Metabolic Workout Express
- Exercise on empty. Workouts performed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach burn more fat and boost metabolic rate best (black coffee and supplements are okay).
- Accelerate fat loss and prevent fat re-absorption before your metabolic boosting workout. Take one (1) Accelerator Advanced to enhance thermic affect and lower blood sugar which primes the body for fat burning and weight loss while providing nutrients that help break down foods to be used as fuel and naturally energizes. Take one (1) Cutting Edge to help fat burning and prevent fat that’s circulating in your system from being re-absorbed while pulling it into the cell to be burned off instead. Repeat immediately after your workout.
- Drink a Complete Protein Shake after your workout made with two (2) scoops of protein powder and calorie-free ingredients, so you don’t inhibit the fat burning process.
- Don’t over-hydrate; it’s harmful to your health. More is not better. The hydration goal is daily consistency vs. chugging during workouts, which could leave you feeling nauseous. Hydration rule: drink 10-15 oz. two hours before your workout or at bedtime, if you work out early in the morning. During your workout, less is best. Drink 2-4 oz. per hour of exercise, if needed. Hydrate after the workout by drinking 8 oz. of water.
- Breathe! Don’t hyper-focus on breathing, but be sure you’re breathing in and out normally. Holding your breath can be dangerous, so if you’re a “bad breather,” exhale on exertion (the hard part of the move). Breathing fuels metabolism and provides energy whereas holding your breath slows calorie burn and can cause damage. Wanna be stronger and feel more energized? Pay attention to your breath.
- Pay attention to your posture. Proper posture is everything. It helps prevent injuries and enhances workouts. Your muscles will work harder and more efficiently. Stand up straight and pull your stomach in as if you’re putting on a tight pair of pants. Keep your legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and toes facing forward.
Q & A
- Is it possible to work out too fast or too slow? Yes. It’s best to work out in a rhythmic fashion, not too fast and not too slow, keeping the tension continuous—think mindful movements. If you can’t the workout is too hard for you. Adjust the workout to suit your fitness level. Don’t push beyond your abilities. The payoff is the same and you won’t get hurt.
- How many sets and repetitions should I be doing? This is a science and more does not equate to better, faster results. In fact, the opposite is true. Science proves that people that push themselves too hard will quit sooner or become injured. Here is the exercise prescription (perform sets and reps according to fitness levels):
Beginner: (2) sets of 12
Intermediate: (2) sets of 15
Advanced: (3) sets of 15-20 (only go to failure, do not push beyond)
- How often should I do the Metabolic Boosting Workout? The prescription is to complete this workout three times weekly, allowing at least one day between workouts for recovery.
- How heavy should I lift? The goal is to lift as heavy as possible, using good form. Most people lift too light, not too heavy. If you can perform 15 sets with good form, and at rep 15 you’re tired, the weight is perfect. Eight reps or less, it’s too heavy. More than 15-20, it’s too light.
- Can I complete both sets of each exercise and then move to the next exercise? No. This workout is specifically designed to enhance metabolic function and burn fat faster. You want to start at the first exercise, then quickly (without rest or as little as possible) move to #2, #3… until you’ve completed all nine. Then start at #1 again, completing your two complete sets. Remember, this workout is not designed to bulk you up, but rather to boost weight loss and fat burning. For beginners, rest as needed, being careful not to rest too long, which allows your body to cool totally down.
- I get sore from a minimal workload. What can I do? For starters, stretching helps more than you realize. Stretch before you get into bed each night. Keep moving. Movement is the best way to keep your blood flowing, removing toxic build up and delivering nutrients to your screaming muscles, joints, and ligaments. It’s also important to drink water to flush your system and avoid over-the-counter pain relievers as they inhibit healing, which is exactly what you don’t want. Reach for natural pain relievers, regardless of why you’re sore. Over-the-counter pain relievers damage and clog the liver which can slow weight loss. Here is my natural pain relief protocol that can help you, regardless of why you ache. Access your pain before beginning, using a scale of 1-5:
Pain level 1: You’re aware the pain is there
Pain level 2: It hurts enough to slow you down
Pain level 3: It hurts you enough to have you reaching for pain relievers
Pain level 4: All of the above and continues throughout the day
Pain level 5: Keeps you up at night and is rarely relieved by usual rituals
Level 1: Take LynFit Daily Joint Recovery & Repair once daily. Take (1) LynFit Pure Omega 3 in the morning and another before bed.
Level 2: Repeat #1 above. Stretch daily and walk 10,000 steps.
Level 3: Repeat #2 above. Take LynFit Recovery Agent required for your weight as directed on the product label. Stretch daily, at least twice, and ice after activity.
Level 4: Repeat #3 above. Ice achy joints three times daily, specifically immediately after activity. Shower in the a.m. to help get the blood circulating. Drink (4) cups of green tea daily. Journal everything you do. Be thorough and include how often and how much so you can see any affected pattern to be able to make any modifications.
Level 5: Repeat #4 above. Call your physician to make sure there are no other physical conditions that may be causing you pain.
Begin in a seated position while holding dumbbell in each hand, elbows pointed forward. Look directly forward, keeping chest up and feet facing forward. Using heels, stand up while pushing dumbbells up above your head. Return to seated position.STIFF LEG DEAD LIFT
Stand with legs tightly squeezed together while holding a dumbbell in each hand, tightly squeezed together and down at your feet. Using your heels, keeping legs stiff and straight, pull dumbbells up to knee level, dragging them along body.SIDE LUNGE WITH TWIST
Holding a dumbbell in your left hand, with your left foot step left into a lunge position, keeping your head in alignment with your body while keeping the majority of your weight on your heel. Push your body up using heel while also moving dumbbell across your body, pushing dumbbell back, and squeezing rear deltoid.ONE-LEGGED SIDE RAISE
Stand on one leg, keeping back straight and stomach pulled in, holding light dumbbells in hands next to your body. Slowly raise dumbbells up until parallel with floor and lower slowly back down to start position.PUSH UP
Set yourself in push up position with hands on dumbbells, keeping your body in line and stiff. Using your core, push yourself up off floor. Pause, and in “up” plank position, row the dumbbell upwards on one side (think push back vs. pulling). Slowly lower yourself back down to floor. Repeat opposite side.BICEP SQUEEZE CURLS
Stand upright, keeping your body tight, holding a dumbbell in each hand, and squeezing the heads together to shape bicep. Keep dumbbells together and curl up toward chin. Make a muscle and squeeze, slowly return back to the start, lowering the dumbbell back, going beyond your body to tricep extension. Extend arm straight back until it tightens, squeeze, pause, and slowly bring back to start position.PLANK CRUNCH
Starting in push up (plank position), making sure to keep your body tight, abs pulled in (belly button into spine) and squeezing buttocks. Lift buttocks up toward ceiling using your stomach muscles. Pause, squeeze, and slowly return to plank position, making sure your body doesn't dip below parallel position.SIDE CORE RAISE
Start on your side, feet together, and forearm directly below your shoulder. Contract core (pull stomach in) and raise hips until your body is in straight line from head to feet. Pause, and slowly return to starting position without letting hips drop. Repeat up and down motion in slow, controlled manner, or hold up for 30 seconds. Repeat other side.TOE TOUCH | JACKKNIFE
Lying on floor with legs straight up or at 35-45-degree angle, making sure your stomach is pulled in and abs kept tight. Exhale and reach for toes, pause in up position and slowly lower yourself back to starting position. Weak neck? Support your head with hands. Be sure you don't pull or lead with chin. Don’t forget to breathe!