Simple Mistakes That Stop Weight Loss

"Eat less, move more"—whether you're trying to lose weight, melt fat, or muscle up, I'm sure you've heard this advice before. But losing weight, burning off stubborn fat, or gaining lean muscle isn't as easy as it sounds. Especially if you're over age 30 and you'be been losing and regaining weight for most of your life.

The truth is that in today's world of over-processed foods and ginormous portions most people struggle to lose weight. If you've endlessly been working to lose weight but haven't seen any significant results, you're probably making one of these mistakes.

You're Starving Your Body of the Protein it Needs

This has nothing to do with starving yourself, but it does have to do with starving your muscles and feeding your fat cells, which slows down your metabolic rate, making you soft and flabby (including your face). Think of it this way, would you be able to build a bonfire if you didn't have enough of the right kind of wood? Absolutely not!

Your metabolism works the same way, with the same concept. It's not going to magically begin to increase the right amount of specific nutrients to start burning fat again, which increases your likelihood of losing weight. This means that protein needs to become your priority and you'll need sufficient amounts of it.

Most of us get too much of the wrong kind of protein—hard to digest, high in fat, and wrong kind of carbs. Yet we wonder why we can't seem to lose weight or melt off that stubborn body fat. The fact is if you don't consume enough of the right foods, your metabolism is being turned off versus being turned on. This leads to your body not being able to use the calories you're feeding it, so they get stored, and you keep gaining weight, or not losing. Every calorie you eat is either used for repair or to make hair, skin, nails, and preserve or grow lean muscle tissue—or it's stored. It's that simple.

Remember this the next time you go off on an eating frenzy, thinking you'll only have a little. Every little bit counts!

Without the right amount of nutrients and sufficient or adequate calories, no matter how much you exercise you cannot lose weight. And you certainly won't burn off fat. What you eat is 90 percent of your success. Simply put, working out will not help your weight loss if you're not eating right.

Now, you're probably wondering how much protein you would need to consume to boost your metabolism and preserve lean muscle tissue, which is what keeps your metabolic fires burning hot and prevents that dreadful metabolic slowdown. An easy way to figure out this number is to take your lean body weight (use your goal weight) in pounds and plan on consuming one (1) gram per pound of that lean body weight. If your goal weight is 120 pounds, your daily protein target is 120 grams of lean, metabolic boosting protein.

This is best achieved using LynFit Complete Protein Shakes, Lean Bars, and fish. They are lowest in fat, thus the best for weight loss. That's why celebrities and professional athletes use these tools versus trying to eat food. Plus, they are quantifiable, so you don't guess if you ate too much or too little. Using protein weight loss tools can nail your numbers every time.

After a few weeks, if you still don't feel you've boosted your metabolism enough, try upping your protein by having a Lean Bar. Lean Bars are made with the same superior quality protein used in LynFit Protein Shakes. Or, add a piece of white fish instead of chicken at dinner, to keep fat grams low, but protein high enough to make a change in your body.

You probably think that there's no way you'll have time to consume that much protein every day. A lot of times this can be true, which is why pre-planning, meal prep and having the right tools such as LynFit Protein Shakes and Lean Bars is going to be your best friend. They make losing weight and melting belly fat faster and easier.

Starting off, you should divide your protein up, so you're consuming protein 4-5 times daily, spaced 2½-3 hours apart. But, if you want quicker results and a better boost, divide your meals, so you're consuming six meals daily. If you think that's too much protein, use one (1) scoop of protein powder instead of two (2) in your shakes. Or, use the new Egg White Protein—it's lower in calories and carbs.

If you don't think you'll be able to eat up to six meals daily, you can try adding a little extra protein powder or ½-1 Lean Bar to your meals so you nail your protein quota. And, don't forget to start your protein-boosting early, around 6-7 a.m., and stop by 8 p.m. each night in order to get it all in. It's okay if your protein shakes are closer together—2-2½ hours is okay. You'll find that you're not hungry at all, and that's a good thing!

You're Lacking in Energy and Need that Extra Boost

Your will is the most powerful muscle in your body. If you want something bad enough, you're going to do whatever it takes, and work your tail off in order to achieve it. Losing weight is no different. You must have a sense of urgency, and urgency requires energy. Why?

Let's say you're doing weightlifting using 3-5 pound weights, and you're able to do ten reps without breaking a sweat. Do you think your muscles are breaking a sweat? Of course not. You have to have a sense of urgency and power in your workout, and that sense of urgency will require extra energy—a kick in the pants. That's where LynFit Daily Power Shot comes in. It's the perfect way to ensure your body is getting the nutrition needed for that urgent push to accomplish your goals. It's the ultimate energizer!

You would have to juice over 30 pounds of produce to get the same nutrition that you'll get with Daily Power Shot. It is the most complete liquid mineral colloidal multivitamin available, delivering unparalleled nutrition, fast, all-natural energy we all need more of.

You're Not Sleeping or Getting Enough Rest

Weight loss and workouts push your body to the limit, which increases your sleep and rest demands. Getting enough quality sleep can boost weight loss because your HGH (Human Growth Hormone, responsible for anti-aging and burning fat) levels are at their highest when you're sleeping. 

Quality sleep also balances cortisol levels that may be stopping you from losing weight, melting off stubborn belly fat, and becoming stronger. There is a study that directly correlates lack of sleep and high cortisol levels. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that breaks down muscle, and that is the absolute last thing you want when trying to melt fat and lose weight. That's why I suggest everyone try LynFit Lean Sleep, which is also an antioxidant that can help boost your immunity and reduce joint aches and pains.

Your Hormones are Out of Whack

If you're over age 40, you need a boost—a hormone boost, that is! If you're a male, you need a testosterone booster, and if you're a female, you need to balance your hormones by reducing the stress hormones and increasing the good hormones that help you feel good and slow down the aging process. Additionally, you need to boost thyroid function so you can lose the "middle-aged spread" that's now covering your six-pack. 

LynFit Thyro-Boost features powerful ingredients backed by separate human clinical trials that show it to boost testosterone, decrease estradiol, and reduce cortisol levels, keeping your thyroid working up to par, so you stop gaining weight and start losing weight.

You charge your cell phone at night, right? So do the same thing with your body, so it's performing at its best. Take Thyro-Boost every day!

You're Not Consistent

Making the necessary changes to help achieve your goals is one thing—sticking with it is another. You can't expect to see significant results if you only put in the time and effort for just a few weeks. You need to remain consistent with your nutrition and make sure you're getting enough exercise. It's that consistency and frequency that get results.

There's nothing wrong with taking a few days off from your workouts to recharge your body, or even splurging one or two meals weekly. Everyone needs a little upzig now and then, and God knows we all need down time. But allowing yourself to slip back into bad eating habits, not get enough rest or getting lazy, stop you from seeing results. It's those bad habits that will cause you to lose all the progress you worked so hard to achieve.

