2013 Fit & Lean You!

The #1 New Year’s resolution every year is to lose weight and get into shape.

FEAR of failure is the #1 reason most of us don’t reach our goals and we fail because we set goals that don’t excite us enough.  

This year set a goal that excites you so much you can’t wait to get up in the morning! The fear will be gone because excitement takes over! That’s how we make BIG changes!  Setting goals that excite you is the #1 way to reach your goal and nothing can STOP you except your attitude!  Say good bye to the old ways of thinking like “set small attainable goals”. This is worse than no goal at all. If you’ve tried this approach with little success, then I say………………DREAM BIG and go for it! YOU can do anything you set your mind to 

What’s your goal this year? To drop 10 pounds or maybe you have 10 more to go..........do you want to feel better, be healthier or simply fit in your clothes better?   DARE to dream, that's how dreams get fulfilled!  Obsess on your goal for a while and place sticky notes all over the house reminding you of your goal and how you’ll feel when you accomplish it!  Failure isn't an option anymore!

Here are THREE things that GUANRANTEE RESULTS!  

1. Power up your metabolism with protein!

Replace your current breakfast or a not so healthy snack with a LynFit Protein shake to boost your metabolism and to offset excess calories. Eating out, parties and stress all cause us to fall off the wagon and drinking a Protein shake daily is the #1 way to lose weight QUICKLY even if you aren’t eating perfectly.  You’ll lose weight immediately while you’re learning how to eat for weight loss. Seeing results is what keeps us on track! 

*Don’t need to lose weight?  Drinking a shake nourishes your body better than any single food you can eat because its gets absorbed quickly because it’s easier to digest.

2. Melt fat and whittle your middle with metabolic style workouts.

Swap your current workout for a 30 minute LynFit Leaner Lifestyle Metabolic workout that melts fat and helps flatten out your abs. Not all workouts produce the results we seek and that’s why you need to change your workout if it’s not producing results. If you only have 15 minutes a day you can still workout at home and get flatter abs and a fitter body. There aren’t any excuses it’s fast, easy and anyone can do it!  

Strength training is a constant CALORIE burner and will change your body more than any other type of exercise!

Lift weights three times a week for best results and walk for 30 minutes on alternate days.

*Want to tone, not reduce?  Don’t decrease your calories and you’ll increase muscle and get fit without losing weight!

3. Overcome the obstacles that take you off track by trouble shooting them ahead of time.

I crave carbs- The more you eat them the more you WILL crave them. Try Carb Edge and Lean Bars to BLOCK cravings before they begin! The Cutting Edge supplement can help you navigate your way through those tough times by providing nutrients that make us crave in the first place. The LynFit Carb Edge supplement also contain ingredients that BLOCK the absorption of carbs and fat, blocking the rise of insulin which causes our bodies to store fat.

I am tired- Tired, no energy?  This is where a cup of coffee and a good supplement loaded with B Complex vitamins like the Daily Power shot helps. Take it 30 minutes before your workout or the Accelerator to increase your energy. They can help you feel better both physically and mentally so you feel like going to the gym and have a better workout.  Even people who don’t want to lose can benefit from taking a good blended supplement  and the right blend will help you get leaner by encouraging your body to burn fat for fuel.

I don’t have the time- That’s exactly why the Metabolic Boost and all of the workouts found in the Leaner Lifestyle DVD series are under 40 minutes that get GREAT results.  IF you have 15 minutes you have more than enough time! Less travel = more gym time and better results! You can always break your workout up into 2-15 minute workouts!
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