What To Put In Your COVID-19 Survival Kit

Hey guys, how’s everyone holding up? I hope that you're making good use of the lockdown time and using it to lean out and love the ones you're with. If you've been wondering what to put in your emergency COVID-19 survival kit, here are a few quick tips that can help you stay healthy and lean while you're in lockdown.

Watching too much news may have you scared of every sneeze. The truth is, most people who get the coronavirus won't be hospitalized. Most doctors do say, however, that you should be ready and make sure you have the following items at home. I took the liberty of throwing in a few of my own to help keep you lean and healthy during this lockdown period.


COVID-19 Survival Kit

The only thing missing is hot water or tea with lemon, and of course, immune-boosting foods. Here are a few fast foods you can make yourself that are as delicious as they are nutritious. They will also make sure your clothes still fit when this is over, and IT WILL end.

Seriously, what else is there to do but eat? Just keep in mind that overeating leads to blood sugar spikes that can also lower immunity, which is exactly what you don't want to do. Make sure you have the following nutrition supplies, so healthy options surround you. 

The Veggies

Load up on fresh and frozen vegetables of all kinds. You can never have enough of these, and frozen is safer and more nutritious.

Broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, yellow squash, spiralized zucchini, riced cauliflower, string beans, lettuces (all), cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, onions, oregano, dill, garlic, and ginger (fresh or dried) for soups and recipes should be on hand.

Pectin-rich apples and or apple sauce (to make my delicious 1-Minute Metabolic Mug Cake when you're "HANGRY"), and it's always a good idea to have lemons, limes, and oranges around, along with berries (fresh and frozen). You won’t run out, and they make great metabolic boosting ice cream in less than five minutes that won't spike blood sugar levels, helping to keep you lean and your immune system strong.

Lean Proteins

Make sure you have lots of Complete Protein Powder (stock up and save more) and Lean Bars (I’d die without these). Eggs, egg whites, salmon, shrimp, sole, halibut, and all different varieties of seafood are not only good for your metabolism, but they're also uber-healthy because they're loaded with zinc and healthy fats.

I strongly suggest buying canned salmon and tuna, so you always have some on hand. You can make your own salmon or tuna burgers; its as simple as adding an egg white, a few herbs and spices, a splash of bread crumbs, and toss it in a pan to cook. Top with salsa, add a salad, and you've got a delicious, healthy meal your whole family will love.

Also, buy flash-frozen fish over fresh. It's ten times more nutritious than fresh. You always have it on hand, and you won't stink your house up when you cook it. That’s how you know it's fresh and it tastes better. The more seafood you eat, the leaner and lighter you'll be.

I do suggest having some chicken and/or turkey breast on hand, so you can make big batches of Chicken Soup for the Metabolism or Good-for-You Chicken Stew for those moments when only comfort foods will do.

The Most Important Section... the Sauce

It's all about the sauce in my house, and we practically drink the Super Omega Dressings... they are so good!

Paprika Garlic, Asian Ginger, Sweet Mustard, and Vegan Ranch can all be used for salad dressings, lettuce wraps, shrimp fajitas, or dip for veggies when you just need to snack. We have even drizzled them over spiralized zucchini noodles as a keto ramen-type meal in a bowl.

Nutritional Supplies that Everyone Should be Taking Daily

These are essential nutrients that your body cannot make and require more of when you are under stress and or in need of extra immune support. Daily essentials are essential for everyone all the time, not just now. They include...

  • Daily Power Shot Multivitamin or Recovery Agent (a multivitamin with extra joint support and pain relief). Both contain the RDI (recommended daily intake) of vitamin C that your body needs to stay healthy, as well as the mineral and electrolytes necessary to remain hydrated, which is paramount for preventing illness and helping recovery if you do get sick -- WITHOUT all of the sugar that sports drinks contain.

  • Pure Omega 3Daily Wellness, or vegan sources such as the omega 3 found in the Super Omega Dressings.

As with any flu-like virus, and even the common cold, it's important to stay hydrated. The COVID-19 virus can cause gastrointestinal distress and/or diarrhea, and replenishing fluids in these instances is especially important. Becoming dehydrated can worsen a fever and make symptoms feel worse.

If you do become dehydrated, it may be a good idea to double-up your multivitamin, and if your stomach won’t tolerate it, try sugar-free Pedialyte or Gatorade. You can always water these drinks down to reduce the sugar, which is always a good idea as sugar weakens immunity. Another reason to cut sports drinks with water is that sugar can make diarrhea worse. Steamed veggies and pectin-rich foods like apples can help ease the symptoms of diarrhea.

Tea (both black and green tea) and drinking hot fluids is an age-old secret to staying hydrated (they also make you feel full, so you'll eat less) and can help soothe sore throats. Nothing beats a hot cup of warm water or tea with fresh lemons. Reach for those over everything else for a maximum immune boost.

If you're one of those who lose your appetite when you get sick, it’s always a good idea to have some chicken soup for your metabolism on hand in the freezer, so make extra and freeze some for emergencies. Try the Metabolic 1-Minute Mug Cake. It's comfort food that's good for you and hits the spot when you’re trying to feel good. It's nutrient-dense and rich in amino acids that regulate your immune system and help you get better faster.

Of course, a simple Protein Shake will always work wonders, whether you're trying to lose weight, boost your immune system, or recover from illness. Most people underestimate the power of protein. Protein is very important when fighting viral illnesses. We call our protein smoothies cold and flu busters (aka sick bombs). Add a double shot of Power Shot and a dropper-full of Immune Boost to it for maximum strength protection. It's fast and delicious, and you'll love that your family is getting the nutrition they need!

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