You need to commit 100 percent in your nutrition and do your best, if you're serious—really serious, about losing weight. I can guarantee you'll never be sorry that you did. But you'll be sorry if you don't. Don't quit on yourself because YOU CAN DO IT!

Need help? Email us at and visit us on social media (@LisaLynFitness) for more inspiration and tips. We may even answer your questions there!


Kick Hunger and Cravings to the Curb

Tired of making the same weight loss resolutions every year, only to watch them slowly fade away? 

The secret to your weight loss resolution is kicking hunger and cravings to the curb, and the best way to do that is increase your protein intake.

Eating high protein foods helps suppress appetite-controlling hormones

The hypothalamus in the brain controls appetite and satiety (fullness). Hormones secreted by our body, high blood sugar levels, and stress all play a role in making us feel hungry and cause cravings that we can't always control.

Dietary proteins strongly influence these, which helps explain why protein intake is so important for weight loss as well as maintaining lean muscle tissue. When you're dieting, rule #1 is feed the muscle but starve the fat, so it leaves.

A study from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that the protein content of our meals had a strong influence on hunger hormones.

Increasing protein can be as easy as enjoying a high-protein breakfast to kill cravings before they begin. LynFit Pure Whey makes this easy to do and at the same time, saving you time and money. Pure whey also gives your metabolism a boost, helping you lose weight easier.

How much protein do you need per day? You need one (1) gram per pound of lean body mass or your goal weight. If you want to weight 120 pounds, aim for 120 grams per day. When you are losing weight, stressed, or working out, your protein needs are slightly higher to preserve lean muscle tissue that keeps your metabolism revved.

You want to aim for 24 grams of lean protein four (4) times daily. This almost gets you to your goal. If you add the protein that is found in other foods you'll nail your goal.

  • 24 grams = one serving of protein 
  • One (1) serving of protein is usually 3 oz., however. This can vary (white fish may be 4 oz.) 
  • White fish is better than chicken for weight loss and if you like larger portions, choose fish over chicken

Protein examples:

  • Chicken breast 
  • Fish 
  • Shrimps 
  • Two (2) scoops of LynFit Whey Protein
  • LynFit Lean Bar 
  • Egg whites

If you're busy, nailing your numbers isn't easy unless you have the right tools. That's where having the right protein shake or protein bar is the secret to your success. A LynFit Lean Bar a day helps keep hunger and cravings away!


We'd love to hear about your success. Please feel free to send us your progress to And, don't forget those Before and After photos.

Make sure you follow us on social media: @LisaLynnFitness, for daily fit tips!

Boost Your Thyroid to Boost Your Weight Loss

LynFit Thyro Boosting Weight Loss KitIf your metabolism is a revved engine, thyroid hormone is the gas. But when you have hypothyroidism, or your thyroid has begun to slow down (which is inevitable as we age), your thyroid gland doesn’t make enough of the hormone. A slower metabolism can make it hard to lose weight, but it has other negative effects as well, such as fatigue and weakness. Here's how to get a metabolism boost when hypothyroidism is slowing it down.

Hypothyroidism and Metabolism: What’s the Connection?

Thyroid hormone isn’t the only component involved in metabolism, but thyroid hormone is essential and is needed to run nearly every organ system in the body.

More often, problems with losing weight have to do with fluid buildup, which can happen when a slower metabolism causes a slower heart rate.

Other symptoms of hypothyroidism may include fatigue, sleepiness, weak muscles, constipation, feeling cold, cognitive problems, dry skin, a hoarse voice, lower appetite, joint pain, and menstrual changes.

According to the Canadian Thyroid Association, an estimated 200 million people in the world have some type/form of thyroid disease, and more than 20 million Americans have a thyroid disorder, with less than half being properly diagnosed.

This certainly was my story, and I struggled for years with depression and weight gain. With the debilitating fatigue, I was always getting sick, yet my doctors couldn't agree on the proper way to treat it or if they should treat it all, despite my suffering.

The more I learn about the thyroid, the more I realize we need to be in touch with our body and keep them nourished and healthy—especially our thyroid function. Sadly, doctors don't take it seriously enough, despite the fact that the thyroid gland controls every organ function, specifically our metabolism.

As we age, it's inevitable that our thyroid function will decline. It will also decline when we decrease calories and try to lose weight. Thyroid hormones also directly affect heart rate, cholesterol levels, muscle contractions and relaxation, skin and hair growth, mood, and memory (brain fog). What I find the most annoying is the upset to the digestive system, also known as constipation, that can cause us to get stuck in a weight gain rut.

Weight gain, difficulty losing weight, and fatigue are the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism. As you can see, they certainly aren't the only ones.

An underactive thyroid can also severely affect your health, and it's going undetected. Some endocrinologists will go so far to say they think the blood test for low thyroid function are a waste of time, leaving you to rely on knowing your body and to be able to recognize when it's not functioning properly.  

In this article, I'm going to help you understand why you need to boost your thyroid, even if you've never struggled with thyroid issues before. At some point, as you age, you will be dealing with a sluggish thyroid. 

    Bottom line — without enough thyroid hormone, which is produced by keeping your thyroid well-nourished and healthy, every system in your body slows down. You'll feel tired and sleep a lot but never feel recovered. Weight gain almost always occurs, which is why most people end up at their doctors for treatment. Without enough thyroid hormone, attaining your ideal weight and melting body fat is practically impossible.

    How is hypothyroidism diagnosed?


    An optimal TSH level should be less than 4.0, not the currently accepted 4.7 rebooted by most labs—which is why most good endocrinologists believe the blood test for this is a waste of time and money.

    Free T3 and Free T4 should be the middle of your lab's reference range, and your thyroid antibodies should be negative.

    I always suggest that my clients get copies of all lab reports and carefully read them over to stay on top of findings your doctor could easily miss, or dismiss because they don't feel it's worthy. If you don't feel well, speak up until you get your needs met. Frankly, I suggest finding another doctor who will listen to you. It's not just your weight loss that will suffer—your health depends on it.

    What symptoms should you pay attention to?

    Thyroid symptoms vary greatly and not all individuals will show the same signs. If you are experiencing two or more of the following symptoms, you should consult your doctor and begin to nourish/boost your thyroid right away.

