Hidden Sugar: Top Sources You May Not Know

Think your "diet" food is going to cause you to lose weight? Think again. Can't figure out why you're not losing weight even though you think you're eating right? It could very well be that your "diet" food is stopping your weight loss before it gets started due to the notorious hidden sugars.

Remember, just because it says "no sugar added" doesn't meant it's sugar-free. It just means that no "extra" sugar was added to the contents. Chances are that the product itself may contain enough sugar to slow down your weight loss without you even knowing it.

So, want to lose weight? Know where the top sources of hidden sugar are and stop eating them. When we eat sugar, we hurt our weight-loss efforts in two ways:

    • We cause our fat cells to go into storage mode.
    • We stop fat-burning. Instead of burning fat while doing cardiovascular exercise, we are simply burning off all of the extra sugar that we consumed.

    Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that elevates your blood sugar. Every time you consume sugar, or a product that contains sugar, you’re not only elevating your blood sugar but you’re stopping fat loss. If you’re trying to lose body fat and excess weight, stay away from sugar. This essentially starves the fat cells so that they go away. After all, most of us exercise to burn body fat.

    I know how hard it is to avoid sugar. It's extreme to say it, but sugar is one of the most widely used drugs in our country. Sugar is also in part responsible for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cavities. Did you know that sugar, due to its addictive nature, makes your diet plan harder to stick to? Did you know that sugar feeds cancer cells?

    The key to overall health and to successful workouts is to cut sugar from your diet. Of course, you’ll need to make sure you’re not unknowingly consuming it. Here are the top hidden sources that you can find sugar in your diet:

    Breakfast Cereal

    Toasted rice flakes contain 10 grams of sugar per serving. Instant flavored oatmeal often has 16 grams of sugar per serving. Instead, go for sugar-free, high-fiber cereals or plain instant oatmeal that you flavor yourself with blueberries and cinnamon.

    Protein Drinks

    Popular pre-packaged weight-loss drinks pack 35 grams of sugar per serving. Homemade smoothies made with skim milk can have up to 80 grams of sugar depending on how you make them. One cup of skim milk has 11 grams of sugar. Most soy milk brands have 12 grams of sugar per serving. Once you add in juice and fresh fruit, you’ve made a super-sugary concoction. LynFit's Protein Shakes are very low-sugar, making them the best choice for faster weight loss.

    Yogurt and Yogurt Drinks

    If your yogurt or yogurt drink isn’t sugar-free, it can have anywhere from 27-60 grams of sugar per serving. Aim for the sugar-free variety.

    Dried Fruit

    People tend to overeat dried fruit because they think that it’s good for them. But dried fruit is not as nutritious as fresh fruit. A 1.5-ounce box of raisins has 30 grams of sugar! Instead, grab fresh fruit like a green apple.

    Fruit Juice

    Juice can have anywhere from 30-80 grams of sugar. Many processed juices also lack the fiber whole fruit or fresh juices provide. Drink water instead.

    Be sure to read all nutrition labels. Stay away from sugar and sugary products to put your fat loss in the fast lane.

    Need more irresistibly delicious recipes that not only steer clear of the hidden sugars, but also boost your metabolism? Make sure to check out 100 of them in my book, The Metabolism Solution, HERE. Your family will love you for it!

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