Simple Mistakes That Stop Weight Loss
"Eat less, move more"—whether you're trying to lose weight, melt fat, or muscle up, I'm sure you've heard this advice before. But losing weight, burning off stubborn fat, or gaining lean muscle isn't as easy as it sounds. Especially if you're over age 30 and you'be been losing and regaining weight for most of your life.
The truth is that in today's world of over-processed foods and ginormous portions most people struggle to lose weight. If you've endlessly been working to lose weight but haven't seen any significant results, you're probably making one of these mistakes.
You're Starving Your Body of the Protein it Needs
This has nothing to do with starving yourself, but it does have to do with starving your muscles and feeding your fat cells, which slows down your metabolic rate, making you soft and flabby (including your face). Think of it this way, would you be able to build a bonfire if you didn't have enough of the right kind of wood? Absolutely not!
Your metabolism works the same way, with the same concept. It's not going to magically begin to increase the right amount of specific nutrients to start burning fat again, which increases your likelihood of losing weight. This means that protein needs to become your priority and you'll need sufficient amounts of it.
Most of us get too much of the wrong kind of protein—hard to digest, high in fat, and wrong kind of carbs. Yet we wonder why we can't seem to lose weight or melt off that stubborn body fat. The fact is if you don't consume enough of the right foods, your metabolism is being turned off versus being turned on. This leads to your body not being able to use the calories you're feeding it, so they get stored, and you keep gaining weight, or not losing. Every calorie you eat is either used for repair or to make hair, skin, nails, and preserve or grow lean muscle tissue—or it's stored. It's that simple.
Remember this the next time you go off on an eating frenzy, thinking you'll only have a little. Every little bit counts!
Without the right amount of nutrients and sufficient or adequate calories, no matter how much you exercise you cannot lose weight. And you certainly won't burn off fat. What you eat is 90 percent of your success. Simply put, working out will not help your weight loss if you're not eating right.
Now, you're probably wondering how much protein you would need to consume to boost your metabolism and preserve lean muscle tissue, which is what keeps your metabolic fires burning hot and prevents that dreadful metabolic slowdown. An easy way to figure out this number is to take your lean body weight (use your goal weight) in pounds and plan on consuming one (1) gram per pound of that lean body weight. If your goal weight is 120 pounds, your daily protein target is 120 grams of lean, metabolic boosting protein.
This is best achieved using LynFit Complete Protein Shakes, Lean Bars, and fish. They are lowest in fat, thus the best for weight loss. That's why celebrities and professional athletes use these tools versus trying to eat food. Plus, they are quantifiable, so you don't guess if you ate too much or too little. Using protein weight loss tools can nail your numbers every time.
After a few weeks, if you still don't feel you've boosted your metabolism enough, try upping your protein by having a Lean Bar. Lean Bars are made with the same superior quality protein used in LynFit Protein Shakes. Or, add a piece of white fish instead of chicken at dinner, to keep fat grams low, but protein high enough to make a change in your body.
You probably think that there's no way you'll have time to consume that much protein every day. A lot of times this can be true, which is why pre-planning, meal prep and having the right tools such as LynFit Protein Shakes and Lean Bars is going to be your best friend. They make losing weight and melting belly fat faster and easier.
Starting off, you should divide your protein up, so you're consuming protein 4-5 times daily, spaced 2½-3 hours apart. But, if you want quicker results and a better boost, divide your meals, so you're consuming six meals daily. If you think that's too much protein, use one (1) scoop of protein powder instead of two (2) in your shakes. Or, use the new Egg White Protein—it's lower in calories and carbs.
If you don't think you'll be able to eat up to six meals daily, you can try adding a little extra protein powder or ½-1 Lean Bar to your meals so you nail your protein quota. And, don't forget to start your protein-boosting early, around 6-7 a.m., and stop by 8 p.m. each night in order to get it all in. It's okay if your protein shakes are closer together—2-2½ hours is okay. You'll find that you're not hungry at all, and that's a good thing!
You're Lacking in Energy and Need that Extra Boost
Your will is the most powerful muscle in your body. If you want something bad enough, you're going to do whatever it takes, and work your tail off in order to achieve it. Losing weight is no different. You must have a sense of urgency, and urgency requires energy. Why?
Let's say you're doing weightlifting using 3-5 pound weights, and you're able to do ten reps without breaking a sweat. Do you think your muscles are breaking a sweat? Of course not. You have to have a sense of urgency and power in your workout, and that sense of urgency will require extra energy—a kick in the pants. That's where LynFit Daily Power Shot comes in. It's the perfect way to ensure your body is getting the nutrition needed for that urgent push to accomplish your goals. It's the ultimate energizer!
You would have to juice over 30 pounds of produce to get the same nutrition that you'll get with Daily Power Shot. It is the most complete liquid mineral colloidal multivitamin available, delivering unparalleled nutrition, fast, all-natural energy we all need more of.
You're Not Sleeping or Getting Enough Rest
Weight loss and workouts push your body to the limit, which increases your sleep and rest demands. Getting enough quality sleep can boost weight loss because your HGH (Human Growth Hormone, responsible for anti-aging and burning fat) levels are at their highest when you're sleeping.
Quality sleep also balances cortisol levels that may be stopping you from losing weight, melting off stubborn belly fat, and becoming stronger. There is a study that directly correlates lack of sleep and high cortisol levels. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that breaks down muscle, and that is the absolute last thing you want when trying to melt fat and lose weight. That's why I suggest everyone try LynFit Lean Sleep, which is also an antioxidant that can help boost your immunity and reduce joint aches and pains.
Your Hormones are Out of Whack
If you're over age 40, you need a boost—a hormone boost, that is! If you're a male, you need a testosterone booster, and if you're a female, you need to balance your hormones by reducing the stress hormones and increasing the good hormones that help you feel good and slow down the aging process. Additionally, you need to boost thyroid function so you can lose the "middle-aged spread" that's now covering your six-pack.
LynFit Thyro-Boost features powerful ingredients backed by separate human clinical trials that show it to boost testosterone, decrease estradiol, and reduce cortisol levels, keeping your thyroid working up to par, so you stop gaining weight and start losing weight.
You charge your cell phone at night, right? So do the same thing with your body, so it's performing at its best. Take Thyro-Boost every day!
You're Not Consistent
Making the necessary changes to help achieve your goals is one thing—sticking with it is another. You can't expect to see significant results if you only put in the time and effort for just a few weeks. You need to remain consistent with your nutrition and make sure you're getting enough exercise. It's that consistency and frequency that get results.
There's nothing wrong with taking a few days off from your workouts to recharge your body, or even splurging one or two meals weekly. Everyone needs a little upzig now and then, and God knows we all need down time. But allowing yourself to slip back into bad eating habits, not get enough rest or getting lazy, stop you from seeing results. It's those bad habits that will cause you to lose all the progress you worked so hard to achieve.
You need to commit 100 percent in your nutrition and do your best, if you're serious—really serious, about losing weight. I can guarantee you'll never be sorry that you did. But you'll be sorry if you don't. Don't quit on yourself because YOU CAN DO IT!
Need help? Email us at and visit us on social media (@LisaLynFitness) for more inspiration and tips. We may even answer your questions there!