Cleansing The Right Way!

In a panic after the holidays and just want to "clean up and start over" by doing a juice cleanse? I understand your sense of urgency but let's make sure that you get started the right way. While cleansing your system and "starting over" is a good thing, if you don't juice cleanse properly you may actually cause damage to an already slow metabolism, especially if you're over 40.

The good news is that not only is juicing for detoxing and weight loss one of the latest health trends, but when done properly, can help you lose a pound a day. It's important to remember that I'm talking about metabolic cleansing however. There's a big difference between a normal juice cleanse and my metabolic boosting cleanse!

The first thing most people do is to start dumping all kinds of fruit and veggies into a blender without any concern as to what those combinations might actually be doing to their bodies. In fact, if you're not careful, you end up spiking your blood sugar levels off the chart and that's the last thing you want to do when you're trying to lose fat.

So, can I really lose a pound a day with a metabolic cleanse? Absolutely! But only if your cleanse is done properly. Other cleanses don't contain enough nutrients to keep your metabolism running smoothly and you tend to lose muscle in the process because they don't provide enough protein and nutrients, slowing down your metabolism and causing your body to go into survival mode.

My metabolic boosting cleanse does the complete opposite. It provides the nutrients your body needs to keep your metabolism going and in turn, allows you to lose weight!

The LynFit Metabolic Boosting Cleanse Difference:

  • Before you just start tossing assorted greens into your blender, you want to make sure you mix in some metabolic boosting whey, found in my Complete Protein Shakes. Whey is low calorie (155 calories or less). It is also low in carbs, sugar and fat. You'll absolutely love the taste that makes it easy to drink at least one every day. The Complete Protein Shakes come in 3 delicious flavors: French Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry Banana Twist. There's no better tasting diet drink. And it boosts your metabolism by 25%!
  • Kick-start your day with my Daily Power Shot. The first thing I do every morning is take a LynFit Daily Power Shot. It contains every single nutrient that your body needs. If your body is missing even a single nutrient your metabolism starts to slow down. The Daily Power Shot's vitamins, minerals and antioxidants help your body reach optimum health and elevates energy levels, allowing you to maximize your weight loss.
  • Feeling hungry between meals? It's not the feeling hungry that's bad, it's what we do to try to satisfy that craving that hurts us. Too many of us instinctively reach for a sugary or carb filled snack when we start to feel hungry between meals. Rather than those "not so good" choices, I recommend sipping green tea while allowing your body the necessary time to process and burn off fat. If you really can't seem to get satisfied you can always enjoy another metabolic boosting Complete Protein Shake, or even a green apple.

Here's a Lisa tip: Take Omega-3 at 3! I make it a point to take my Pure Omega-3 at 3pm every day to blunt my cravings and keep my energy levels sustained. It makes it a lot easier to walk away from those temptations!

  • Fuel your metabolism with seafood for dinner. What you eat for dinner makes a big difference in your weight loss success. Seafood is high in iodine and will help fuel your metabolism. Add broccoli or leafy greens to your meal and you'll give your metabolism the kick-start it needs to keep burning fat throughout the night.

Here's a Lisa tip: While cleansing, before bed, I recommend taking a LynFit Fat Burning Raspberry Ketone Cleanse. It detoxifies your system, getting rid of fat loving toxins that slow your metabolism down.

  • Weight loss miracles really do happen when you sleep! Sleep is when your body regenerates and revitalizes itself. LynFit Lean Sleep with Melatonin will help your body and brain reboot so your body can burn fat even while you sleep. Drug-free, it is specifically designed for weight loss while allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a new, metabolic boosting day!
You can get all the products listed above in one convenient Metabolic Boosting Cleanse Kit. No excuses, no delays, no putting off what you can start today!

For more information, make sure to watch my interview with Better TV where we discuss all things related to the Metabolic Boosting Cleanse or click on the video below.

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