You Are Stronger Than Cancer!

I have learned the MOST important life lessons while working with cancer survivors and their families. Those lessons have taught me to appreciate my body because it carries me through my life every day. Instead of always complaining "it's not perfect", I am reminded how cancer survivors tell me you don't know how blessed you are until "that moment" arrives and your whole world changes, forever.

Cancer survivors always come in excited to work out because they GET TO WORK OUT! I don't see the usual "I don't want to", or "I don't have time." They are happy to feel good enough to get through their workouts and every one of them has said, "I wish I knew how much a difference taking care of my body was before I was sick."

The Big C, no scratch that, the little "c", survivors have changed my life for the better because they have taught me to NOT put off living and to live each day like it's my last. Finding JOY in everything I do, including working out and eating healthy and never going to bed mad; always telling those closest to me "I love you!"

LynFit is all about balance and learning how to live "in" balance. There is a very good reason for that. Living out of balance causes our bodies stress and stress is responsible for 90% of all illness. So before you go abusing yourself with some insane workout or diet plan that's going to cause your body and life more harm than good, ask yourself this; "would I suggest this to my kids or someone I adore?" If not, why are you beating yourself up that way? It's not necessary. You'll get better results doing it from a place of love vs. desperation or not loving yourself!

This month, being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is all about Hope and Belief. I want to personally let you know that you're stronger than you think and you're stronger than cancer! Cancer may take your hair. It may take your strength. It may even take away precious time with loved ones. But I am here to tell you, IT CANNOT TAKE YOUR SOUL!

Here are 4 "bad habits" to stay away from when you are faced with the worst news:

  1. Did you know that drinking more than 4 alcoholic drinks per week increases your cancer risk? If you drink more than this I urge you to seek help right away. Don't wait until you're sick.

  2. Carrying excess weight in your midsection increases your risk of disease because it's a sign that your blood sugar is too high. Belly fat elevates harmful hormones as well and is your body's way of letting you know you're eating too many processed carbs. Anything you eat "out of a box"; including protein bars, sports beverages and excessive fruits and juices can elevate carbs in your body. "Sugar waters" like soy, almond or coconut, milks and creamers are hidden sources of sugar hiding under the health halo. *WARNING: If you're juicing and using lots of fruits this also elevates blood sugar levels and cancer feeds off sugar! Feeding the cancer is the last thing you want to do!

  3. Stop soy products! This is the first thing an oncologist will tell you. Check labels on everything, including and especially, on health foods! Most diet companies add this to their shakes and weight loss products because it's cheap. LynFit fights back by helping you live leaner lives and by NOT adding soy to its Protein Bar or Shakes!

  4. No smoking! Enough said!

Here are 4 "best habits" to help fight this intruder in your body:

  1. Lifting weights 2 times weekly, especially if you're undergoing treatment, can strengthen the bones and offset side effects from chemo. Continue doing this even after your treatments.

  2. Remember to get enough rest. Your body knows when it needs rest and it will tell you - listen to your body.

  3. Mama was right; eat your veggies every day!

  4. And, here's the big one - No matter where you might be in the process DO NOT BE PATIENT! Fight cancer with a sense of urgency. Fight with everything you have in you because you are fighting the battle of your life. And just when you feel you have no more strength left to fight, let go and let God. Let Him do the heavy lifting for you because God really does love you, and so do I!
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