Detoxing Your Body With Natural Alternatives

Spring cleansing means detoxifying your body, mind and spirit. Detoxing is an ancient tradition and has been known to be an "extraordinary-mystical" experience. Jesus did it, Plato did it and so did Gandhi! They said it gave them clarity of thought and made them feel more peaceful and created vibrant health.
Detoxing your body is also the best way to slow down the aging process and jump start your weight loss. My first goal with every client is to get them to feel good so they have the energy to make lifestyle changes that will ultimately affect their weight loss and melt fat from their waistline.
How do you know if you need to detox? Here are the telltale signs that your body is begging you to detox:
- Cravings
- Bloated, feeling heavy, constipated or irritable bowel symptoms
- Depression, moodiness, lack of focus, can't concentrate
- Tired, lack of energy
- Muscle aches and pains
- Sleep problems
- Skin eruptions, eczema, nail or hair problems
- Sick often
- Hard to lose weight
I recommend certain proven techniques that help your body detox. Detoxing has always been the best way to recharge, rejuvenate, and renew. Anybody can benefit from a detox. The body is coming out of what might be called hibernation. It's a way you can jump-start your body and your weight loss for a more active life, and a healthier life.
There's a big difference between dieting and detoxing as the effects on the body are quite different.
A study of anthropology gives plenty of evidence. In Chinese medicine, fasting is part of preventative health care. For many ancient cultures, fasting helped people "lighten up" after a long winter, shedding the extra winter fat layer that provided warmth.
Our bodies naturally detoxify every day because detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin. Our metabolic processes continuously dispose of accumulated toxic matter.
However, the environmental toxins of modern-day life - the pollutants, chemicals, other synthetic substances - are more than the average body can handle. Our bodies don't know what to do with foreign substances, so it will store them outside of the regular elimination system, so we don't get poisoned. Those poisons start building up in our body fat.
If you feel "congested" from too much food - or the wrong kinds of food - you may want to detoxify. If your energy level is low, if you have been taking many medications that have not been eliminated from your system, even a simple weekend detox may help you feel better fast so that you crave eating healthy and exercising. Not to mention how focused and peaceful you'll feel. (For more information on a total Metabolic Cleanse, click HERE)
Here are FIVE safe, natural alternatives that make detoxing easier:
- Start by knowing your numbers. If you're not feeling well it helps to know why. That's why I'm suggesting that you know your numbers. Not your weight or body fat, but rather your Omega-3 levels. We've all heard that Omega-3's are the secret to optimal health as they help lower total cholesterol, ease inflammation, increase energy and boost mood as well as benefiting your nails and hair. But what you might not know is that your Omega-3 levels may actually be hurting you. I suggest that every client start out by taking this highly accurate simple home test that will provide you with your ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 (results in 2 weeks) which is the key to detoxing your body. When we feel better and ache less you won't need toxic drugs to ease symptoms. I searched and found the best deal for you to get 2 kits for the price of 1 by clicking HERE. Be sure to sign up for their 100 days of heart health while you're there.
- Kick constipation/IBS naturally with fiber. I suggest mixing Sunfiber every morning in your LynFit Complete Protein Shake along with a ½ cup of raspberries to reach your daily fiber quota. What makes Sunfiber totally unique is that it's the only fiber that's truly invisible (no taste and no gritty texture). What I love most about Sunfiber is that it will not impede with protein digestion. Sunfiber will also help improve the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and it dissolves fast!
Lisa Tip: If you suffer from constipation or IBS symptoms, in addition to mixing Sunfiber every morning with your Complete Protein Shake, take the LynFit Raspberry Ketone Cleanse at dinner for the best results. - Ease joint aches and pains naturally with antioxidants and other pain fighting ingredients while detoxing. Joint aches, arthritis and headaches are the #1 complaint I hear every day that keep people from eating healthy and exercising. You can bet I take this very seriously. There are natural alternatives such as LynFit Recovery Agent that provide fast relief without rebound pain or side effects. You can help your body recover naturally with proven ingredients such as Glucosamine, L-Glutamine, Curcumin and Bromelain, to name a few, and all contained in LynFit Recovery Agent. It helps repair damaged tissue, enhances immunity and speeds healing while inhibiting joint inflammation.
- Food is always your best medicine so choose organic whenever possible and aim to eat more green vegetables versus fruits as fruit can also raise blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar contributes to intense cravings, moodiness and fatigue. You really are what you eat so focus on eating 10 vegetables daily and lean, clean white fish with lots of fresh water. I recommend drinking at least 4 cups of green tea daily or hot water with lemon to help your body eliminate toxins that make you feel so bad.
Getting lean and staying healthy is about eating right and staying active so be sure to get some exercise every day. Your body will thank you and your weight loss will be enhanced when you use safe, natural alternatives whenever possible.