As a clinical metabolic nutrition and fitness expert, the #1 mistake I see people make when trying to lose weight and improve health is NOT consuming enough of the right kind of fiber. Increasing fiber intake improves EVERY aspect of health, can jumpstart stubborn weight loss, accelerate fat burning, and flatten bloated stomachs. However, not all fiber is created equal. In fact, some forms of fiber cause bloating and can be painful.
Prebiotic fiber is the best choice and can make it easier for you to lose weight
and attack belly fat, while improving every aspect of health, starting with improving gut health (microbiome).
Here are the most frequent questions regarding prebiotic fiber...
Yes, in fact, studies prove that it helps reduce body fat by altering gut microbiota.
Yes, prebiotic fiber specifically boosts metabolism; that's why LynFit adds it to our
Metabolic Boosting Complete Protein Shakes and
Lean Bars, making them even more metabolic and better at boosting weight loss. Our body can't digest this type of fiber, but it attempts to, burning calories in the process, so even at rest your body burns more calories and becomes a thermogenic fat-burning machine.
Yes, and because we pair ours with clean, premium grade protein that preserves lean muscle tissue it provides a one-two punch with maximum strength hunger and cravings control. This dynamic duo prevents metabolic slowdown even when calories are reduced in an effort to lose weight.
Getting your prebiotic fiber and protein by consuming LynFit Metabolic Boosting Complete Protein or Lean Bars saves you time and money and makes it easy to nail your fiber intake every day. You'll be healthier, leaner, and lighter too! No need to add any extra steps or spend more money adding fiber; we did it for you saving you time and money!
Women should eat 21-25 grams per day minimum and men should aim for 30-38 grams per day. Most of us are getting about 15 grams per day max, and sadly, much of that isn’t from sources that are prebiotic-specific. This difference, about 15 grams on average, is also known as “The Fiber Gap”. As of now, there hasn't been a recent survey, but sadly, the fiber we are consuming isn't of a prebiotic source, which means most Americans are likely still averaging less than 4 grams of prebiotic fiber a day.
Yes, prebiotic fiber/protein duo, in addition to making you feel full, boosts metabolism 25%, so you burn more calories, making it easier to reach ketosis (fat-burning state). And since it prevents metabolic slowdown, even when calories are reduced by preserving lean muscle, it delivers a 1-2 punch that can be a weight loss game changer for everyone trying to lose weight and melt off stubborn belly fat, not only helping to melt it off but also keep it off for good. #Thermogenic
Yes, while not as efficiently as Keto Carb Edge blocks carbs and Cutting Edge blocks fat, but prebiotic fiber does play a role in helping block fats and carbs and buffers blood sugar, making it easier to avoid spikes. That's why it’s crucial to drink your Metabolic Boosting Complete Protein Shake and/or consume a Lean Bar, even on those not-so-healthy cheat days we choose to call “upzig” (a more positive way to describe excess caloric intake). Prebiotic fiber helps reduce some of the carbs and fat your body absorbs from the food you eat, keeping your metabolism working at full capacity. The overall effect is a decrease in caloric consumption or metabolizable energy, which scientifically is defined as energy consumed minus the loss in feces and urine equals healthy weight loss. If you're not having two or more bowel movements every day increase your prebiotic fiber intake.
No! Prebiotic is the only fiber that won't cause weight gain or bloat. It's low carb, no fat, undigestible, and improves gut microbiome, which increases calorie burn like exercise does.
Yes, and you should be consuming it daily.
Yes! Prebiotics are known to improve stool frequency and consistency, without causing diarrhea or loose stools the way other sources of fiber can. That's why the regular (daily) consumption of foods like the LynFit Lean Bars and Metabolic Boosting Protein Shakes is crucial and can help reduce belly bloat caused by an over-abundance of bad gut flora. On the flipside, eating dairy with probiotics can cause bloating.
Yes! Prebiotic fiber regulates, so even those with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), diverticulitis, chronic diarrhea or constipation, gastroenteritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) can safely consume prebiotic fiber and should increase its use to several times daily to help improve gut health/microbiome. Every time you consume a LynFit Lean Bar or Metabolic Boosting Complete Protein Shake, you're repopulating the good guys (bacteria) that rebalance your system and gently rid your system of the bad guys that strip nutrients, weaken immune health, zap energy, and slow metabolism.
On the flipside, most probiotics are form dairy sources that can cause bloating and an overabundance of bad guys in your gut that actually do more harm than good. After age 40, most of our bodies don't digest dairy very well, which is why they cause gas bloating and pain. The goal is to get your body to work more efficiently on its own, which probiotics do best. Prebiotics work with our body and help improve the ability to produce more good gut bacteria, acting as a natural holistic fertilizer, hence addressing the underlying issue versus putting a band-aid on it the way dairy forms of probiotics can. So, the short answer is, no, I don't suggest taking or consuming probiotics. Prebiotics are the BEST.
I always start my day off with it because it prevents hunger and cravings that can cause me to nibble all day. It keeps my blood sugar stable, so my energy stays balanced and even all day long, especially if I’m busy and can't eat for five or more hours. I don't suggest this, but it’s nice to know you have this option when working, flying, or driving and can't get to food, which for me, used to lead to eating whatever was in front of me. Doctors and experts agree; eat fiber in the morning and spread out prebiotic fiber foods evenly throughout the day.
Lisa Lynn, Clinical Metabolic Nutrition & Fitness Expert and Associate Chaplain. Best known for her 18+ years as Martha Stewart’s trainer, who was responsible for Martha’s over-50 amazing physical transformation that caught the attention of Dr. Oz, leading to her many appearances on the Dr. Oz Show. Lisa is not just another trainer; she herself lost 40 pounds and has kept it off, even with a sluggish thyroid and menopause.