Getting Out Of The Fitness Funk
Hey there, “Fit Friends”!
Can you believe it’s June already, and we’re at the halfway mark of 2020? It’s been anything but normal these last few months spending time in lockdown, which, for many, meant being inside and off our fitness and weight loss plans. At the very least, lots have had to rethink their workouts and eating schedules, altering them to our new normal.
Truth is, I love some of the opportunities lockdown has delivered, especially when it comes to home fitness. I’ve been a big believer in home workouts because you can always be consistent, which is why I suggest that people build their fitness foundation around them. They are so efficient you'll also notice that they take less time, so you’re less apt to overtrain (which increases hunger), and your risk of overdoing it and getting injured is greatly reduced. Hopefully, if you're a gym junkie, radical runner, or workout junkie and haven’t lost weight, you’ve probably figured out that weight loss is 90% diet and has less to do with your workouts than you are willing to admit.
Please don't get me wrong; we all need to work out daily, but what most people fail to realize is that it’s easier to get fit and improve strength than you might think. What’s even better is that the less fit you are, the less you’ll have to do to become more fit. What I love about fitness is that it’s guaranteed that what you put in, you’ll get out of it.
The fittest people I know make sure they stay active and get in daily movement by simply making sure they get their 10,000 steps in every day, even if it’s walking their dog or marching in place while on conference calls. They stretch before rolling out of bed, and before getting up in the morning, they either do some push-ups and planks or sometimes pull out the dumbbells that have been under their bed and lift them 2-3 times weekly.
Seriously, it's that simple to stay fit, especially if your food is on track.
Of course, I have a few I coach who tried to increase their training and duration, which is usually a direct result of feeling stressed and out-of-control. What you may find interesting is that none of them lost weight; in fact, they gained weight, which kills me as I do my best to help them avoid the weight-gain trap. I've been there too... a workout addict who needed the high when depression or anxiety hit. One thing I've learned and lived is that our diet is 90% of our weight success.
We can't exercise off a bad diet or a healthy diet that's not right for our bodies. A slow metabolism (slow weight loss) is a sign of an overly stressed system. The best way to overcome the effects of stress and how it affects our health is by providing it with the specific nutrients it needs, which is even more important than ever because a stressed body requires even more nutrients. If you don't meet your body's nutritional needs, it becomes stressed. It will become depleted very quickly, weakening your immune system, causing weight gain and bloating, storing more fat (specifically around your midsection), and sadly, escalating stress and anxiety, which often accompanies depression.
All these cause you to fall off your fitness and health plans and become stuck and unable to get started again. This scenario is way too common, and almost every email, call, and text I've been receiving lately has been about this fitness funk.
Today, I want to encourage you to GET UP! Brush yourself off, forgive yourself. I do a "1-2-3 let go, give it to God" exercise, and release my cares to Him. This allows me to focus on taking care of my physical body by doing the following every day:
- Wake up and stretch before getting out of my comfy bed (my dog stretches with me).
- I then go straight to the kitchen and take my supplements (1 Accelerator Advanced and 1 Cutting Edge), make a cup of French-pressed black coffee to drink while I get dressed, wash my face, and hydrate the heck out of it with Hydration Boost and Serum, and heavily apply Antioxidant Eye Cream (seriously, it's a lot of maintenance at 52, but it’s worth it).
- Next, I go straight to my treadmill. No stopping to play with the dog, feed my fin-babies (I have Koi that I love to feed in the morning), or checking email.
I walk a minimum of 60 minutes on my indoor treadmill. Using a treadmill removes any weather or other excuses, and I can get it done before I leave the house every day, 365 days a year. Seriously, if you don't own one, you should. They cost less than the not-so-healthy habits we spend on without even blinking :)
While on the treadmill, I read my daily devotional, say my prayers, send my Power Prayer text to my group, and then watch Joyce Meyer.
Why do I tell you all this? Because it works! We need to spend time taking care of our souls as well as our bodies. Our thought life is as important as what we put into our bodies. What we think determines our outcome and our outcomes are determined by our actions -- the actions we do or don’t do repeatedly, consistently, and frequently. This guarantees a good outcome regardless of what your goals are, whether they be physical, mental, or spiritual.
You have to address your body by moving it and your mind by strengthening it with the right kind of thinking and practicing it repeatedly, even if you have to fake it until you make it. This is often the case during stressful, uncertain times like we are all living in.
Bottom line, whatever you put into your body WILL show up, either on the scale or as some sort of dysfunction, which can even include thyroid issues becoming exacerbated or a weakened immune system. And, what we nourish our minds with shows up in our lives. The great news is that we get to decide how we deal with the lemons that life hands us. Will you make lemonade or suck on them and complain about how bitter they are?
Most importantly, remember you're never alone. God is right by your side, walking with you. Rely on Him for inner, limitless strength.
- I then drink my Complete Protein Shake every day to help provide my body and brain with the amino acids and cortisol management it needs to function, making it easier to make the right choices, and also our brains don't do well without the amino acids, and it also makes choosing to eat right more difficult (try it and test it for yourself... you'll see). Drink the shake, lose the weight, feel great!
I love having a delicious Metabolic Boosting Cappuccino every day if it's cold, and have a Leaner Latte if it’s hot, along with and my brain and joint support supplements, which consists of Recovery Agent, Vitamin D3 Boost, and Thyro-Boost/Immune Boost.
If you're having trouble deciding where to start, I always suggest that you start at the beginning, and the easiest and most cost-efficient is the Metabolic Weight Loss System (it's like getting me in a box with instructions and recipes). I made it easy by combining all of the most important supplements I suggest, and the metabolic meal and supplement plan (it's a free download that's always available). In the guide, I explain and show you when, what, and how much to take, and I also explain how to combine them with medicines or conditions you may have.
At LynFit, my team and I LOVE to make you happy, and most importantly, our passion is helping you overcome whatever obstacle you're facing, whether they be physical, mental, or spiritual. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at, even if you just want to say hi. We ♥️ hearing from you and hearing your stories about how you're HEALTHIER and HAPPIER!
If you're willing to share your story with us so we can share, or if you post your story on social media, we want to say "thank you" and give you a gift. Make sure to tag us (@LisaLynnFitness), and let's not only stay strong together, but let's help others, lifting them up and encouraging them to take care of their health!