Diabetes And Belly Fat

National Diabetes Awareness MonthNovember is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and I bet you're wondering what diabetes has to do with belly fat. Believe it or not, if you carry excess weight around your middle (can you pinch an inch?) your body is warning you that you are over-eating carbs and sugars (this includes fruits and juices). The belly fat that you are carrying around is a sign that your "Carb Tank" is full and cannot process anymore food.

The problem is we love our food. What to do? We all know that diabetes can be a lethal disease, so my message is "prevention is the cure". Not only when it comes to preventing diabetes but also to losing belly fat.

Below are 3 proven methods that melt belly fat fast. If you're already active these steps will help you lose it even faster and easier. The more of these steps you combine the faster you'll lose weight too. Are you ready to melt fat and lose 1 pound per day? Then let's get started.....

3 Tricks That Melt Belly Fat and Could Possibly Save Your Life

Metabolic Workouts Melt Belly Fat Fast: The more you move, the better

Exercise trains muscles to respond better to insulin, which simply means your body will burn off the excess carbs you eat by using them for fuel. Metabolic workouts are the fastest, most effective way to lower insulin (blood sugar) levels, which persuades your body to burn/melt that belly fat. When combined with metabolic workouts with 30 minutes of walking every day, it turbo charges your fat melting.

WARNING: Not all workouts are created equal. If your workout doesn't say "metabolic", it isn't. Other forms of workouts beat the couch but won't have the magic effect the combination of 3 metabolic workouts weekly and 30 minutes of walking will. I suggest sticking to metabolic workouts and walking for the best results. For more information about metabolic workouts you can refer to my book, The Metabolism Solution, and my LynFit Metabolic Workout DVDs.

Eat Thermogenically

Melting belly fat is 90% diet and 10% sweat, so it's critical that you focus heavily on your diet if you're serious about melting belly fat and lowering your risk of diabetes. Again, prevention is the cure and what you eat counts. The healthiest foods don't come with nutrition labels so even the so-called healthy foods you spend a fortune on aren't as good for your waistline as you think. The easiest way to lower blood sugar and melt belly fat is to lower your carb intake. This includes fruit. Focus on filling ½ your plate with salad or leafy green veggies and ¼ of the plate with fibrous veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower (a full list may be found in The Metabolism Solution). The remaining quarter is for lean proteins such as fish. The balance of protein and vegetables is crucial, as the protein acts as a buffer, slowing down the release of insulin, which is key for balancing blood sugar levels. It is even important when it comes to burning off that excess fat. 

For more information about Thermogenic eating to melt belly fat, please refer to The Metabolism Solution.

Manage Your Mood: Improve your sleep and you'll manage stress better

Stress has been known to cause excess belly fat, not reduce it. Stress hormones raise blood sugar so it's important to try to reduce stress in your life. Have you ever noticed when you're in a good mood that you can manage stress much better? While stress is a fact of life and we can't control when it occurs, we can change how we react to it by taking better care of ourselves, and it all starts with a good night's sleep. But when we're stressed it affects our sleep and it then becomes a vicious cycle. It can be stopped naturally however. Rather than take over-the-counter sleep aids that make you feel groggy and may also raise blood sugar levels, it's a very good idea when trying to melt belly fat to take (1) LynFit Lean Sleep 1-2 hours before bed to naturally prepare your body for sleep. The melatonin in Lean Sleep won't raise blood sugar levels and will help kill hunger cravings before they begin. Lean Sleep not only helps you sleep, it also turns your body into a thermogenic fat-blasting machine while you sleep. Melatonin also has the reputation of being a regulator of brown adipose tissue, which burns calories instead of storing them, thereby ramping up your metabolism.

Try these 3 simple steps and when all else fails and you fall off the wagon - and you will because we live in the real world - don't forget to take the LynFit Carb Edge before you cheat. It has the added feature of blocking carbs, so if you take it before you cheat you'll block 65% of them from being stored. It's like eating a whole doughnut and only absorbing ¼ of it. Now I'm not suggesting you do that - eat the doughnut - but we all have our moments. Better to be protected than not. It's far easier to prevent the carbs from being stored in the first place than it is to burn them off later, especially with the holiday's right around the corner. Holidays mean stress and delicious food - protect yourself!

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