Cleanse And Detox To Jump Start Your Weight Loss

I'm not going to tell you that you need to do ten minutes of push-ups for every two bite-sized Snickers® you ate, or seven minutes of running for every fun-sized KitKat's® you tasted. Or, that it takes five minutes of sit-ups to begin burning off the small bag of Sour Patch® or Starburst® you had to sample.
Halloween isn't spooky at all compared to what our little indulgences cost us. That's the scary part! Sadly, Halloween is the "I only eat a little, once in a while" that is most likely stopping you from losing weight.
What's even scarier or more horrifying is the profound impact these little tastes have on us. I'm a taster as well, so no judging here. I struggle unless I follow my plan. In fact, I have to live on the Accelerated Metabolic Boosting Meal Plan due to my fast paced life and my need to take small tastes.
These little indulgences (you know, the ones that never get written down in your journals) and these small bites we only have once in a while (who are we kidding?) wreak havoc on our blood sugar levels and cause damage to our metabolisms over time. They are almost always what keep us from reaching our goal weight. Most people don't realize how sensitive our blood sugar is.
Most people don't realize how sensitive our blood sugar is. Here's a good way to think about it — Visualize a glass full of crystal clear water. Now, add just one drop of food coloring to that glass of clear water. Yep, the entire glass becomes tinted red. Pretend that each little taste is another drop of food coloring. It's not going to take very long for that crystal clear glass of water to become clouded and completely colored because of the drops (tastes).
It becomes very evident that our little bites every once in a while have a more profound and cumulative effect than we might want to admit.
So, how do you know if your blood sugar levels are out of whack? Well, that's an easy test. If you can pinch more than an inch (and you know what I mean) your blood sugar is showing you evidence that your body is in need of a corrective type of diet; a metabolic boosting cleanse.
I see and talk to people every day who are not aware that their high blood sugar issue makes their metabolism resistant to losing weight, despite the countless diets, workouts, and doctor's visits. The reason? The underlying issues (blood sugar levels) are never addressed.
However, I've got great news for you — you have more control than you realize. But, you need to be honest with yourself about how often you eat only a little of the not-so-good-for-you foods. And you know all too well there's a vast difference between a little bit of celery vs. a little bit of that cheese that destroys waistlines and weight loss.
Before I go any further, I also want to share a little bit of tough love with you. It's the same tough love I give to myself practically every day to strengthen my willpower muscles. Print it out if you have to and put it on your refrigerator or some other place where it stares you right in the face when you feel your willpower weakening.....
Enough said.....
Start right now by throwing out all the trigger foods (the ones you can't stop eating) and start this metabolic boosting cleanse.
This is the only cleanse specifically designed to lower blood sugar levels, and that's why it's the only cleanse that is called metabolic boosting. Unlike juicing and juice cleanses, it lowers blood sugar levels, which is the secret to losing weight and lasting weight loss. More importantly, melting or burning off fat. After all, we don't want just to be lighter; we want to be leaner too.
If you've been struggling to lose weight and no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to lose weight because your sweet tooth and cravings are out of control, it's time to reboot your metabolism and detox your taste buds and your body in order to win this fight. Anyone can lose 1–3 pounds daily on this metabolic boosting cleanse, no matter how sluggish your metabolism is if you follow the plan. It works every time if you work it.
- It motivates you to stay on track with your weight loss due to the fast results
- It helps kill cravings for carbs, sweets, and alcohol due to detoxing
- It boosts energy — you'll feel refreshed again
- You'll feel less bloated — improved digestion through elimination
- You'll feel happier and healthier — improved well-being
- You'll experience fewer aches and pains
- You'll have better mental clarity — better able to manage stress (decision-making becomes easier
- You'll feel an emotional release due to the lighter, freer feeling
- You'll have healthier hair and skin
- You'll experience anti-aging benefits
- You'll experience a stronger immune system
So, are you ready to cleanse and detox to jump start your weight loss? Great — Begin HERE by downloading the LynFit Metabolic Boosting Cleanse and Detox Plan. And don't forget the tools you'll need, the LynFit Metabolic Boosting Cleanse and Detox Kit HERE.
We'd love to hear your success stories after you've completed the Cleanse and Detox. Let us know your results. After all, you may be someone else's inspiration!