      • Unexplained weight gain or inability to lose weight
      • Constipation / digestive issues 
      • Food intolerances
      • Allergies 
      • Frequently feeling cold despite the room temperature or intolerance to cold 
      • Dry skin
      • Brittle hair
      • Splitting nails 
      • Hair loss 
      • Irregular menses or heavy menstrual bleeding
      • Poor memory 
      • Depression 
      • Constipation 
      • Decreased sex drive/libido  

    These symptoms are not the worst part of a hypothyroidism diagnosis. It doesn't end once you begin treatment. Taking medication for thyroid issues doesn't fix or cure your condition, it only treats the symptoms. So if you thought you would just get a prescription for thyroid medication and you would magically begin to lose weight, and your troubles would be over, you couldn't be more wrong. Sadly I see this dilemma all too often, and that's why it's important to treat your thyroid holistically to get the results improvements you’re looking for.

    I spend 10 hours or more weekly studying thyroid issues and seeking alternative ideas. I turn over every rock, searching global ideas, vs. one-trick pony methods. Here is what I've found.

    The thyroid gland needs very specific nourishment to stay healthy and function optimally. It requires outside help by taking supplements daily, such as LynFit Thyro-Boost. The thyroid functions best when fed the proper diet and requires specific exercise (not all exercise is created equal). The more you support your thyroid, the better it will be.

    Before we begin nourishing your thyroid to boost its function, it's important to understand what's slowing it, to begin with. Hypothyroidism is a very complex disorder that can also be caused for different reasons, even if you never struggled with it before.

    What are some reasons your thyroid may be slowing down?

      • High cortisol levels (stress hormones) that may interfere with the conversion of thyroid hormones into the active form that closely regulates metabolism.
      • Excess consumption of soy-based food products and beverages may decrease thyroid activity in the body. Now you know why I hate most protein bars and shakes (especially vegan ones) that are made from cheap soy. That's why they cost less than $2.
      • Nutritional deficiencies may also prevent proper manufacturing or functioning of the thyroid hormones in the body. For example, iodine (found in seafood and iodized salt, but not sea salt), zinc, tyrosine, and selenium are necessary for optimal function of the thyroid.
      • Not getting enough sleep can change your metabolism, according to the National Sleep Foundation, which recommends that most adults get about seven to nine hours of sleep a night. If you're not sleeping, you need LynFit Lean Sleep. It helps to balance hormones and makes melting belly fat off easier. It will help you sleep without slowing your metabolism the way other night time sleep aids may.
      • High levels of estrogen (being overweight can cause this) or a deficiency of progesterone can hinder thyroid function. Many menopausal women using estrogen replacement therapy drugs or supplements can develop symptoms of an underactive thyroid and may need to increase medication and or supplement dosages to help boost thyroid function and begin to lose weight.
      • The thyroid may fail to produce enough thyroid hormone as a result of an autoimmune response against the thyroid (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis) or many other thyroid problems within thyroid function itself.
      • Toxic levels of mercury that typically result from mercury fillings in the mouth or from consuming large amounts of mercury-laden ocean fish inhibit thyroid function. Worst offenders: swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, shark and most tuna (see The Metabolism Solution for the best choices).
      • Consuming foods that contain gluten. WARNING—it's lurking in a lot of foods, especially most diet and weight loss, low-carb foods such as Medifast, and many others. My philosophy is when in doubt, don't! LynFit Nutrition always makes sure gluten is not found in any of our supplements or meal replacement shakes or protein bars. Can you say that about the one you’re eating every day?
      • Eating too many raw cruciferous vegetables, also known as goitrogens, that interfere with thyroid function or its ability to use iodine (food for your thyroid). Foods you are probably eating every day such as kale, (you know the big bunch you add to your shake every day) as well as broccoli, cabbage Brussels sprouts, just to name a few. It’s okay to eat a small amount of these foods if they are lightly steamed.
      • Eating too many peanuts and peanut butter. This popular legume is very acidic and contains those pesky goitrogens. This includes PB2.
      • Overconsumption of soy and flaxseed oil (including flax seeds). These oils can act like estrogen and may force the thyroid to make more than usual which eventually wears it out, so it doesn't function as well.

    I’m sure you’re saying, "Oh my! I eat those foods every day. It's no wonder I can't lose an ounce." I've been there, and I know firsthand how that feels. That's exactly why I specialize in weight loss for difficult metabolisms. I'm in the club too.

    Not to worry—it's not your fault, and there's more hope than you think. If you follow the special instructions provided you will begin to lose weight faster and easier than ever before. If your weight loss slows, reread this and get back on track 100 percent, and you'll begin to lose weight again.


    If you have been experiencing thyroid symptoms, or you even think you have, there are natural methods that may help support your thyroid function. The good news is you can and should incorporate these steps along with your doctor's advice to address your symptoms. The more ways you can support your thyroid the better it will function. Do not rely on medication to alleviate your thyroid issues. It just won't be enough to help with your weight loss.

    Boost #1: Avoid The Thyroid Destroyers for 14 Days

    To boost your thyroid, you'll need to remove the foods that have been keeping it running optimally while helping to balance your hormones. Some of these foods may be forcing your thyroid to work harder so avoiding them for two weeks may help alleviate some of your symptoms.

      • Raw cruciferous vegetables: These are the vegetables that contain goitrogens that may interfere with the thyroid's ability to use iodine. Lightly steaming these vegetables helps but it's best to avoid them for two weeks.
        Brussels sprouts
        Collard greens
        Mustard greens
        Bok choy
        Chinese cabbage
      • Soy and flaxseed oils (as well as flax seeds):. These oils can act like estrogen and may force the thyroid to make more hormone than usual, wearing it out and eventually slowing it down. *NOTE: Most store-bought weight loss products, especially cereal, and protein bars, contain soybean oil.
      • Peanut butter and peanuts: This popular legume is very acidic and contains goitrogens.
      • High Mercury fish: Mercury is a well-known thyroid disruptor. Stick to white fish (refer to The Metabolism Solution for the best choices). Remember, the lighter and whiter the fish, the better for your metabolism. A high-fat fish and may contain higher levels of mercury. The worst offenders are (salmon is good for you but is a high-fat fish):
        King mackerel
        Orange roughy
        Ahi tuna
        Bigeye tuna

      It's best to avoid the foods mentioned above for two weeks. Remember to replace them with the foods your thyroid loves, such as white fish, whey and leafy greens like spinach, and romaine. Use oils such as extra-virgin olive oil, sesame oil, or cold pressed canola oil. The best option is to take (2) LynFit Pure Omega 3 every day to feed your thyroid. LynFit Pure Omega 3 is purified to make certain it's pure and free of all contaminants, making it the best Omega 3 you can buy.

      If you decide not to remove these foods, you'll be aggravating the imbalance you have in your stress hormones and blood sugar hormones while also hampering your metabolism, which may prevent you from losing weight and increase your symptoms.  

      The following foods should also be removed and avoided from your diet for 14 days to help detox your body of thyroid inhibitors. These foods are considered inflammatory or allergenic, meaning they also can cause joint aches and pains. 

