Make 2017 the Year of a New, Leaner You!

More than half of the country’s population has already made their New Year’s resolutions and are ready to put them into action to help them become healthier (by losing weight) and happier. Statistics say more than 90 percent of resolutions fail, despite the best of intentions.

If you want to be part of the 10 percent that succeed, you’ll need to know how to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way, preventing you from reaching your goals. These techniques will help you win the fight when it comes to reaching your goals.

There are some common mistakes almost all of us make when it comes to our diets, stopping fat loss and preventing us from losing weight. No matter what type of plan, your body needs these clean eating rules, backed by science, that apply to each of us.
(NOTE: If you’re over age 35, your metabolism is slowing down while we speak. So listen up, this applies in particular to you.)

Losing weight can be fast and easy if you think replacement vs. deprivation when it comes to addressing your not-so-healthy eating habits. And, we all know how long depriving ourselves lasts — not very long.

The Good News? These simple solutions can help you bust through your toughest weight loss challenges, no matter how old you are or how stubborn your metabolism is. You’ll not only lose more weight in less time; you’ll melt fat from those hard to reach places like the stomach, hips, and thighs. You'll do it without spending hours in the gym, or those dreadful juice cleanses that spike your blood sugar, making you even more ravenous than you were before you started.

If this is the year you promised yourself that you were going to do it, get ready, because these simple solutions are guaranteed to get you there. No more excuses! You're going to set a goal (be specific, such as 7 pounds in 7 days), and commit yourself 100 percent to work at it and achieve it.

Are you feeling determined and ready to lose a pound per day? If so, it's time to challenge yourself and take on the LynFit 7-Day Weight Loss Challenge.

LynFit Weight Loss Challenge

We've got 7 days of healthy, lean living challenges to help get you back on track fast, losing weight and melting fat. This 7-Day Weight Loss Challenge will help you become a weight loss expert by teaching you how to lose weight and keep it off. These lean living tips will help you accomplish all your 2017 health goals; from lowering blood sugar or cholesterol levels, to decreasing your inflammation. No excuses!

Weight loss is 90 percent diet and only 20 percent sweat equity, so it’s best to focus on your eating habits. You don’t need a diet; you need a lifestyle. The best way to clean up yours is to replace some of the not-so-good habits that are stopping you from reaching your goals. You may not even be aware they are negatively affecting your weight loss because of the affect these seemingly harmless habits have on your blood sugar levels, causing your body to become resistant to weight loss. It's also why diabetes and pre-diabetes numbers are skyrocketing at a faster pace than the national debt.

It's not how much you work out or how often you wear that FitBit® or go to CrossFit® class, that will help you lose weight — it's your diet.  

Here are the Top Three mistakes people make that prevent them from losing weight:

  1. They don’t pay attention to their meal timing.
    Slimming Solution: Time your meals. Plan to eat all of your meals between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. This allows for a 12-hour fast every night, which is best for anti-aging and boosts weight loss. Meal timing is paramount, and it's best to aim for three meals and one snack daily.

  2. They drink way too much sugar.
    Slimming Solution: Replace those sugar-spiking juices and gourmet coffees with a cleaner, metabolic boosting, and much more delicious Double Chocolate Mocha Latte. This one simple change can help you lose 7 pounds in 7 days because of its nourishing properties that help lower blood sugar levels, block cortisol (the stress hormone that wreaks havoc on our waistlines), and boost metabolism by 25 percent.

  3. They overcomplicate their workouts and push themselves too hard, which makes them even hungrier.
    Slimming Solution: Treat a weight loss workout like brushing your teeth. Do it daily and make it such a habit that you can do it without thinking about it.

    These moves keep your body in working order by strengthening it as we get older.

    Warning: These moves do not require any equipment or expensive gyms, so you save time and money and get fitter fast. You’ll spend the time you normally would driving to the gym getting it done instead. This is the "no excuse" workout that anyone can do anywhere anytime. It's better if you incorporate these moves into your day.

    + Chair Squats
    + Door jam, counter top or desk push ups *Can be done on one leg for balance
    + Chair Dips
    + Chair Crunch a la Frog kick style or Crunch with your legs on chair
    + One Legged Side raises

    Aim for 10 of each and increase reps as it gets easier. You can also do a super slow technique and focus on the squeeze.

Don’t forget; lean bodies are not made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen. There is no reason to kill yourself or risk getting injured to get in shape. This is the year of working smarter not harder!  

This is the year you're going to do it. Are you feeling determined? All you have to do is follow the plan each day. You'll want to sign up for my free newsletter for inspiration and delicious metabolic boosting recipes. And be sure to follow me on social media (@LisaLynnFitness) for weekly contests where you can win free products and read all about others just like you who have transformed their bodies and lives.
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