Pain Got You Sidelined?
I received an email from a loyal LynFit customer the other day asking about exercises that could be done without affecting her Plantar Fasciitis. While the question itself was a very good one, it also brings to light that many of us do have specific ailments that affect our everyday lives... or, as I call it, "a new normal." I wanted to take this opportunity to expand the answer to not only her question but to cover other areas of pain and injury.
Hi, I have enjoyed many of your products over the years, and I am currently struggling to find exercises that do not hurt my plantar fasciitis. I have your DVDs and Protein Bars (which I love), Cutting Edge, and the little red pill! I have had plantar fasciitis for about five months, and I’ve been told it takes about a year to go away. Unfortunately, I work on my feet on concrete floors. I’ve done my best to have inserts and a good pair of shoes. My two boys are getting older and love being physically fit and I am trying to keep up with them, but right now I have definitely been sidelined. I thought I would ask if you have any insight on how to deal with plantar fasciitis, I have already received two Cortizone shots. One of which did not work and I also use a night boot.
Thank you for your time and happy holidays!
Oh and lots of prayers!!
-- Heidi L.
There are a few things you should keep in mind with plantar fasciitis are:
- You're not broken, you can move. Maybe you can’t run, but there are a lot of ways to stay fit (I would be spinning personally) after you address the underlying reason (most likely overactivity from running, logging too many miles even if you walked them, and being compulsive with exercise and not allowing enough time for your body to recover).
- You have to address the inflammation which parents healing. The best ways to do that are:
- Rest it. This means stopping the activity that caused the injury, but remaining fit by cross-training; i.e.: spinning.
- Ice three times per day for 20 minutes. The best ways to ice your foot are to dunk it into a bucket or cooler filled with ice or giving yourself an ice massage using an ice cup (Dixie cup filled with water and frozen). Use the edges to dig into your plantar fascia.
Most people hate to ice when it’s cold out so my suggestion is to ice after you work out when you're good and hot, and you'll enjoy it. Or, put your winter coat on and ice anyway! It’s the most underused treatment for any and all inflammation and works better than drugs, and is a whole lot better for your body.
- Spend 5-10 minutes exercising your feet to make them stronger. As soon as you finish, use a tennis or golf ball to roll your foot on. There is no best way to do this... just roll it around under your foot, specifically around the arch and plantar fascia and massage the area that’s sore or feels crunchy or knotted up. That’s scar tissue; break it up, but you don’t have to be overaggressive as scar tissue serves a function.
- Use your foam roller to roll your soleus and calf muscle. Tightness here aggravates plantar fasciitis.
- Ice your feet after every workout.
- If needed, splint it at night.
Your body is trying to heal itself and it can only do this if your diet is nutrient-filled.
Injuries create a larger demand for specific nutrients, so to remove the guesswork I suggest that you make sure you're taking the following healing nutrients daily (follow the label instructions and don’t be afraid to increase dosages and take more because your body needs it now).
- Protein up by drinking Complete Protein Advanced at least once a day.
- Take pure Pure Omega 3 to help heal and reduce inflammation.
- Take Recovery Agent to help with pain and boost healing. It’s always a good idea to pump this supplement right after the injury and when pain increases. Pain is inflammation letting you know it’s there.
- You can also saturate your cells with Liquid Daily Joint Recovery & Repair to provide the glucosamine and chondroitin your body needs to create new tissue and heal and soothe tendons and ligaments. I drink joint Daily Joint Recovery & Repair daily because I’m active and my body requires it. An ounce of prevention is worth a million pounds of cures!
So, if you're like Heidi and are suffering from any type of inflammation and pain, follow the tips above. Don't let your pain sideline you!