Jump-Start Your Weight Loss With A Metabolic Boosting Cleanse
If you're thinking about starting your weight loss with a juice cleanse, think again. While juicing may be the most popular way to jump-start weight loss, it's not the best way; especially when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. What you don't know about juicing could STOP you from losing weight and may actually be harmful to your health.
You never hear of anyone "living" a cleansing lifestyle, yet we all know intuitively that we need to eat healthier. That's what makes juicing so attractive - it's considered a quick fix. We've all been there; sick and tired of being sick and tired and know we need to change our situation, so we try to do the right thing and jump into a juice cleanse because every good diet starts with a cleanse - right?
Within the first few days, our energy disappears, and our body starts to fight against us. We feel cranky and weak, and before you know it, the cravings begin, and we have to run to the bathroom every few minutes; praying we make it in time.
Most cleanses, especially those that include juicing, aren't good for your body, don't help you lose weight long-term, and don't burn fat off your body. And, if you can't burn fat, you'll look the same, even if you have lost some weight.
So, is juicing good for you at all? The real problem with juice cleansing is that it deprives your body of healthy fats and other essential nutrients your body requires to operate. This makes you feel terrible and can also cause you to lose that hard-earned muscle, which in turn slows down your metabolism, making it even harder to lose weight or maintain what you have lost.
Why? It's due to the decrease in calories, which causes your thyroid to slow down, making it impossible to burn fat. This will amplify your symptoms of fatigue and weakness, and can even cause permanent hair loss. Those seemingly innocent cleanses can also wreck havoc on your pocketbook. :)
I can hear you asking now, "But how; juicing has so many healthy ingredients?"
Let's be honest; if you like the juice you're drinking, the odds are it's because it's full of sugar. Even though the sugar might be from fresh fruit, it's still sugar, and your cells don't know the difference. And, when it comes to your veggies, it's always better to chew your food. Chewing is more satisfying to the senses.
You may think you're getting a few vitamins and minerals, but the blood sugar rise isn't worth it. Besides, you're not getting as many vitamins and minerals as you think. The lack of essential fats prevents nutrients from being absorbed.
While you might get ½ of your daily requirement of Vitamin A when juicing, most people forget that Vitamin A is fat soluble; meaning it needs to be consumed with a fat if you want your body to absorb it efficiently. One-third of these liquid sugar calories are stored as fat.
This is a nightmare for diabetics, pre-diabetics, and people who struggle with Gout. It increases Gout due to the toxic acids like uric acids that are formed when our liver metabolizes fructose.
Juicing has also been known to elevate triglycerides, due to the insulin spikes, and raise blood pressure.
Bottom line: Juicing is never a good idea for weight loss and is better used for weight gain.
In my Sports Nutrition line of work, raising blood sugar is the oldest trick in the book for getting underweight people to gain weight. Give them a glass of juice, and they will eat more later. (*Note for wine drinkers: Alcohol works the same way.)
There is a smarter way to cleanse that boosts metabolism, making it easier for you to lose weight, and this cleanse melts fat!
To lose weight, you need the following nutrients:
Lean Protein to boost metabolism by 25 percent and preserve lean muscle tissue, which is responsible for keeping your metabolism revved and your moods and hormones balanced. It will also help to keep you feeling fuller longer while feeding your hair skin and nails. It's the secret to looking good and feeling great.
Essential "good for fat loss" fats like Omega 3 to help transport nutrients like Vitamins A, D, and K; among many others like the B lean vitamins that are critically important for metabolic health.
These "good for you" fats help transport the nutrients into the cells where they are utilized. These nutrients do more than boost weight loss. They are responsible for nervous system and bone health, as well as hormone production, cell membrane formation, regulation of heart rate and blood pressure; all while providing energy.
A nourished body is a healthy body, and a healthy body loses weight easier, especially if you're metabolically-challenged (have a hard time losing weight).
There is a better solution that helps jump-start weight loss faster and promotes the burning of fat, which is really what you want. It's also more affordable and delicious, so you just might decide to have one every day, making for a healthier, leaner lifestyle.
The good news is this metabolic boosting, cleansing, detox cocktail does much much more. Everyone should be doing this for health, especially if you're trying to lose weight and burn fat.
Here is your new metabolic boosting cleansing morning ritual that breaks the overnight 12-hour fast, which is why it needs to provide the essential nutrients your body needs. No more and no less.
Every good smoothie starts with the best ingredients. Prioritize protein, using Non-GMO Whey to feed muscle and skeletal tissue, boost metabolism by up to 25 percent, block cortisol (stress hormones) that cause belly fat and stop weight loss, boost mood and brain health, all while nourishing hair skin and nails.
Whey alkalizes your body and aids in the detox process without making you feel terrible.
Add in the right detox boosters that nourish better without all of the sugar and calories.Why add detox-boosting super foods? You would have to juice over 30 pounds of produce, and you still wouldn’t come close to the nutrition found in certain super foods (found in LynFit Thyro-Boost).
Studies show that these super food ingredients play a critical role in promoting health and wellness. They encourage your body’s natural cleansing process, helping to flush a wide variety of substances out of your body; especially heavy metals and pesticides, among other disease-causing substances (this is why we cleanse).
Further, they help control hunger, cravings, and body odor, and encourages healing, protects against cancer, and the ravages of treatment, while helping to fight against the growth of candida (also a known cause for fatigue and cravings).
These super power foods also possess an amazing range of benefits because they contain the highest amounts of essential vitamins and nutrients needed for cardiovascular, muscular, and neural health; not to mention the Ashwagandha, that helps your body combat stress, keeping your cortisol (stress hormones) levels in check.
When you take them in liquid extract form (like in LynFit Thyro-Boost), nutrient uptake is increased, meaning they are more easily soaked up. Nutrients like iodine, among others, build up your thyroid and body, giving it the fuel it needs to send thyroid hormones throughout your entire body, stopping your metabolism from slowing down.
Everyone needs to consider taking this, even if they are not hypothyroid. This liquid extract supplement is an adaptogen, meaning your body will use it if it needs it, and won't if it doesn’t, so it does no harm.
Feeding your thyroid is like fertilizing your garden; it helps everything move a little faster and become healthier. (*Note: If you’re not hypothyroid it’s still a good idea to take LynFit Thyro-Boost. You’ll just need to take it once vs. twice a day.)
The best part about this supplement is that it’s safe to take, and actually suggested along with your medication. Be aware that your medication may work more efficiently after cleansing and using super foods so that you may need less. Be sure to tell your doctor so he or she can adjust the amount you’re taking.
Don’t let the name Thyro-Boost fool you. It’s called Thyro-Boost because it helps feed and nourish the thyroid, which is the master gland of your body. Feed it right, and it takes care of your overall health.
You'll get:
- Protein
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B3
- Copper
- Iron
- Iodine
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Manganese
- A balance of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids
Plus, rich sources of antioxidants from super foods in the form of extracts, which are more potent, like:
- Chlorophyll
- Ashwagandha
- Nettles
- Black walnut
- Spirulina
- Shepard’s purse
- Irish moss
- Dulse
- Forskolin
- Tyrosine
- Astralagus
The most important thing to remember when you decide to cleanse or fast is to DO NO HARM FIRST! That means providing your body with what it needs to stay healthy first. This is the best way to jump-start your weight loss and keep it off.
The truth is - every really good diet is a cleanse in disguise!