Metabolic Mistakes That Stop Weight Loss


 Click on the video above to watch Lisa on "CT Style" discussing How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

When it comes to losing weight most of us focus on the big things, but it's the little things that usually keep us from losing weight. Those little things we all do that seem so unimportant that we don’t even write them in our journals.

What you don’t know can hurt your weight loss. In fact, it may even stop you from losing weight; especially if you're female, over 35 years old, diabetic, or have a thyroid condition (all apply). Don't shoot the messenger. I don't make the rules and I certainly still struggle with some of these myself. If you’re not losing weight, listen up, these are for you.

Here are the Top 5 Metabolic Mistakes I see on food journals every day that stop weight loss dead in its tracks:

Metabolic Mistake #1: You Think Juicing Is Good For You

While juicing does supply some nutrients your body doesn't know the difference between sugar that came from juicing or candy. It still elevates blood sugar levels which stop fat loss and slow weight loss.

Do this instead: Drink a Complete Whey Protein Shake. You’ll boost your metabolism 25%, block cortisol which helps melt belly fat, and you'll be providing your body with nutrients it needs to stay healthy, allowing you to lose 1 pound per day. Drinking a Complete Protein Shake is fast, easy and delicious. All you have to do is drink. Don't add fruit.

Metabolic Mistake #2: When It Comes To Weight Loss You Think All Snack Bars Are Created Equal

Not! In fact, snack bars that cost .50 cents are loaded with nothing but sugar. They are expensive cookies in my book. You know the drill when it comes to sugar and weight loss, the less sugar you eat the easier it is to lose weight.

Do this instead: Replace your current protein or snack bar with a Lean Bar and you'll boost your metabolism 25%. Lean Bars are made with the same high quality protein that the Complete Protein Shake is made with. You'll lose weight faster and melt belly fat. You’ll also be saving calories, carbs, and fat while adding 10 grams of fiber to your diet. That's always good for weight loss. LynFit Lean Bars are the only protein bar on the market that uses high quality protein. That’s what’s best for weight loss.

Metabolic Mistake #3: You Eat Too Much Chicken And Salmon

When it comes to weight loss not all proteins are created equal. Chicken and salmon both have more fat than you realize which adds calories and slows weight loss. It stops belly fat from melting off. We tend to forget to weigh and measure our proteins and this slows our weight loss. Always stick to 3 ounce servings.

Do this instead: Eat more white fish and less chicken and salmon. Remember, the lighter and whiter the fish the better for your metabolism and the faster and easier it will be for you to lose weight and melt belly fat. If your weight is stuck try eating more white fish and less chicken.

Metabolic Mistake #4: You Think Fruit Is Good For Weight Loss

Fruit does have some nutritional value but it also spikes blood sugar the same way juice does. Most of us don't know what a serving size of fruit is. If your weight loss is stuck and you have belly fat you want to melt off eat less fruit, or at least stick to a serving size, which is ½ a cup.

Do this instead: Swap your fruit for green veggies such as celery, or anything green for that matter, and you'll lose weight faster and feel fuller longer. Vegetables don’t cause blood sugar spikes the way fruit does so you'll feel fuller and eat less. Just make sure you're not dipping it into calorie loaded hummus or high calorie dip. Look for zero calorie dips or salad dressings instead if you’re trying to melt belly fat.

Metabolic Mistake #5: You think All Exercise Is Created Equal When It Comes To Losing Weight

While all exercise beats the couch, it's not all great for weight loss. Movement burns calories but exercises like zumba counts as cardiovascular exercise. Yoga which is great for stress relief and stretching and last but not least, Cross Fit, which can be too intense and not only stop weight loss but can cause weight gain unless you're under 30 and live stress free. All exercise is stress to your body but none of these are "the best" when it comes to losing weight and burning excess fat; especially around the hips, butt and thighs.

Do this instead: Metabolic boosting workouts are the very best when it comes to tightening, firming and reshaping your body. Unlike other forms of exercise, they are specifically geared for weight loss. You’ll see results within one week and they take only 30 minutes to complete. Just three metabolic boosting workouts a week and you’ll be boosting your metabolism making it easier for you to lose weight and melt fat. If you’re not seeing results stop what you're currently doing in the gym and try metabolic boosting workouts for 2 weeks. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your body and how fast you lose weight. Less time plus faster weight loss who doesn't want that?

For more information about these and other metabolic solutions please refer to my book, "The Metabolism Solution".

If you keep doing what you've always done you'll get what you've always got. Change requires you to change. So start now, YOUR SOMEDAY IS TODAY. DON'T WAIT ONE MORE SECOND!

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