        • Dairy products:
          Sour cream
          Cottage cheese
          Pre-made store-bought protein shakes (this does not include LynFit Protein Shakes — LynFit Whey Protein Shakes are the only one of its kind that are micro-filtered to remove all traces of dairy products.
        • Gluten products and foods that contain gluten:
          All wheat
          Durum semolina
        • Corn:
          Corn chips
          Corn muffins
          Fresh corn
          Frozen corn
          Potatoes — White potatoes and sweet potatoes
        • Oils:
          Hydrogenated oil
          Palm kernel oil
          Translate acids
          Soybean oil
          Corn oil
          Cottonseed oil
          Vegetable oil
          Limit your intake of safflower and sunflower oil. A good virgin olive oil is allowed.
        • Alcohol — cut out completely
        • Caffeine — decrease or eliminate, if possible. If you absolutely must have a cup of coffee in the morning, drink it black, or use LynFit Complete Protein Shake as a leaner creamer.
        • Sugar
          Agave nectar
          Maple syrup
          Any food that contains sugar, such as soda, juice, packaged foods, candies
        • Citrus fruits — use sparingly (lemons and ½ cup of grapefruit are allowed). All others should be avoided for 14 days.
        • Red meats and processed proteins:
          When in doubt — don't!

        Boost #2: Consume the following thyroid-favorite, anti-inflammatory, thyroid-boosting foods/nutrients for 14 days (Aim for at least one serving daily)

          • Vitamin A to activate your thyroid balance. The best way to get you Vitamin A is in LynFit Daily Power Shot. You can also get Vitamin A from eating  ½ cup of tomatoes.
          • Iodine: This nutrient is a thyroid-favorite food, and we don't get enough of it. Iodine is essential for healthy thyroid function because it helps it produce the hormone thyroxine, or T4, one of the metabolic hormones produced by your Thyroid when it's working properly. The best way to meet your requirement for iodine is by taking LynFit Thyro-Boost three times daily.
            You can also get iodine be eating seaweed, or making sure to eat seafood and fish. Seafood and fish contain iodine which is why it's the best food to eat when losing weight; however, it's best to supplement with LynFit Thyro-Boost to guarantee you're getting the proper amount.
          • Selenium: Mandatory for normal thyroid function. The best way to meet your daily Selenium requirement is through LynFit Daily Power Shot.
            Brazil nuts also contain Selenium. Remember, however, that Brazil nuts are very high in calories so eat only one.
          • Tyrosine: This essential amino acid is necessary because our thyroid gland combines it with iodine order to make thyroid hormone. If you're deficient in it (and most women are because they don't eat enough protein), your thyroid can't perform its task. That why it's critical that you drink a LynFit Metabolic Boosting Protein Shake every day to provide your body with what it needs while boosting your metabolism, making weight loss faster and easier. Tyrosine is also found in LynFit Thyro-Boost.
            You can also get Tyrosine eating egg whites and turkey breast.
          • There have been studies suggesting a connection between hypothyroidism and vitamin D deficiency. For instance, research published in 2013 in the International Journal of Health Sciences found that people with hypothyroidism were deficient in vitamin D. The bottom line: Take a supplement like LynFit Vitamin D3 Boost if you’re deficient. Testing for deficiency is as easy as getting a blood test.
        (1 handful) Spinach
        (½ cup) Water or green tea
        (3–4) Ice cubes
        Blend it all together and drink up to boost up!

          • Vegetables: Unlimited amounts of vegetables except for corn. Don't forget to limit the cruciferous vegetables or at least steam them.
            Starchy vegetables are not the best for weight loss and should be limited. These include squash, turnips, pumpkin, beets, carrots, and peas. If you eat them, limit to portion and frequency. If they disrupt your weight loss, it may be better to avoid them altogether. Especially during the two-week detox.
          • Fruits:
            Green apples
            Berries (all)
            Limit or avoid oranges, tangerines, canned fruits, fruit toppings, raisins, dates, and dried fruits.

          If weight loss isn't an issue and you’re still losing weight, your daily food list may also contain one serving of the following foods. Be sure to weigh and measure, so you know how much one serving is, and read labels as these foods may vary. Most of the time, one serving is a little less than the size of your fist.

            • Rice or rice products, including gluten free rice cakes
            • Beans: All beans are allowed during this time, however, be sure to measure your servings as beans are higher in calories than most of us expect, so we tend to overeat on them, which slows weight loss.
            • Nuts and seeds:
              Brazil nuts
            • Lean proteins (2–3 servings daily)
              LynFit Complete Whey Protein
              Turkey breast
              Egg whites
              All forms of fish and seafood except those previously mentioned (King Mackerel, Marlin, Orange Roughy, Shark, Swordfish, Tilefish, Ahi Tuna, Bigeye Tuna)
            • Fats and oils: Canola, olive oil (extra virgin) and coconut oil are best. Be sure to measure out portions and stick to one serving daily.
            • Sweeteners:
              Sugar alcohols

            Boost #3: Turbocharge your thyroid with a cheat day, also known as an upzig or refeed

            While the weight loss process always includes becoming conscious of how many calories we eat and modifying accordingly so we lose weight, studies have shown that eating a cheat meal once a week is essential for anyone who is trying to lose weight. This is especially important for those of us who suffer from underactive thyroids.

            Upzigging our calories prevent your body from going into starvation mode while decreasing your calories; aka dieting. It also helps to keep our T3, the active type, running optimally, which boosts metabolism and may help make losing weight faster and easier.

            I don't suggest that you have your cheat meal until you've completed 14 days of the Boosting Plan. As a lifestyle, you may be able to have a cheat meal weekly. 

            How do you know how often you can cheat or on which foods you should cheat on? Your weight loss will dictate how often and on what you can cheat on. If you gain more than two pounds, you went too far. It's always easier not to gain weight in the first place, so you never have to lose it later. This can be a way to enjoy a glass of wine or your favorite dessert weekly, so you don't feel deprived.   

            Cheat days are a great way to incorporate special events like weddings or travel, so plan ahead, or plan on not losing!

            Rev Up With the Right Kind of Exercise

            We all have the ability to increase metabolism with exercise. Both cardiovascular and strength training exercise are important for boosting metabolism. Strength training exercises like weightlifting build muscles, which help burn more calories. Stretching, core, as well as cardio exercises, including walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and aerobics, also help boost metabolism.

            Higher intensity cardio exercise is more effective at improving metabolism than lower intensity exercise, so try to do metabolic workouts and incorporate them into your exercise routine. Exercise can impair weight loss when you have hypothyroidism so if you’re feeling tired opt for Recovery Stretch or Lean Core instead until you feel better.

