Metabolic Boosting Core Walk

Metabolic Core WalkNo time for weights? Don’t worry — this Walking Interval Workout will hit every muscle on your body. If you’re stuck in a fitness rut and your weight loss has plateaued, it may be time to boost your cardio up a notch. By incorporating intervals and strength-training moves into your core walk, you will give your metabolism the boost it needs to help you lose weight faster. This metabolic boosting Core Walk also challenges your muscles in new ways so you’ll start seeing results again.

This workout includes three different types of intervals and incorporates three different body moves that will also tighten and tone your body so you’ll start seeing results in the same week. The Metabolic Boosting Core Walk is also a great way to add some variety for people looking to break up their usual walk or cardio workout. So, re-shape, tighten, and tone up fast today with the Metabolic Boosting Core Walk.


Lie face-down on the floor, keeping your body straight like a plank. Come up on your elbows and toes using your abs to lift (do not let your body bow). Hold the plank for 30–60 seconds and then relax for 3–5 seconds. Repeat this plank series 3–4 times, which targets the abs and shoulders.


Start walking at a regular walking pace for a few minutes to warm up your legs. After 2 minutes, begin to pick up the pace, walking as fast as you can for 2 minutes. Then, slow down your pace for 1 minute, or until you feel recovered and ready to go again. Repeat this interval 3–4 times in a row, for a total of 15 minutes.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding the dumbbell in your hand in front of you. Squat down and stand back up raising the dumbbell up to chin level. Repeat this move 3–4 sets for 15 repetitions. This move works your hips, thighs, buttocks, shoulders and arms. It also burns a ton of calories


Once you’ve completed the first walking interval, resume walking, gradually increasing your pace. This is the core middle section of your walk, and it will challenge your stamina because you’re walking at a faster pace. Start walking as fast as you can for 1 minute, then return to a normal walking pace to recover for 1 minute. Repeat 3–4 times, alternating between a fast and normal pace.
*Every person's pace is different so begin to pay attention to what your fast pace is and what a slow pace is.


Lie down face first on the floor with your hands next to your chest. Push yourself up until your body is parallel with the floor. Keep your body straight and your core tight. Lower yourself all the way to the ground until you can kiss the floor without lowering your head. Push away from the floor using the power of your whole body.
*Beginners may do the push-ups on their knees if needed. Repeat this move for 3–4 sets and complete as many reps as you can safely perform making sure to lower yourself all the way to the ground.


Start walking again. Begin your interval by doing alternating walking lunges for 1 minute straight-drill style. Not sure how to do a walking lunge? Start off by leading with your right foot in front, step forward into a lunge, going as deep as you can go, then switch sides. After 1 minute of alternating lunges, go back to your walking at as fast of a pace as you can safely handle for 4 minutes. Don’t forget to stand tall and keep your core muscles tight. You can use your arms to help increase your speed. Repeat the 1 minute of alternating lunges and 4 minutes of fast-paced walking 3–4 more times.
*See The Metabolic Boosting Workout DVD for more instruction


Triceps Chair Dips and Side Core Raise

Place your hands at the edge of your seat and lower your body to the floor, using your arms to raise yourself back up. Be sure to keep your body as close to the chair as possible for best results. Repeat this move for 3–4 sets and 15–20 repetitions.

Side Core Raise: Lying on your side on your elbows, lift your body off the floor using your core. Too hard? Use an arm or leg to help at first. Repeat this move for 3–4 sets and 15–20 repetitions.

Start out slow and go at your pace. This is a tough workout and remember to stretch (see Recovery Stretch in The Metabolism Solution). Aim to do this Metabolic Boosting Core walking routine at least two times weekly. If you're energetic, you can always do a third. After you’ve completed this workout go ahead and indulge in a LynFit Lean Bar or LynFit Complete Protein Shake to recover lost nutrients so your body will heal and repair faster. If you tend to get sore take (1) LynFit Pure Omega 3 to help heal and repair, so you won’t be as sore. If you need help with the moves or would like a complete workout be sure to check out The Metabolism Solution for more information.


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