The Summer of Living Lean — Our Story: Paul & Sharon Brandt

I had a little heart-health scare in April 2015 and decided I wasn't going to stress about my weight. I just wanted to focus on my health. One of my biggest addictions was adding imitation creamer to my coffee. I knew it wasn't good for me and I was having intestinal issues. I started what I thought was a heart-healthy diet by adding coconut oil to my coffee and ballooned up 10lbs more!

That's when I surfed the internet looking for information on coconut oil and weight gain and found Lisa Lynn, our weight loss guardian angel. Lisa was on Dr. Oz and said, "Good for you doesn't mean good for weight loss!" Lisa explained that coconut oil and almond milk are good fats in small doses but are still high fat and are killing weight loss efforts. That was my aha moment and I ordered "The Metabolism Solution." I read it in two days and ordered the LynFit starter kit. I lost an amazing 10 pounds in two weeks and inspired my husband Paul to start. Of course, he lost two pounds for my one pound. 

That was almost two years ago and we have lost a combined total of 115 pounds. We eat low to no complex carbs and have seafood about four times a week. We have red meat maybe once a week compared to at least three times a week before LynFit. 

— Sharon Brandt


If you had to put a title to your weight loss story, what would it be?
"Finally Fit at 50!"

What is your favorite LynFit metabolic boosting weight loss recipe?
Every morning, I mix two scoops of LynFit Vanilla Protein Powder with a capsule of Accelerator Advanced and Cutting Edge with a ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and about six ounces of water. I mix this well with a fork and then add 8 oz. of coffee. This is my protein latte.

I have done this religiously over the past two years and I think this is the key for me in keeping off the weight. Remember, I was addicted to artificial creamers in my coffee :)

Paul loves his post workout shake. He rides his stationary bike for 45 minutes and then takes two scoops of LynFit Vanilla Protein, about a teaspoon of cinnamon, a cup of frozen blueberries, and ½  a banana with three handfuls of ice and about two cups of water — too watery for me, but that's the way he likes it :)

What is your favorite LynFit supplement to use, and why? How has it helped you?
Daily Power Shot and Pure Omega 3. Neither of us have gotten a sinus infection or had to take any antibiotics since starting the diet!

Did you encounter any obstacles? If so, how did you overcome them?
We both give ourselves a 5 pound. window. We weigh ourselves every morning and log it. If I'm on the low side, I may have a few more carbs that day. If I'm on the higher end, then I scale back the carbs. Paul still has not had bread since August 2015!

How has your life changed since you lost weight?
Wow! It has changed every aspect of our lives. We realize how important our health is for energy, marriage, parenting, work focus, interactions with others, and inspiring others.

What did you do during the first two weeks of LynFit that helped you stick to the plan?
We really worked through that carb withdrawal and trusted the process. I really tracked my protein and tried to get 20-25 grams of protein in 5-6 small meals. The Lean Bars help you get that added protein without adding lots of calories and fat.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?
I lost the first 30 pounds without exercise. Sadly, my beloved dog had died and I was not walking; I was also testing the system honestly. It really is 90 percent food and 10 percent exercise. I now walk 45 minutes to one hour per day with my 90-pound personal trainer, Rudy, an English Cream Retriever. Rain or shine, snow or ice, he gets me out there. A big thank you to Lisa! We are paying it forward and helping others who want to get FIT AT 50 and lose weight!

Paul & Sharon Brandt

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