            Bonus Tip — Keep a Food Diary

            As The Metabolism Solution says, "If you bite it, write it!" Your daily caloric intake can quickly skyrocket unless you log everything you eat and drink. On the other hand, it can also help ensure that you're on track and not overeating. Keeping a thorough and honest food journal is important, especially for someone with hypothyroidism, to track your intake. A diet high in lean protein, healthy Omega 3 fats, and a lot of leafy green vegetables is best for thyroid function.

            For optimal results, combine these boosting steps with the LynFit Lose 1 Pound Per Day Kit to turbocharge your weight loss.

            Introducing LynFit Thyro-Boost — A Natural & Effective Solution for a Sluggish Thyroid

            LynFit Thyro BoostThe #1 reason people cannot lose weight and diets stop working is due to their thyroid slowing down as a result of the caloric restriction that's necessary for weight loss. So what are you supposed to do? Boost it to keep it functioning at an optimal pace so you begin losing weight again — and keep it off.

            I struggled with thyroid issues that negatively affected my weight loss attempts, despite being treated with prescription medications. So finally, after 25 years, LynFit Nutrition brings you its first-ever thyroid enhancing formula.

            LynFit Thyro-Boost is a unique, custom blended liquid supplement specifically designed to help fight symptoms of an underactive thyroid while reigniting your metabolism, allowing you to feel better fast.

            LynFit Thyro-Boost is an all-natural cutting edge product that combines the most important potent ingredients all backed by scientific research. We use the most advanced methods such as a cold-extraction process to refine the most potent, bioavailable form of these ingredients possible. Then, we filter them into a liquid extract formula for maximum absorption.

            This unique custom blend was designed to:

              • Safely boost metabolism
              • Improve mood
              • Improve focus
              • Improve energy
              • Help alleviate dry skin, constipation, and hair loss associated with hypothyroidism

            LynFit Thyro Boost

            Prescription medications for thyroid issues simply treat the symptoms; they don't address the underlying issues. LynFit Thyro-Boost addresses the underlying issues and symptoms you face when you have an under-active thyroid such as intolerance to cold, constipation, hair loss, dry skin, and inability to lose weight, just to name a few. 

            An underactive thyroid affects every aspect of your life. Lack of energy and excess weight that you can't seem to lose, no matter how hard you try, may leave you drinking cup after cup of caffeine-loaded beverages that negatively affect your weight loss. Craving the wrong types of food can leave you depressed and hopeless. All of this can leave you feeling helpless and eventually stop trying, thinking it’s out of our control.

            LynFit Nutrition specifically designed Thyro-Boost with all of this, and you, in mind.

            LynFit Thyro-Boost can be used in conjunction with your prescription medication. It may actually make it work the way it should. Thyro-Boost nourishes the thyroid and supplies it with the fuel it needs to work properly, allowing it to do its job vs. doing the work for it, which eventually backfires and makes things worse.

            LynFit Thyro Boost


            Step #1: Provide the nourishment your thyroid needs to function from natural sources using pharmaceutical quality and dosing using extracts that have been cold extracted (heat damages the quality)

            We combined the top three most important minerals to nourish your thyroid and make it healthy again such as Iodine, Selenium, and Tyrosine. We set out to find the most nutrient rich herbal and plant sources of these three super-hero ingredients, sought out the highest quality you can find in the United States only, and made sure they were handled with care, extracted only under the purist most advanced conditions.

            LynFit Nutrition used only cold-extraction to ensure the ingredients you need to feel better don’t get destroyed in the processing. We found that this was the best way to get a potent, bioavailable concentrated form of these ingredients. 

            LynFit Nutrition uses only the best sources and will never cut corners. These nutrients weren’t artificially created in a lab and formed into a tablet because we know that hypothyroid bodies don’t have the best digestion, so you almost never get what your body needs the most. That’s why we went the extra mile and had it made in liquid form. 

            Step #2: Enhance thyroid hormone output with Coleus Forskohlii (also found in LynFit Carb Edge)

            Coleus Forskohlii is an amazing ingredient that supercharges the thyroid, enhancing hormone output that tends to slow down when calories are reduced (especially when dieting to lose weight). It tricks your body into acting like a thin person and teaching it to burn more calories.

            Because Thyro-Boost is a liquid extract, it easily soaks up the iodine for nourishment, so it builds up your thyroid to give it the fuel it needs to send thyroid hormones throughout your entire body. Feeding your thyroid is like fertilizing your garden—it helps everything move a little faster.

            Step #3: Balance and optimize delicate hormone balance with Ashwagandha  

            Ashwagandha is known as an 'adaptogenic' herb. Studies confirm that it has a balancing effect. It has been known to balance cortisol (the fat storing, weight gain stress hormones), reduce fatigue, boost brain function, and even help alleviate depression and improve mood.


            While most thyroid supplements give you synthetic Tyrosine (a chemical form), LynFit uses Spirulina, a natural form; blue-green algae, which has the highest concentration of Tyrosine of any other natural source. This high quality of Spirulina also has much more. Spirulina is also a good source of:

              • Protein, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Copper, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium, Potassium, and Manganese
              • A balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids
              • Rich sources of antioxidants

            LynFit Thyro Boost


            Q: What exactly does Thyro-Boost do?
            Thyro-Boost is a custom-blended natural remedy that provides your body with all the nutrients it needs to support your metabolism. Each ingredient was carefully chosen and hand-picked to nourish your body, assisting in the production of thyroid hormone, and the healthy functioning of your thyroid.

            Q: How long should I use Thyro-Boost
            Thyro-Boost can be used as a daily nutritional supplement for those who struggle with an underactive thyroid. With an underactive thyroid, there isn’t a quick fix. We recommend adding it to your daily health regimen to truly get the most out of it.

            Q: How soon will Thyro-Boost begin to work for me?
            With regular use, most report noticeable improvements in energy levels and motivation in the first week or two (some sooner!) with continued, gradual improvements after that.

            Q: How is Thyro-Boost made?
            Thyro-Boost is a custom-blended, cutting edge product that combines the most important potent ingredients, all backed by scientific research. Best of all, we use a cold-extraction process to refine the most potent, bioavailable form of these ingredients possible. Then, we filter them into a liquid formula for maximum absorption.

            Q: Is it okay to combine Thyro-Boost with other LynFit products?
            Absolutely! In fact, we recommend it.

            LynFit Thyro Boost Order Now

            *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This dietary supplement product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

            How To Avoid The "Freshman 15"

            School is right around the corner. It's not too late to lose that extra weight you put on this summer and boost your metabolism so you can avoid that dreaded "Freshmen 15". If you're a parent that worries, and I'm guessing you are, I'm going to bring you peace. 

            The dreaded "Freshman 15" was only the start of weight gain frustration for me. I ended up gaining 40 pounds. Yes, you heard right—I was 40 pounds heavier than I am now. At my height, that's far too heavy. I became a vegetarian and over-exercised. All that did was slow down my already dead metabolism. To make matters worse, I was and still am, hypothyroid. I struggle with an evil sweet tooth and a love of food that can stop me from losing weight dead in its tracks. You can read about my teen food struggles in my book, The Metabolism Solution.

