Five Secrets To Help You Lose Weight While On Vacation

5 Secrets To Help You Lose Weight While On VacationIt's important to understand that the way you eat will determine if you lose weight or gain weight. Vacation is no exception. In fact, a vacation should be a time of taking care of yourself, inside and out.

Every day I hear the excuses: "Work is so busy I just can't eat right or find the time to exercise." The good news is these are actions we get to choose. Choose health and you'll not only feel better, you'll lose weight. Even on vacation.

I've been traveling a lot the past few months, and I've never been lighter. In fact, I've had to increase my caloric intake when I'm home to compensate because I've gotten so good at my travel routine. I lose too much weight (I never thought I would say that) when I travel.

Here are my Top Five secrets to losing weight while on vacation this summer:

Use Your Travel Time As A Cleansing Time

It doesn't matter whether you're driving or flying, you aren't exercising and need fewer calories, so eat less. Personally, I get motion sick, so I don't eat while traveling to and from while flying or driving if possible. For those extra-long flights or drives, I only eat a LynFit Lean Bar and drink loads of water.

Don't Be Afraid To Be Hungry - It's Good For You

Whatever we keep in our environment is what we'll eat so don't stock up on munchies. No one needs to be eating all day long. Not even your kids. Go back to the no-eating in between meals, especially if you will be eating out. Eating out always means more calories than you planned on, even if you're eating healthy choices.

Hunger means your body is about to start burning fat for fuel. You won't lose weight until you come to grips with this. A side note here: Starving is when you are underweight on the doctor's scale and going all day without eating. Eat according to my plans. You'll be providing your body with enough fuel to sustain life versus not providing nourishment by not eating all day long or eating foods that are full of excess calories, yet provide no nutrition whatsoever.

Don't Leave Home Without It

The LynFit Complete Protein Shake silly!

It's funny how we make excuses why we can't bring it (the Complete Protein Shakes) on vacation yet we make any excuse necessary to bring or eat all the wrong foods. I put my Complete Protein in zip lock bags, portioned out for every day. Then all I have to do is put the zip lock in my purse. 

Here's a "Lisa Yummy Trick".....I give my Complete Protein to the bartender at the hotel and ask him or her to blend it up for me. I love it with ice and coffee - a Lean Mocha. This way I don't feel deprived at all. In fact, there have been times when the people standing around the bar have asked for a taste and didn't believe it was healthy.

Go On The Seafood Diet And Double Your Weight Loss

If you have read my book, "The Metabolism Solution", you learned that eating more fish or particular types of fish, compared to chicken, doubles your weight loss.

You can have a Complete Protein Shake for breakfast to boost your metabolism 25 percent (did you know the shake did that?) and offset the "not-so-good" calories we all end up eating from time to time. Then for lunch you can have a tossed salad with no cheese and use vinegar as your dressing with some shrimp for a light enjoyable meal. 

Dinner should be about fish, salad, and vegetables. You should try to eat early. After all, it's your vacation, so you have control. Eat early the way our bodies are designed to and go to bed hungry! If you don't wake up hungry in the morning, you ate too much. If you have to, split an entree and if all else fails just have salad and a shrimp cocktail versus an entree with sides that may tempt you.

Turbocharge Your Weight Loss Without Stepping Foot In The Gym

I like to get up early and exercise or take the time while my family is eating a "hearty" breakfast to exercise. This also gives the downtime we all need when traveling with our families. Spending time alone to get grounded, or as I like to call it - regulated, allows me to be a better parent and also teaches our kids and families that we all need quiet time, especially when our eating habits are out of control.

This is a great "time-in" that allows you to give yourself a pep talk and clear your mind to get your eating back on track. I like to take walks outside while on vacation, going longer and slower than I normally would to allow myself time to sight see. I never feel like I'm not enjoying it.

I also do my Metabolic Booster workout in my room while waiting for my hair to dry or for slow teens to get out of the shower. I use water bottles or rolled-up washcloths and focus on form. If needed, I'll do extra repetitions until I feel the burn. I get better workouts this way. 

Most hotels have or will bring you a DVD player so bring your DVDs. Better yet, download them onto your laptop or IPad and do the workouts in comfort and at your own pace. This is how the celebrities do it! Don't forget to get all the LynFit Metabolic downloads you'll need before you leave.

Remember, 90 percent of your weight loss is diet so even if you don't work out yet manage to keep your food clean you'll still lose weight. If you don't exercise and don't eat clean, then weight gain is unavoidable.

I use every opportunity I get as a way to eat healthier and sleep more versus eating poor and sleeping less. These behaviors are what get us in trouble in the first place. To see changes we need to make changes. Make this new routine your new normal, even when you get back home, and just watch what happens!

Here's a little bonus tip: Don't eat "off-plan" or cheat until your last day so you can't develop a new bad habit. I cheat (yes me) on my last day on any vacation. This is when I try new foods and experience the culture. If all else fails, remember the three-bite rule: You can always take three bites of something if you want to try it. Most of the time three bites will cost you about 100 calories that aren't enough to make you gain weight.

For more information make sure you check out these links:
LynFit Complete Protein Shake
LynFit Lean Bars
"The Metabolism Solution" by Lisa Lynn
LynFit Metabolic Boosting Workouts DVD Downloads

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