Pain And Weight Gain

Pain affects more than your weight loss:

    • 15,000 people yearly die because of opioid use 
    • More people die from prescription pill use than in car accidents 
    • More than 100 million people in the U.S. have pain that won't go away
    • Over 95 percent of the world’s population has health problems with over a 1/3 having more than five ailments
    • A quarter of Americans (76.5 million) age 20 and over, report a pain problem that persists longer than 24 hours 
    • Adults with back pain are often in worse physical and mental health than those without pain
    • Pain sufferers are three times more likely to be in fair or poor health and four times more likely to experience psychological distress 
    • Pain is the top cause of disability in the U.S., costing society $560–635 billion dollars. An amount equal to $2,000 for each of us, and this does not include pain treatments.

Pain and Weight GainIf you struggle with any type pain, I don't have to tell you how it affects every aspect of your life. When you're in pain or not feeling well you crave (and eat) all of the wrong things, making matters worse. Your sleep is affected, which stops you from working out. The next thing you know you’re standing up in front of the refrigerator eating foods that you don't even like to numb that pain. We reach for the quick fix pain relief that slows our metabolism down to a screeching halt, setting our bodies up for the perfect weight gain storm that might take weeks to turn around.

Thanks to natural remedies this can all be helped. Using the right high-quality supplements in the proper amounts you can feel better fast, without slowing your metabolism down. It's also important to keep in mind that certain drugs and over-the-counter medications may give you quick relief, but they also cause the pain to rebound even worse than it was before. This sets us up for disaster as this chronic pain forces us into a negative feedback loop that causes weight gain and stops weight loss. Did you know that most chronic pain sufferers end up taking excessive amounts of medication, drinking too much alcohol and risk becoming addicted?

It doesn't matter if your pain is caused by PMS, injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis or the kind of chronic pain the doctors can't determine the origin. What’s important is that you interrupt this pain cycle and interfere with its debilitating symptoms as fast as you can, naturally. The longer pain is allowed to continue the harder it is to stop. Most chronic pain sufferers will tell you that their pain not only gets worse; it also seems to spread and impacts every aspect of our lives. Physically it stops us from doing the very things that keep us healthy. Mentally it wreaks havoc making it tough to be cheerful. It then gets deeper, affecting our spirituality. We stop being grateful for what is working in our lives. I refer to this as PMS — the kind we all get from time to time.

If you’re ready to stop allowing pain to rule your life it's going to take a three-prong approach, I call the PMS Cocktail. These simple steps will help alleviate pain without slowing your metabolism the way grocery store supplements can. They will boost your metabolism and improve your health. Not just physical health, but emotional health as well. I know what you’re thinking — "here we go with emotional health thing. It's not mental health that's the problem. I was fine until I was in pain." I've heard it all and have experienced it myself, but if you're honest with yourself, you'd admit that you get a bit anxious and cranky when you don't feel good. So we need to get you feeling better fast, so you want to get up and start moving again. Depression almost always equals more couch time and excess sleep that feeds pain. It's the movement that interrupts the pain, helping your body to shut it off. Doesn't that sound empowering?

Here are the three things you need to do to stop the pain cycle faster than you can say "I'm grateful"!

1.  Movement matters more than you think
Pain is your body screaming at you letting you know that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. No matter what ails you, there is some movement to help. See Win the Fight: Stomp Out Melanoma for a pain relief, immune-boosting stretching and exercise regime that's safe and gentle enough to be done even in a hospital bed.

2.  Sleep soundly for quick pain relief, with natural help
Sleep is miraculous, and the quality of your sleep counts more than you realize. Reach for effective natural remedies that promote sound sleep vs. prescription drugs that become part of your problem. Recent studies show that melatonin has a protective effect and dampens immune response without the unwanted side effects that over the counter pain medications have.

This is especially noteworthy for anyone with autoimmune issues such as arthritis. Even people with MS are getting relief taking melatonin. I suggest that my clients take melatonin along with (1) LynFit Pure Omega 3 for sleep help and pain relief. LynFit Pure Omega 3 is pharmaceutical grade and shuts off the pain signals by helping to reduce inflammation that accompanies pain.

*Note: See my info on sleep in The Metabolism Solution or Win the Fight: Stomp Out Melanoma for more sleep tricks. A well-rested person is a happier person.

3.  The spiritual aspect of pain reduction
Countless studies have shown that people who practice gratitude tend to have less pain. I can hear you growling at me so don't take my word for it — try it for yourself. One of the most profound things I've learned from fellow cancer survivors is no matter how much pain they were in; they had an attitude of gratitude. This didn't come easy for me, but I guarantee that no matter what you’re going through, gratitude can change everything, and fast.

One young cancer survivor said that when she couldn't sleep, and her body ached all over, she would lie in bed and count her blessings. She said she would thank the bed for proving warm comfort, and she even thanked the pain that gave her the feeling of being in control that empowered and motivated her to do what she had to to get through the long, painful days.

Every morning along with your LynFit Complete Protein Shake take:
(1) LynFit Pure Omega 3
(1) LynFit D3 Boost
Mid-day shut down
LynFit Recovery Agent as prescribed on the label, according to your weight
(1) LynFit Lean Sleep
(1) LynFit Pure Omega 3

*Note: Not all supplements are created equal. Most grocery store and warehouse brands are of low quality. That may be the reason you’re not seeing and feeling results. When it comes to your health, quality counts more than quantity or amount of ingredient. Try LynFit's quality. You'll see and feel the difference right away.

"With my 11th prescription in hand and 12 surgeries behind me, I hit the internet. I could not bear the thought of Gastric Bypass and more limitations. Facebook sent me to a Dr. Oz clip with Lisa Lynn, and she ignited a spark of hope. Could this program work for me? The answer is YES! I needed the whole program to move my stuck metabolism, something no one had been talking about to me. I did not need Gastric Bypass, I needed someone who understood how metabolisms work, and Lisa Lynn got it. Since then I discovered, because the program is gluten free, I was intolerant, and a clean, healthy lifestyle is what I needed. My doctors have taken me off all drugs! No longer do I suffer from Sleep Apnea, GERT, Chronic Fatigue, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, and I have reversed Osteoporosis. I have had to relearn all knew about cooking. All the foods I thought were good for my family and me were not. Years of misinformation that Lisa’s book teaches. Not only did I get healthy but my whole family has benefited. We are a family focused on better eating and healthy living. Working out is a part of our daily routine, a true lifestyle change. Throw away the membership card, it’s expensive, and you’ll get a better workout with Lisa’s DVD."

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