            The good news is, I was so desperate to lose that excess weight that I made it my personal mission to learn everything I could about sluggish female metabolisms. To this day, I continue to study for over an hour every day to find ways to make losing weight faster and easier for anyone who wants or needs to lose weight. I've spent over 25 years developing my metabolic boosting system that teens and their families can use to boost their metabolism, kill cravings, recalibrate appetite, and make losing weight so simple you can't "not do it". Unless of course you're not ready to lose weight yet.

            But first, let's back up for a moment. It's this time in a teen's (remember, our teens are adults now) life that makes or breaks their weight for the rest of their life. Most people can relate to the "Freshman 15" phenomenon—from high school freshman to first-year college students. The truth is it can happen to anyone at any time. So if you need to lose weight, you'll want to hear these three simple steps that jumpstart your weight loss by flipping the fat/weight gain button to "off", while flipping the fat burning switch "on", safely and naturally. The best part? This system is healthy so you can live on it, making life so easy. No thinking, planning or complicated meal prep that usually requires time-consuming clean up. Now, more than ever, we need simple, not complicated. Especially when it comes to losing weight.

            First, it's important to understand how the metabolism works so you can lose weight and keep it off for life. Most of us think we know what fuels our metabolism and what slows it down. But if you're not losing weight you need to forget everything you've learned about weight loss and reboot your thinking. Most of what we've learned about weight loss is all wrong.

            When it comes to losing weight, it's all about the speed of our metabolism. The speed of our metabolism is determined by the following factors:

            • Genetics
            • Activity level
            • Diet
            • Hormones

            Young college age women are thought to be the only ones who fall victim to "adult metabolism". The truth is; it happens to all of us at some point. Adult metabolisms are slower than the "all you can eat childhood metabolism" we all enjoyed when we were younger. For some young women, this shift happens when they begin menstruating. For others, it can happen earlier or later, ranging in age 10-years-old and up.

            My husband is one of those "I can't gain weight" guys—until he hit 50. Then the middle age muffin top became a problem. Luckily I've got the solution. The entire family can join in, which is better psychologically for a young adult. No one likes being singled out—especially teenagers. It makes them feel like they are being attacked. After all, weight gain is a family affair, so weight loss should be too. 

            How do you know if you have a slow metabolism? For in-depth details, read The Metabolism Solution and take the Slow Metabolism Test. But for now, let's keep it simple. If you have 10 or more pounds to lose, the odds are that you have a slow metabolism. It may be because of a medical condition or simply because you're not eating enough thermogenic foods. You may be eating foods that work better for weight gain. Can you say juicing? You may also be over or under exercising, when what you need is metabolic boosting exercise because it addresses the underlying issues—a sluggish metabolism.

            A lot of factors play a role in a slow metabolism. It's helpful to know, however, that anyone who has weight to lose has a  slowed metabolism. Did you know that shorter people have slower metabolisms and require a metabolic boosting approach? The good news is these three simple steps will reboot your metabolism allowing anyone to lose the "Freshman 15" before school starts. These tips will help anyone lose 1 pound a day and melt belly fat fast. 

            STEP ONE—Breakfast Boost: Eat thermogenically to boost metabolism by 25 percent while switching cravings to "off" and heating up your metabolism. This can be as simple as boosting at breakfast with a delicious LynFit Complete Protein Shake /Smoothie (don't add fruit or any type of milk) exactly 12 hours after your last meal. Don't like shakes? No problem. You can substitute the shake with a LynFit Lean Bar
            *NOTE: LynFit Complete Protein Shake is the only shake that's specially designed to do this.

            STEP TWO—Skip snack time and sip yourself slim instead. Snack time was meant to end once we become adults. But the snack companies who invented "adult snacking " want us to eat snacks for the wrong reasons—profits. They don't care about your waistline. Most of the time we aren't even hungry. It's just a bad habit we've gotten ourselves into to eat in between meals. In fact, if anything, it's usually thirst we mistake for hunger. Drink hot tea or water in between meals when trying to lose weight. If you're an emotional eater (I sure am) and food rules you, eat a green apple, or any apple for that matter, to turn off hunger. However, keep it a fresh apple from the tree. Apple chips and apple sauces are processed, and while they are better than a donut, they affect blood sugar, which stops weight loss.

            STEP THREE—Reshape your body and boost your metabolism with the right kind of workout. I suggest that you stop the workout you're currently doing (it's not working for you) and switch to metabolic boosting workouts. Metabolic boosting workouts have exactly what your body needs to boost your metabolism without adding bulk. The best part? Metabolic workouts can be done in your home or dorm room. That saves you time and money. They can also be modified to accommodate any knee or shoulder injuries. I should warn you—they are extremely contagious and almost every person who starts doing these at school becomes the popular metabolic boosting trendsetter. 

            For more details on the complete plan, you'll want to read The Metabolism Solution. In it you will find:

            • Metabolic boosting cleanse to kick things off more aggressively
            • Metabolic boosting plan for people who need a tiny bit more food
            • Metabolic boosting workout, complete with photos
            • Thermogenic food list so you know exactly what to eat as well as what not to eat
            • Slow metabolism test
            • Legal snack foods to choose and stock up on for the college-bound young adult
            • Over 100 delicious, quick and easy recipes

            Moms: Joining your "young adult/ teen" is an excellent way to stay connected. We all need support when it comes to losing weight and life lessons. I dare you and your entire family to take the Weight Loss Challenge to improve your health and boost happiness. If your teen needs additional support or mom, you have questions about your teens program, book a Phone Consult with me.

            It Worked For Her, It Can Work For You: A Life Changing Transformation

            My life's mission is to help anyone who struggles with weight loss by teaching them how to avoid the pitfalls and diet traps I fell into. I am thrilled to share this makeover with you. Unlike most makeovers you see on television and in ads, this makeover is 100% real and authentic. In fact, "First for Women" magazine just featured this story because it' so special.

            You may recognize this special lady from being on the cover of my book, "The Metabolism Solution". I'd like to tell you why I chose her. I get thousands of stories submitted showing dramatic transformations, but this one was very different. You see Janine faced every obstacle possible and any one of them could have stopped her from losing weight and getting fit. Instead, she decided to fight this battle and was willing to do whatever it took: Full surrender, all in 100%. And guess what? She has lost 85 pounds and dropped 8 pants sizes, despite the fact that she suffered with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and debilitating pain from rheumatoid arthritis. She could barely get off the couch, let alone exercise.

