Get Back On Track And Lose Weight!

- Accelerator - Enhances fat burning, boosts energy and promotes a feeling of fullness, while enhancing fat loss.
- Cutting Edge - Forces your body to burn stored fat faster and makes you feel better so you want to cheat less!
- Carb Edge - Helps balance blood sugar so you crave less while enhancing the thyroid. Carb Edge also contains Phase 2 White Kidney Bean Extract that blocks up to 65% of unwanted carbs from being absorbed so you never have to burn them off!
- Pure Omega 3 - Helps to balance blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full when taken at the right time.
- Raspberry Ketone Cleanse - Reduces bloating, cleanses and detoxifies your system while burning fat at the same time.
Did you know that if you take (1) Carb Edge 30 minutes before a "cheat meal" it can block up to 65% of unwanted carbs without gastric distress and balance blood sugar levels so your cravings can be controlled?
Here is the supplement protocol to re-boot your metabolism and it's what I put people on when they see me in person:
STEP THREE: Add metabolic boosting exercise with my Metabolic Boosting DVD Series 3 days a week and do cardio on off days and you'll be buffed in no time!
PLEASE NOTE: Weight loss results vary by individual. One pound loss per day results are typical when the plan is followed only with LynFit products. Any deviation with other products may impact your results as we don't know what's in those products, only what's in the LynFit product line, which are geared for metabolic boosting and weight loss and are meant to be used together.