RECIPE: Burst of Strawberry Essential Amino Lemonade

Burst of Strawberry Essential Amino Lemonade

The naturally occurring, strawberry-flavored Amino Acids taste delicious and dissolve easily into tea, healthy salad dressings, weight loss, beauty smoothies, mocktails, and sorbets. Zero calories, clean fuel, won't spike blood sugar levels or break your fast. They won't cause gastric distress or bloat, making them the perfect way to suppress hunger and cravings and stay hydrated throughout the day or night.

Add (1 scoop) LynFit Essential Aminos + (1 scoop) Metabolic Collagen to (10 oz.) of water or Natural Whey Protein Shake. Stir until blended and pour over crushed ice and garnish with strawberries, if desired.

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