            Janine hated herself. Can you relate? I can. She saw me on the Dr. Oz Show and decided to email me for help. This is the very reason why I answer all of my emails. Considering the sheer volume that I receive it might take me a couple of days to get through them all, but I do answer every single one of them myself. I know the depression, sadness, and loneliness that can completely surround you, having gone through being overweight and suffering with depression myself. I can't afford to let one cry for help go unheard.

            After Janine emailed me I suggested that she begin by replacing her breakfast and lunch with a LynFit Complete Protein Shake (made with water and ice only) to boost her metabolism. For a healthy dinner, focus on 3 ounces of fish and a huge serving of vegetables and a salad. I also suggested that she begin taking LynFit Carb Edge twice a day (at lunch and again at 3pm) to help lower her blood sugar, which is the secret to losing weight faster and easier. Another recommendation was that she take LynFit Recovery Agent twice a day, as recommended on the label, instead of all the over-the-counter medications she was using to ease her pain. Those over-the-counter pain medications also slow metabolism and sap energy. And the most important thing I told her? If you follow the plan you will lose 1 pound a day.

            Notice I didn't tell Janine to exercise? There was a good reason for this. Exercise can be helpful when it comes to boosting metabolism but it can also  slow your metabolism if it's not done the right way. I also don't focus too much on exercise at first because lots of people think they will only lose weight if they exercise, and that's just not true. The right diet will allow you to lose weight even without exercise. Also, many people use exercise as an excuse to eat more, justifying it since they worked out. I wanted to prove to Janine that she could quickly lose weight no matter how sluggish her metabolism was - even sitting on the couch.

            Janine noticed fast results. Her bloat, fatigue and depression lifted, and her energy returned which made it easy to stick to the plan. She also gained control of her emotional eating. Since she was feeling better and drinking Protein Shakes she wasn't focused on what she was supposed to be eating. She got busy with life instead. Actually, she says that drinking the Protein Shakes was the best thing she had ever done. It made losing weight fast and easy and saved on the grocery bill as well. She used the time saved eating to walk outside and get some moderate exercise. She dropped from a pants size 20 to a size 4 and no longer needs treatment for any of her health problems. Enough of me telling you about her - let's hear from this special lady herself.

            "I marvel today at the difference in my life. I used to take 9 prescription drugs a day - now I take none. I became healthy, but most importantly, I became whole. My weight loss has not only changed my life but my whole family is happier and healthier because I learned how to take care of me. My teenage daughter has also lost 65 pounds because I no longer have as much junk food in the house. She is now happier and doesn't get bullied anymore."

            A personal glimpse into Janine:

            Favorite Supplements and Routine: LynFit Recovery Agent (when waking up), LynFit Accelerator (before cardio or lifting), followed by LynFit Cutting Edge and LynFit Omega-3
            Favorite Protein Shake: Definitely green with either Chocolate or Vanilla Protein (both rock!)
            Favorite Recipe: Portobello Mushroom Pizza
            Most Helpful Lisa Lynn Advice: Too many to name just one: Forgive Yourself, It Is Progress Not Perfection, Dig Deeper, Love Yourself

            If you need help, like Janine did, please consider a phone coaching session and these results can be yours too. Janine is now a weight loss coach here at LynFit and she can help you as well.

            You can check out Janine's story at "First for Women" magazine's current issue which is available at newsstands and by subscription at the time of this writing.

            Are you ready to lose 1 pound per day? I dare you!

            Are You a Carb Addict?

            Ditch Food Cravings in 24 Hours in 3 Steps!

            A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that drug addicts and carb junkies have a lot in common when it comes to cravings. 

            Did you know that findings show that the quick spike and subsequent crash in blood sugar that comes after eating highly processed carbs activates the reward and addiction center of the brain much like the cravings a drug addict would experience?  The study suggests avoiding refined carbohydrates as a good weight-loss strategy to offset strong cravings that carbs induce. 

            But how easy is it for a carb junkie to go cold turkey?It can be extraordinarily difficult to just cut carbs out of your life and I find it’s one of the biggest obstacles most of my clients have to achieving their weight loss goals!  When it comes to carbs you have to have an intervention of sorts to really shock your body and brain into a new way of thinking.  Of course, not all carbs are bad! For example, whole grains and carbohydrates in vegetables take a long time to break down, raising the blood sugar slowly, whereas, refined carbs are the real culprits (such as sugar, corn syrup and white flour) that cause sharp spikes in the blood sugar. And it’s the refined carbs that most of us find ourselves struggling with that causes the brain to crave even more food as a reward. 

            Here are three refined carb intervention techniques that you can use to recalibrate your mind and ultimately your body, from unwanted food cravings within 24 hours! 

            Intervention Technique #1:  A Green Apple A Day – You can effectively shut off your hunger hormone having a green apple mid-morning, as shown in the LynFit meal plans. Green apples are a low-calorie snack that contain no fat or cholesterol and has less fructose than a red apple. They are effective at shutting down your hunger hormone because they have the ability to lift blood sugar to just the right level. Plus, the antioxidants in green apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by excess belly fat or an "apple shape." 

            Intervention Technique #2: Control the Slip Ups with Supplementation: In any intervention there will be an occasional slip up; someone in the office will order pizza or if you don’t have that slice of birthday cake you’ll offend someone. Sometimes it’s impossible to go through the day and not expect that we will encounter a carb dilemma which is why I recommend taking the LynFit Carb Edge (link to LynFit Carb Edge) which has white kidney bean extract called Phase 2 that literally paralyzes the enzymes that digest starch so carbs cannot be broken down into sugar. The Phase 2 white kidney bean extract has been clinically shown to reduce starch digestion and promote weight loss. It works by temporarily binding with the enzyme that digests starch, preventing a portion of the carbohydrates from being broken down into sugar and stored as fat. One capsule before a meal can block up to 65 percent of unwanted carbs without causing gastric distress according to a study published in Nutrition Business Journal. 

            Intervention Technique #3: Make Your Own Dunkin’ – Dessert drinks and ice cream are some of today’s most tempting fast food pick-me-ups.  Turn any Dunkin’ Donuts dessert drink into a protein based treat that will not only kill food cravings but can also help boost your metabolism!  To fight against the urge, a home-made Metabolic Boosting Mocha Protein Latte (link to Protein Shake Recipes) can give you the satisfaction of a frothy dessert without hijacking your brain into addiction mode.

            Whey Protein (link to Complete Protein Shakes and Lean Bars) is also known for halting the stress hormone known as cortisol (which increases blood sugar and depresses the immune system) and keeping it from rising.

