Drop 7 Pounds In 7 Days With A Metabolic Boosting Cleanse

I don't know about you, but I crave a cleanse after I have eaten "off plan". I don't feel good when I'm not eating right or getting enough sleep. I feel tired all the time, my cravings run my life, and I feel fat and fluffy.

I know the solution is to detox my body from all of the damage that I caused it. But I should warn you, not all cleanses are good for weight loss. In fact, most of the cleanses you see advertised actually slow down your metabolism. Did you know that juicing slows your metabolism? Juicing is great for alkalizing your body because you consume your vegetables, but it also causes hikes in blood sugar that affect your weight loss and prevent you from burning fat.

The reason cleanses are so good for us is that they make us feel re-energized. Not to mention, they reboot our metabolism when done right. We also begin eating better so we feel better right away. But that's not all that cleanses are good for. Cleansing is the best way to improve your health and jump start our weight loss plan because they are alkalizing our bodies. If our bodies are too acidic we get sick often, feel tired all the time, and struggle with weight loss. Not to mention we can't lose that stubborn fat.

All of LynFit's plans are alkalizing so they not only boost your metabolism and cause you to lose weight, but they also create vibrant health. You'll not only look better, you'll feel the best you have felt in years and your aches and pains will even subside, so you'll want to exercise!

What makes our bodies too acidic? Eating too many sweets and processed foods, meats (including chicken) and not getting enough sleep or rest.

Cleansing facts that you need to know:

  • Our brains bathe and reboot when we sleep and if we don't sleep well enough or get enough zzz's our bodies can't reboot.
  • Juicing/Drinking juices (especially if they are pre-made vs. fresh) can slow down your metabolism. When we juice on mega doses of vegetables that are raw they can affect and slow your thyroid. Eat steamed vegetables instead that won't slow your thyroid.
  • Blending large amounts of vegetables, especially if you fruit can cause blood sugar levels to skyrocket and that's always counter-productive for losing weight and burning fat.
  • Not getting enough clean, lean protein while cleansing can cause your body to break down muscle tissue and that causes your metabolism to slow down. Clean, lean proteins such as LynFit Complete Protein Shake and white fish are the best and only sources you should rely on while cleansing.
  • Not eating to boost your metabolism slows down your metabolism. That doesn't mean you need to eat a lot, but you have to eat right.
  • Not cleansing long enough. A good cleanse should be followed for at least 21 days to break bad habits and create new good ones.
We eat from Thanksgiving to New Year's and go all out like there is no tomorrow and we think we can cleanse for 1 week to fix the damage - NOT! I suggest cleansing for 30 days following a Metabolic Boosting Cleanse and allowing yourself to go off 1-2 meals per week (after 7-10 days). Keep your cheat meal light, clean and simple so you don't wreck all of your hard work. Your digestive system needs to be treated with TLC for the best health results. I usually have a fish meal made with lemon and white wine and a salad with veggies, and then frozen yogurt for dessert as my cheat meal. That's enough to make me crave going back on my cleanse.

How do you cleanse your body to boost your metabolism? Follow a Metabolic Boosting Cleanse and add the following tips to maximize your results:

  • Take the LynFit Daily Power Shot first thing in the morning to bathe your body with vital nutrients that will provide the energy you need.
  • Perform the Metabolic Booster or Fat Blaster workout at 50% intensity and do the Recovery Stretch every other day. STOP all other activities except walking or indoor biking.
  • Drink you LynFit Complete Protein Shake or LynFit Lean Bar after your morning workout. Not working out in the morning? Start now! Even 15 minutes will make a difference.
  • Drink at least 4 cups of green tea daily or warm water with lemon, as well as lots of fresh water; instead of coffee.
  • Take LynFit Pure Omega-3 at 3pm to keep cravings in check and bathe your body with good fats for optimal health.
  • Take the LynFit Raspberry Ketone Cleanse every day at 5pm with your dinner. If constipated, use more to get your bowels working.
  • Take LynFit Lean Sleep 30 minutes before bed to enhance sleep. Sleep and rest are critical while cleansing. It's when our brains bathe themselves and our bodies restore themselves.
  • Don't eat in between meals. Let yourself get hungry and fill up with tea, hot water with lemon or fresh water. You're supposed to be drinking 8 glasses a day. Tea counts toward your water quota as long as it's black.
  • Eat steamed vegetables for dinner and every other night have white fish.

Cleansing is THE BEST way to jump-start your fat loss when you do it right. This is a great time to pick up some new habits that will change your life for the better. After all, cleansing is more than just detoxing the body. We should also be thinking about ways we can improve our lives, and our health! Recruit your mother, husband and kids and do it together as family. Even the pets can benefit!

Need some LynSpiration? Meditate daily, early in the morning or immediately after you exercise by lying flat on your back and focusing on your breathing, slowly exhaling out your stress (guys, this is especially important for you) and focus on anything that makes you smile.

Here's a bonus recipe for you to use during your cleanse; the Alkalinity Shake. Simply add the following ingredients to your blender while making your shake. Even if you hate vegetables you'll love this. You won't even know they're in there.

Directions: Wash and prep ingredients. Add to blender and blend away!
Serves 2 (that way you already have your lunch shake prepared)

(1) cup water or black coffee (coffee is loaded with antioxidants)
(4) scoops of your favorite flavor LynFit Complete Protein Shake (results are not guaranteed when using other shakes as they are loaded with inferior protein and sugar)
(1) large cucumber
(1) fistful of kale
(2-3) stalks of celery
(1) big broccoli stem
(1/2) peeled lemon

Scared you won't like the veggies in your shake? Start slow and try one new veggie each day. Most people love kale, cucumber and spinach because they are so mild tasting.

Get ready for the detox of your life. I'll warn you upfront - it's addicting!

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