Slim Down Post-Super Bowl: The Morning After Diet
"Prepare to Overeat". Yes, I said "Prepare to Overeat". You cannot live life in a bubble so there will be times when you will have to face the reality of overeating. For many of you, this past weekend was a prime example.
Did you know that this past Sunday was the #2 biggest eating day of the year? According to recent statistics, Super Bowl and non-Super Bowl watchers alike consumed 1,200 calories in snacks alone this past Sunday. Not only that, drinkers clogged up their liver with excessive consumption of alcohol. The worst part - the foods we chose to consume; pizza, avocados, chips, chicken wings, soda and beer, are the worst when it comes to losing weight.
Super Bowl Sunday is just one of many examples we could use. Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, job parties, holidays - there's just too many to name all of them. Did you know that the mental struggle of trying to figure out what you can and cannot do at these "life events" can be just as traumatic as the overeating itself? That's why you need to go ahead and enjoy this life that God provided for you, but do it in such a way that recovery from these overeating events is guaranteed and any weight gain is minimal.
Here are 3 Super Survivor Tricks to stop weight gain before it happens when you overeat.
Drink a tall glass of water to help your body detox and pop (1) LynFit Lean Sleep with melatonin (5mg) to help offset the oxidative stress caused by over indulging and boost calorie burn.
Melatonin is an important brown fat regulator. Brown fat burns calories which is exactly what we need after a bad day of eating and drinking.
This can be as simple as drinking a clean whey LynFit Protein Shake to turn up the heat; boosting your metabolism and re-calibrating your appetite, which turns off cravings so your blood sugar level goes back to normal. Do not add juice or milk. Mix with ½ cup of berries for more antioxidant boosting power to help ease a morning after headache.
Bonus Boost: Open (1) capsule of LynFit Carb Edge and add it directly to your protein shake for faster absorption and better results. Carb Edge will help get those blood sugar levels back on track. And that hangover you're feeling - it's from excessive carbs and alcohol consumption which turns to sugar in our bodies when broken down. You can also take (1-2) Carb Edge before you cheat to block the absorption of unwanted carbs without nasty side effects.
Eating more sugar and carbs prolongs things so balancing blood sugar is the secret. For extra prevention you can take (1) Carb Edge before you start eating. It contains white kidney bean extract that helps prevent carbs from being absorbed so you can eat more at your event but absorb less carbs. Not that I'm suggesting that you eat more, but realizing that you more than likely will.
Drink water or tea instead to fuel your slow, damaged metabolism. If you really overdid it at your event you can have a green apple to help regulate your blood sugar levels, but that's it. Remember, you probably ate enough at your event to last a week so you won't starve.
Think About It:
- It takes roughly 3 hours of walking for the average person to burn off 12 calories
- Each beer sets you back 150 calories and takes 1 hour to clear your system
- 1 chip dunked into dip is 80 calories
- 6 wings = 990 calories
- 2 handfuls of Cheetos™ takes 1 hour of intense running to burn off
- 3 sodas = 57 minutes of running to burn off
- 3 beers = 3 hours of running to burn off
Bottom line, when you overeat - and you will, take measures beforehand to plan and prepare your body as much as possible. Then in the days following, get right back on the plan and take the extra steps outlined above to help your body recover as quickly as possible.