            For more tips, visit: LynFit's Facebook Page

            The Lean Sleep Secret

            If your metabolism is DEAD, you’re storing fat around your mid-section and live in a chronic state of exhaustion; lack of sleep may be your problem!  I have battled with my weight and depression my whole life and that caused my cravings for sugar and carbs to spiral out of control.   I have learned that I NEED my sleep.  In fact, I revolve my life around going to bed on time because I feel that much better when I wake up.  The problem is that I can’t always sleep or I fall asleep but wake up a lot during the night.  I began taking over the counter sleep aids but that only made me feel worse.  I began waking up feeling groggy, bloated and felt like I was gaining weight by the day. I decided to go to the health food store to buy something all natural. Little did I know that just because it's 100% natural does not mean it won’t slow my metabolism down.  I have one of THE slowest metabolisms and I didn't want to make it any slower!  

            This is part of my story and why I study metabolic syndrome aka; dead metabolisms for at least 1 hour every day and decided to create my own line of supplements that were high quality, clean & pure so they enhance your metabolism versus slow it down the way most commercially bought supplements and over the counter medications can.

            There are so many different things we do daily that slow our already sluggish metabolisms.  Supplements & medications are some of the worst offenders!  Sleep aids, anti-anxiety medications and anything that SLOWS down our bodies processes will slow down our metabolism!  DON'T STOP taking them if you are under the care of your doctor BUT begin trying to ween off them by adopting a healthier lifestyle.  In the meantime, you can ease your symptoms with a better alternative that boosts your metabolism and improves your health!

            Take a curious look into your medicine cabinet and look for the words "ANTI" .  Any time you see the word "ANTI", you’re most likely slowing down your metabolism!

            Here is the secret about sleep that no one talks about yet is at the core of your cravings.  Here is why not sleeping makes us store fat especially around our stomachs hips and thighs not to mention.........

            • Crave sugar and carbs to pick us up/energize us
            • Raise blood sugar levels
            • Are tired/lack energy to workout
            • Depressed
            • Anxious
            • Achy/arthritic
            • Causes hormone imbalances
            • Lowers your immune response - GET SICK easily

            Anxiety caused by fatigue is THE top REASON WE CAN’T CONTROL what we eat.  The best way to deal with chronic over eating, cravings and BELLY fat is to improve your sleep!   Improving my sleep has made a huge difference for me.  I wake up feeling better so I want to exercise!

            Did you know that it's when we sleep that all of the magic occurs for weight loss?  During the deep sleep our systems heal & repair, blood sugar levels decline and our systems reset & reboot themselves. Most people think this happens in the gym, but it’s when we sleep deeply that our bodies perform these miracles.   Prioritize your sleep the way you prioritize your workouts (you are doing that right?) 

            How do you know if you’re sleeping enough to affect your metabolism? Seven hours of sleep is best for your metabolism and it’s better if you sleep deeply for your system to be prompted to reboot.

            Here's what the earth-shattering new research has revealed, and why lack of sleep could be stalling your ability to lose weight and keep it off:

            • We are more likely to experience major weight gain (defined as 11 pounds or more)
            • We are more likely to struggle with depression and anxiety
            • When we sleep less, we burn less -  General energy expenditure was 5 percent less than it is when you get a good night's sleep, and after our meals we burn 20 percent less calories. 

             Imagine how much weight you’ll gain if you over eat fat storing foods like carbs and sugar combined with the 20% reduction in caloric burn?  That’s an easy weight gain and belly fat prescription!

            • Sleep less, eat more – People who got only 5-6 hours of sleep at night ate 350-500 additional calories the next day.
            • Sleep less, crave more. This is probably the biggest revelation about the connection between sleep and weight loss—and the biggest challenge for you if you're not getting at least 7 solid hours of sleep each night. Sleeping too little impacts your hormone levels. Lack of sleep impacts them so much that it’s being blamed for the number one reason we eat out of control, crave and can’t stick to a diet.
            • Insufficient sleep raises the levels of ghrelin, the hormone that tells you to eat. When it comes to weight gain and loss, this hormone plays a leading role.

            Ghrelin's job is to boost your appetite, increase fat production, and make your body grow—all of which are fine things if you're a lanky 12-year-old. But as you get older, Ghrelin's effects can seem pretty darned undesirable. It's a cinch to figure out why this hormone is the last thing a dieter needs to have circulating in excess.

            I bet you’re wondering, if we are so tired why can’t we sleep?  Sometimes it's just how we are hard wired or maybe your life has been so stressful that you’re chronically over stimulated causing you to live in the high cortisol environment, causing you to store fat and gain weight.  Even positive stress like over exercising or happy events can affect our hormones and stimulate cortisol.  This is why living a lean Lifestyle is crucial for long term health and weight loss.

             Reasons we can’t sleep:

            • Lack of Melatonin – Natural Melatonin levels decline gradually after the age of thirty.  Some of us produce very small amounts of it or none at all.  This is why, if you are over the age of 30, you need to supplement with Melatonin daily!
            • What is melatonin you ask? Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland located at the base of the brain that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. This hormone is a derivative of the neurotransmitter serotonin and the amino acid tryptophan.  Guess what? Sluggish metabolisms tend to be hormonally imbalanced and make too little melatonin and it becomes a vicious cycle!
            • How does it work?   Melatonin’s role is as A SLEEP REGULATOR.  Our bodies have their own internal clocks that help regulate the natural cycle of sleeping and waking hours (circadian rhythm) by controlling the production of melatonin. Usually, the levels of this hormone begin to rise in the mid- to late evening, remain high for most of the night, and then decline in the early morning hours. 
            • Why do we need to supplement with Melatonin?  Because our natural production is greatly decreased and affected by lights and how we live, such as; light from TV’s (especially those left on at night), smart phones, computer screens and alarm clocks all inhibit melatonin production.  You’ll notice the shorter days of the fall and winter months, Melatonin production may start earlier in the day. This change can lead to symptoms of winter depression, when some people feel more tired and they need more sleep. 

            The good news is................Melatonin can do more for you than just help you sleep!  Melatonin gets you lean while you sleep it's also very good for your health. Here's why!   Melatonin is the most powerful ANTIOXIDANT!  In fact it's considered the best!

            Did you know Melatonin plays a role in stimulating other antioxidants. That’s what makes it a truly unique antioxidant. It is considered more powerful than vitamins C, E and A, because it is soluble in both fat and water and can enter cells that vitamins cannot. Unlike other antioxidants Melatonin does not store in the body which is why it’s important to take every night!


            I was using a nighttime sleep aid and it wasn't helping because it was causing cravings by elevating my blood sugar and I was feeling terrible when I woke up in the morning.  I switched to the Lean Sleep and the cravings went away!   PF

            I was using a store bought brand of Melatonin and although it "helped", I did not sleep soundly through the night.  I decided to try the LynFit Lean Sleep and I had the best nights sleep in a long long time!  SV

            BUY NOW & SAVE $5 and GET SOME SLEEP!! (Click HERE To Get Your Lean Sleep Today!)