How To Cheat And Still Lose Weight

How to cheat and still lose weight - halloween cnadyHalloween typically means lots of candy everywhere. The foods we crave are lurking around every corner, and this can be hazardous to your waistline. That's why it's so important to turbo-charge your metabolism before those temptations present themselves.

Whether we want to admit it or not, most of us end up eating more than we care to admit, especially around holidays and special occasions. The only way to come away from a "bad eating day" is to plan for them ahead of time by giving your metabolism a jolt, so it's in high gear. This will allow you to burn more calories even while you're sitting at your desk.

There are a few simple tricks that can allow you to enjoy a few treats without gaining an ounce. It's all about balance. After all, we're only human and live in the real world. It's important to be honest with yourself and have a snack attack plan.

Below are three simple steps you can take to safely boost your metabolism so that you burn more calories all day long; not only on Halloween but any day that you know you're going to overeat. These steps will keep the candy from making a permanent home on your thighs. In fact, these metabolism boosters can help you lose weight even when cheating.

Metabolism Boosting Tip #1 - The day of indulging and the morning after

Boost your metabolism 25 percent to accelerate your weight loss and detox the sugar. Drink a LynFit Complete Protein Shake made with a handful of spinach to alkalize your body. It will not only keep you healthy but also keep cravings in check, so they don't get the best of you.

Take (1) LynFit Accelerator with Raspberry Ketones (which is loaded with additional appetite suppressing agents) to give your metabolism an extra jolt. The Raspberry Ketones will help kill cravings, so you have control over the candy rather than the candy controlling you.

Metabolism Boosting Tip #2 - Do the math and know the numbers first

Before you cheat, know the numbers. Knowing your caloric, fat and carb allowances will allow you to plan out your cheat splurge ahead of time so you can eat what you love and still lose weight. We all have a "cheat allowance" to spend every day, and if you know your numbers, you can plan ahead and factor it into your daily caloric intake. Bottom line, if you're counting calories, carbs and sugars, and you've boosted your metabolism into high gear with Step #1, those calories don't stand a chance.

We should all know how much fat and carbs we are supposed to eat every day so you can budget these "extra expenses" into your daily caloric intake. Knowing your numbers can help you lose a pound a day without eating perfect. In my book, "The Metabolism Solution", I go into detail about how many calories you should be eating each day, as well as the magic number of carbs to stick to if you're serious about melting belly fat. Do you know your numbers? If not, that may be why you're not losing weight.

Metabolism Boosting Tip #3 - Allow your body to cleanse

Allow your body to cleanse by not eating for 12 hours after your last meal, and repeat Step #1. An example: If you ate your last candy bar at 10 pm on Halloween, don't eat again until 10 am the next day. This allows your system to cleanse itself and lowers blood sugar levels before beginning to load up on food again. Lowering blood sugar levels is a secret to losing weight. This trick also reboots your sweet tooth and kills cravings.

In conclusion, you can enjoy those "bad eating days" without fear of it ruining all the hard work you've already done. The key; advance planning.

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