byproduct of our water supply that’s also made up of pollution, chemicals, and cleaners (you know the stuff your husband sprays the grass with when you leave hoping you won’t notice). 

    You might not notice, but the meat we are eating and broth made from bones of these poor animals are absolutely affected regardless of its organic claims. Sorry, I had to let my inner scientist out!

If I sounded like an "almost" vegetarian, it’s because the more I learn about avoiding cancer, the less I eat meat, including chicken. In my house, red meat is never served. The truth is, we love animals more than people (LOL), and red meat's not good for us. Turkey breast is our meat of choice, and we feel better eating it less than three times weekly.

This is why supplements such as LynFit Daily Joint Recovery & Repair are superior when it comes to meeting our body's collagen needs!

With supplements, you can guarantee the dose you take is going to get results (if you're using LynFit  this is not true if you're using warehouse and chain store brands).

You can do it daily — supplements, that is, and consistency and frequency counts most.

For many of us, smart supplementation is the best insurance policy for healthy connective tissue, skin, and bones. Everyone should be taking Daily Joint Recovery & Repair (in addition to their LynFit Daily Power Shot and Complete Protein Shake) because most people have multiple deficiencies. Make sure that if you're taking Daily Joint Recovery & Repair that you are not taking any other collagen supplement.

Supplementing daily with the right type of collagen, in the specific doses needed by your body, can work wonders in every aspect of your body. Collagen improves joint health and slows the aging process, tightens skin, keeps it healthy and supple, and wrinkle-free. Collagen plumps every cell in the body (if you're not careful, it will plump up your fat cells too) and anyone over the age of 40 (both men and women) should be taking it daily to protect and nourish joints, which helps them ache less and glide better. It also makes ligaments more pliable, which helps prevent injuries that happen as we age due to the lack of elasticity.

Taking the right kind of collagen supplement can not only enhance your weight loss but your overall health as well.


NOTE: Collagen sources may vary due to nationwide shortages. We take every step in choosing premium, pure, fresh collagen sources to protect your body and weight loss.

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