If you have been eating pretty healthy and faithfully going to the gym but you still see extra fat hanging around, you need to “Fine Tune” your diet to trick it into burning fat for fuel.  

These five “small” things can make a bigger difference than you think. They are easy to fix and you really won’t miss them.  I can’t tell you how many times I have heard “I removed the milk and sugar from my coffee and………I LOST FIVE POUNDS”!  Let’s assume that you are already eating clean foods like chicken breast without the skin, butter isn’t even in your vocabulary and that you hardly ever eat red meat.  Of course you are also going to the gym 6 days a week to do cardio for 45 minutes at a clip (this is a must for fat loss), and you lift weights 3-4 times per week.  When these things just aren’t making your body burn fat then it is time to “Fine Tune” your diet to get your body to burn fat as fuel.  After all, that is why we go to the gym right?  Not if you are eating the wrong kinds of foods.  If you are eating high fat-high sugar foods than all you are burning for fuel at the gym is your last meal if you are lucky.  If you are eating correctly your body will burn off that extra body fat that you see staring back at you every time you look in the mirror. 

Here are FIVE things that you can do to remove fat and calories from your diet so that you burn more fat at the gym. 

1-    Remove the yolks from your eggs and save 7 grams of fat per yolk.  Keep in mind that you should be aiming for 20 grams of fat per day max so if you eat three eggs per day you are saving 21 grams of fat! 

2-    Drink your coffee or tea black without sugar.  It’s ok to add a little equal or splenda but if you add 2 teaspoons of sugar w/2 tablespoons of cream you are consuming 105 calories, 6 grams of fat and 12 grams of carbs that come from sugar. So if you drink a light coffee on your way to the gym all you are burning is the coffee that you just drank.  What a waste!  Go for it black and you can lose 1 pound a month just eliminating 1 cup of light coffee per day. 

3-    Use fat free dressings.  Always chose fat free dressings or vinegar and lemon juice for your salad.  One tablespoon of oil has 120 calories of pure fat.  Translation: You wont burn fat at the gym! 

4-    Remove cheese from your diet if you are really serious about losing fat.  1 ounce has 9 grams of fat and who eats 1 ounce?  Crumbled feta is even higher in fat! It has a whopping 15 grams of fat per 2 ½ ounces so if you want to burn fat run away from cheese! 

5-    Take L-Carnitine.  When all else fails and you need that little extra help getting your body to burn fat as fuel go for supplements that contain L-Carnitine.  L-Carnitine is an amino acid found in red meat.  Science has shown that L-Carnitine transports fat into the cells to be burned as fuel.  It is safe and effective for long-term use.  Who doesn’t want that extra edge?  


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  • Lisa Lynn